Chapter 36 - Gryffindor's New Keeper

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I sat in front of Ron and Hermione in the Great Hall. The table was filled with delicious sweet and savoury breakfast dishes, but I had no appetite. Hermione and I had stayed up well into the night worrying about Professor Umbridge's class, our OWL's, and of course, Harry, whom had not spoken to us since he had stormed off last night.

"Do you ever stop eating?" Hermione asked Ron, who had been stuffing his face with numerous sausages.

"What?" He said with a mouthful of said sausages. "I'm hungry."

I chuckled as Hermione shook her head, but her expression changed as she looked ahead to my right, making me turn around.

"Harry," She said, surprised- and glad to see him here. He smiled slightly at them before his eyes landed on me.

"Can we talk?"

"Er, Sure," I said with a small frown as I stood up. The others looked at me questioningly, but I simply shrugged. I followed as he led me out of the common room.

He looked around nervously before sighing. "You can see them too, can you?" He asked.

"See what?" I asked with a small laugh.

"Those things pulling the carriages," He said, the smile fading away from my face almost immediately.

There was a short moment of silence. "Yes."

"Since when?"

"Since always."

"Why didn't you say anything?" He asked. "I looked like an idiot when no one else could see them."

I smiled slightly at his uneasiness. "No one thought you looked like an idiot."

He chuckled, then seemed to hesitate. "Luna... She said you can only see them once you've seen someone die."

My smile faded away once more, which only seemed to confuse him more. "Yes, that's what I read as well."

He leaned in closer, his eyes begging me to talk even though I could tell he was trying not to pressure me.

"My mother," I said simply, not trusting my own voice as I looked down at me feet.

"Your mother?" He said, pondering. "I thought you said she died when you were four?" He said gently as he grabbed my shoulder.

"She did."

The bell suddenly rang, announcing the start of the classes, and I sighed in relief.

"We don't want to be late for potions," I said.

We stayed in silence all the way down to Snape's dungeon, and I was more than relieved when I saw Hermione gesturing for me to come sit beside her.

"What happened?" She asked. I shrugged, but knew I would have to speak to her soon, she was always able to read right through me.

"Settle down," Snape said coldly. There really was no need for him to say this, though, for the class fell silent the moment he shut the door.

"Before we begin today's lesson," He began as he walked to the front of the classroom. "I think it appropriate to remind you of the important examination you will be sitting in June," He said in a most monotone voice. "Moronic though some of this class may be, I do expect you to get an 'Acceptable' in your O.W.L., or suffer my... displeasure."

His gaze lingered on poor Neville, who gulped. The rest of the class was long and uneventful, and I was glad when the bell rang and it was finally the weekend.


Around five o'clock Hermione and I walked down to the stadium to show our support to Ron, who was trying out to be Gryffindor's new keeper. We sat down and talked about a bunch of things until it was Ron's turn to be on the pitch. We shouted encouragingly, but I had to admit to myself that the others had done a better job. Katie Bell was able to score twice in a few seconds, making me frown.

"Come on, Ron!" I shouted as the Quaffle soared in his direction.

After about another half hour, Ron joined us outside the pitch, a wide smile spread across his sweat-soaked face.

"I did it!" He said. "I'm the new keeper!"

"Ron, that's fantastic!" Hermione said.

"Yeah, good job!" I added. "Come on, let's go celebrate!"

We talked and laughed as we made our way to the common room, the rest of the Gryffindor team not far behind us.

"Mimbulus mimbletonia!" I told the Fat Lady, who swung forward once more.

Hermione and I sat down on a sofa as Ron went up to change. We all cheered when he came back down. Fred and George began handing everyone butterbeers, and soon enough, the entire common room was filled with the loud cheering and laughter of students enjoying Friday night. There was suddenly a loud bang and a few shouts and I looked to see the Weasley twin's surrounded by a bunch of bloody-nosed first years. I turned around and saw Harry walking in, a deep frown on his face. Ron ran toward him, beaming as he told him the news.

"Hey," I said as I arrived beside them, "You alright?" I asked Harry and handed him a butterbeer. Ron walked away and I was about to say something when Angelina came rushing toward Harry.

"Sorry I was a bit short with you earlier," she told him. "It's not easy, this managing lark."

Harry shrugged it off, but Angelina was still standing there. "Listen, I know he's your best mate, but he's not fabulous," she said rather bluntly. "I think with a bit of training he'll be all right, though. He comes from a family of good Quidditch players. Anyway, we're having a practice session at two o'clock tomorrow, so just make sure you're there this time. And do me a favour and help Ron as much as you can, okay?"

I was about to go sit down beside Hermione- who had fallen asleep amidst the dozen hats she had been knitting for the house elves when Harry grabbed my arm.

"Listen, I need to tell you something," He said worriedly and I nodded. "I was just up in Umbridge's office and she touched my arm and my scar became really painful."

I frowned, understanding what he was getting at. "You're worried that You-Know-Who's controlling her like he controlled Quirrell?" I asked and he nodded.

"It's a possibility, isn't it?" He said in a low voice.

"I don't think so, Harry," I said and he frowned. "I mean, he's properly alive again now, he's got his own body. He could have her under the Imperius Curse, I suppose..."

"But last year your scar hurt when nobody was touching you and didn't Dumbledore say it had to do with what You-Know-Who was feeling at the time? I mean, maybe it was just a coincidence?"

"She's evil," He simply said.

"Well, yes," I chuckled. "But... look, can I just be honest?" He nodded. "I really think you should just talk about all this to Dumbledore, I don't like this one bit."

"No," He said and I sighed. "It's not a big deal, it's been hurting all summer and it was just a bit worse tonight-"

"I'm sure Dumbledore would want to be bothered with this, Harry-"

"Yeah, my scar's the only part of me he cares about," Harry said.

"Don't say that!" I involuntarily raised my voice, making a bunch of people around us stare. I smiled at them, shrugging it off before turning back to Harry.

"I think I'll write to Sirius," He said, making me stare at him with wide eyes.

"You can't put that in a letter!" I said as I grabbed his arm. "Remember, Moody told us to be careful with our letters. We just can't guarantee owls aren't being intercepted anymore!"

"Alright, alright, I won't tell him, then!" He said irritably, but I ignored his tone and nodded, thankful that he was somewhat still being reasonable.

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