Chapter 57 - King's Cross

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I woke early the next morning, a content smile on my face even though we were leaving Hogwarts. I knew dark times were ahead and that for being friends with Harry, we would surely be in grave danger soon. But for some reason, I still felt content. Perhaps it was knowing I would see my dad, or what had happened with Harry yesterday, that shielded me from these dark thoughts. I spoke not to Hermione about the kiss, I did not really know why. Ron was weirdly calm as we walked toward the train, and so I knew Harry had not told him either. His hand brushed against mine as we walked, and I looked up to see him staring at me, a small smile on his lips.

"You know," he said, "I've been thinking about something Dumbledore said to me."

"What's that?" I asked.

"Even though we've got a fight ahead of us, we've got one thing Voldemort doesn't have," he said and we all looked to him curiously. "Something worth fighting for."

We all smiled to each other, an odd sense of hope dwindling inside us. Hermione and I went ahead to find an empty compartment while Harry and Ron went to the toilet.

"Harry keeps staring at you," Hermione said casually as we sat down.

"Oh, really? I hadn't noticed..." I said, blushing despite myself as I avoided her gaze.

She raised her eyebrows at me, unconvinced, but said nothing as the boys walked into the compartment followed by Ginny, Luna and Neville. Harry sat down beside me and smiled, causing both Hermione and Ron to stare at us curiously. Hermione started to read a copy of the Prophet as Ginny and Luna were looking at something in The Quibbler. Ron turned to Neville to play a game of wizard chess after Harry had told him he did not feel like playing.

I saw Cho passing in the corridor, but Harry did not look at her even though I knew he had seen her. He turned to me instead and offered me a pumpkin pasty he had purchased off the trolley. We ate the pastries in silence before he frowned as he stared at me.

"What?" I said after I had swallowed another mouthful.

"You— er— you've got something on your—" he said as he gestured to his mouth. I giggled slightly as I wiped the side of my mouth, but he chuckled as he shook his head. "Here, let me—" he leaned in to wipe the bit of pumpkin from my face, his thumb brushing against my lips.

It took us a moment to realize everything was quiet around us. I turned around and saw everyone staring at us with their mouths agape.

"No," Ron said breathlessly after a moment. "Are you—?"

Hermione gasped loudly. "I knew something happened between you two!"

"What d'you mean?" Ron asked, turning toward Hermione as though the conversation did not concern us.

"Last night they both arrived late at the feast and they seemed rather friendly," Hermione said with an accusatory glance in my direction.

This time it was Ron who gasped, making me jump slightly. "Did you two—," he said with wide eyes, "you know, er—kiss?"

Ginny stood up and pulled Luna and Neville out of the carriage, but not without winking at me before disappearing into the corridor.

"So what if we did?" Harry asked and I stared at him, eyebrows raised in questioning.

"So you did kiss!" Hermione squealed and I felt myself blush again as Harry scooted closer to me. "Why didn't you tell me?" She asked me with a slight pout.

"I, er, I dunno," I said with a chuckle.

I frowned slightly when I felt the train slow down, indicating that we would soon arrive at King's Cross. I reluctantly stood up when it stopped completely and followed Harry outside. I smiled as I saw Mad-Eye, Tonks, and Lupin alongside Mr. and Mrs. Weasley waiting on the platform. I let go of Harry's hand and rushed to meet Lupin, who was smiling at me.

"How are you, dear?" He asked as he hugged me.

"Good," I said as I nodded. I smiled uncertainly as I noticed the dark circles under his eyes. I was trying to find something to say, anything that might make him feel better, but he simply placed his hand on my back and motioned to something on his right with his head. I frowned as I turned around, but smiled when I saw the familiar figure of my dad a few feet away.

"Dad!" I said as I ran toward him.

"How are you, pumpkin?" He asked with an anxious, knowing look. "Your godfather told me what happened."

I frowned, not failing to notice he would not even use Lupin's name, but nodded in response.

"You should be proud of her, Greg," I heard Lupin say behind me, "she really was brilliant," he said with a smile in my direction as I turned to face him.

"I'm sure she was," my dad said with a faint smile of his own.

"Liz!" Hermione said as she ran toward me. "Oh, hi Mr. Rosier," she added as she smiled at my dad.

"What is it?" I asked her as my dad and Lupin talked in hushed voices beside us.

"Mr. Weasley said we could stay with them for a few weeks before term starts this summer, will you come?" She asked.

"Of course!" I said. "Maybe you could come to my place before that?"

"I'd love that!" She said and hugged me. "Listen, I've got to go—" she gestured to her parents who had finished talking with the Weasley's, "I'll write to let you know when I'll be coming, ok?"

"Yeah, alright," I said and hugged her once more before she left.

I saw Harry about to leave and rushed toward him.


He turned to look at me and smiled. "Liz!" He said, grabbing both my arms as I stopped abruptly in front of him.

I gulped as I noticed his aunt, uncle and cousin eyeing us suspiciously. "You'll write to me this summer, won't you?" I asked.

"Only if you write to me first," he said with a smirk, causing me to laugh slightly.

"I promise."

He seemed to be leaning in toward me to kiss me, but stopped, his eyes glancing at something behind me. I turned my head slightly to my left to see my dad eyeing us suspiciously. Blushing, I turned back toward Harry, who quickly pecked my cheek before slowly walking away. I smiled widely despite myself and walked back to my father, who eyed me curiously. I waved goodbye to Ron as my dad grabbed my hand and disapparated.

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