Chapter 94 - The Deluminator

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I tried desperately to fall asleep, but to no avail once more. I knew Ron had said they were alright, but I could not help but imagine the worst. After all, who knew what could have happened between the last time Ron had been with them and now? I realized then that tears were streaming down my face and I swallowed back a sob. I missed him. I missed him so much. Please, I said to myself. Please let him be safe and unharmed. Please.

A soft knock on the door made me jump slightly. The door opened slightly and I saw Ron standing in the doorway.

"Are you alright?" He asked in a low voice.

I nodded quickly as I wiped away my tears, but he gave me an unconvinced look. Closing the door behind him, he came to sit at the end of the bed.

"Can't sleep?"

"No," I said quietly. "Never can."

He was silent for a while before he spoke up. "Harry's the same, you know?"


"He'd always stay up past his watch, and whenever Hermione and I would be too tired he'd replace us in a heartbeat," he said. "He didn't say, but I knew he was thinking of you. I could tell how much he missed you."

"I miss him so much," I said, barely above a whisper.

He moved closer and hugged me. "Don't worry, we'll find them."

"How?" I asked.

"I don't know," he said honestly, "but we will. I promise."


I smiled to myself as I woke the next morning to find that Ron had fallen asleep at the foot of the bed. I had a quick breakfast with Fleur in the kitchen and thanked her before going back upstairs, where Ron was just waking up.

"What are you doing?" he asked as he glanced at all the open books.

"I'm trying to find something to help me figure out where they might have gone next," I said. "Did Harry see anything else that might have given him an idea of where the next you-know-what might be?"

Ron sighed. "No," he said. "The last thing we found out was that the sword can kill you-know-whats, only  — "

"Only we don't know where the sword is, I know," I said.

There was a moment of silence.

"Hold on," I said and turned to him once more. "Remember, last Spring, Harry said Dumbledore believed the last three you-know-whats had something to do with the founders of Hogwarts. The Locket was Slytherin's, but then Harry mentioned Dumbledore thought Hufflepuff's cup could also be one."

"We could find the next Horcrux and probably find Harry and Hermione as well," Ron said.


We began to look through my books for any mention of Hufflepuff's cup. I was browsing through Hogwarts: A History when Ron began to flick the lights on and off using hid Deluminator, most likely unconsciously.

"Ron," I said.


The room became dark again, making it impossible for me to read.

"Ron, stop that!" I said and this time I thought he looked up to me.

"What? Oh  — er  — sorry," he said.

He clicked on the Deluminator and the lights went back on.

"Thank you," I said.

I leaned over my book once more but jumped when I heard a voice.

"Ron. . . ."

"What?" he said, but frowned once he saw my expression.

"Ron, that wasn't me," I said in a low voice.

"Ron. . . ." the voice sounded again, causing Ron and I to exchange a dumbfounded look.

"That came from  — "

"The Deluminator," Ron said. "Yeah, I know."

We looked at it curiously, but it looked the same as it had moments ago.

"Remember Ron?" the voice said. "When he broke his wand, crashing the car? It was never the same again, he had to get a new one."

"Hermione!" Ron and I said in unison.

But nothing else was heard.

"That was — "

"Yeah," Ron said.

"But how?" I asked.

Ron shrugged and clicked on the Deluminator, as though hoping it may say something else. The lights went off as they usually did, but then another light appeared outside the window. It was a bluish ball of light, pulsing slightly, reminding me strongly of the light emitted by a Portkey.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Let's follow it," Ron said, a determined look on his face.

I quickly threw the books back into my bag and followed him out into the garden, where the small ball of light was floating. I looked to Ron curiously as he walked toward it ever so carefully as though he was afraid it would run away. I was so concentrated that when it moved I jumped slightly.

Ron and I exchanged a look before following the light, which was leading us further away from the house. The light suddenly stopped moving before it began to move toward Ron, where, to my utmost surprise, it went straight through his chest.

"What the — "

Ron turned to me and pointed to his heart. I moved closer to him and placed my hand on his chest, frowning when I noticed how hot i was.

"Ron — ?"

"I know where to go," he said.


"I know where they are, Liz," he said. "I know where Harry and Hermione are."

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