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It had been days since Zarkon and Elara's argument and they couldn't stand being in the same room together. Helthena, Farah, and Koltor were completely oblivious. Bellatrix and Zanthea were dying inside, they hated the tension, their parents refused to eat dinner at the same time, and at night they'd sleep with backs to each other, witching say anything to each other, Elara would get up earlier than him, doubling her fatigue at the end of the day. Right now she was walking through the halls to do her thing which today was making sure every single is alive and well, it had to be done in to be 100% sure and accurate. She was already in a crappy mood, the entire marriage was on the rocks. Just to be petty, Zarkon didn't give her ring back. On her way to the mess hall, accompanied by Bellatrix and Zanthea, none of them noticed Commander Branko standing a few feet away. He immediately noticed Elara's left hand ring-less.

"No ring, time for a fling." He said, grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

As Branko was about to make a move, he felt a large, clawed, hand grip the back of his neck.

"What did you say?" A familiar, menacing, rage filled voice growled.

"Oh no..."

Mess hall-

"Has anyone seen Commander Branko?" Elara asked the large group of Galra commanders.

They all shook their heads, and Bellatrix and Zanthea have been with Elara the whole time.

"Bellatrix you know what to do." Elara sighed.

"Can't you ask him?" Bellatrix asked.

"No." Elara said.

"But why-"

"Don't start. Just go please, I'm already stressed out." Elara said sternly.

Bellatrix groaned in annoyance and left the room to ask Zarkon a simple question just because he just had to call her mother a worthless bitch. Nice. The moment Bellatrix got her mother's question out Zarkon lost his patience.

"No I haven't and she wants to know where Branko is why?" Zarkon growled as he lied.

"Because she's doing her job?" Bellatrix answered awkwardly.

"Sure... her job revolves around other males doesn't it?" Zarkon huffed.

"What are you implying?" Bellatrix asked, growing angry at her father.

"I think you know." Zarkon said, a snobby attitude.

"You've lost your mind. First you call her a worthless bitch, secondly, you make no effort to apologize, third, you pay her no attention at all which makes her feel useless, which was your goal right? And lastly, you accuse her of sleeping around. Seriously? I'm a teenager and I'd never reach that level of petty and disrespectful." Bellatrix lectured.

"What ever Bellatrix just tell her what said I haven't seen Branko." Zarkon huffed, dismissing the conversation.

"You're turning into a narcissist." Bellatrix huffed and walked away to tell her mother his given answer, leaving Zarkon to think about what she said.

The moment Bellatrix got to the mess hall, her mother and sister noticed she was mad about something.

"What's wrong?" Elara asked.

"Nothing. He said he hasn't seen Branko." Bellatrix sighed. Elara sighed as well before turning back to the group of Galra commanders.

"You're all dismissed." She said, the commanders saluted and left Zanthea, Bellatrix, and Elara.

"There's something wrong Bella, we can see it." Zanthea said, using her sister's nickname.

"What happened? Did he say something?" Elara asked.

"Yes he did..." Bellatrix admitted.

Elara felt anger boil in her. She hated that Zarkon was stressing out their own kids too. She knew what she had to do, she took a deep breath and exhaled heavily.

"I'll go talk to him." She said.

"Are you sure?" Zanthea asked.

"Yes I'm sure. I can't and won't let him keep putting stress on you two." Elara said, she walked out of the mess hall, unaware of was to happen, once she found Zarkon, he sensed her presence and sighed in annoyance.

"What did you say to her?" She asked angrily.

"It's none of your concern." Zarkon said.

"Oh it is. It is my concern when it involves my daughter and it is my concern when you trash talk me behind my back." Elara said.

"Why do you care?" Zarkon mumbled.

"I care because the stress those two girls are carrying is so much worse than mine. They don't deserve to see us argue everyday, eat at separate times, and refuse to stay in the same room as each other. It's ridiculous." Elara said seriously.

"It's not their business." Zarkon hissed.

"Yes it is. We're their parents, they don't have to be stressed because of our dumb arguments." Elara said.

"Your point is?" Zarkon asked, at this point he had his back towards her.

"This is all on you, you blew the last argument way out of proportion, please for the sake of the kid we have who are old enough to understand, calm yourself, I, your wife, am practically begging you to change your attitude." She said, lightly putting a hand on one his of his arms.

What happened next was horrifying. Zarkon was so against her that he grabbed her hand roughly, his claws leaving deep, bloody, claw marks on her hand, she got flashbacks of the beatings she'd endure from Razor in the midst of it. For once, she cowered from him, he could see the fear in her eyes and he snapped out of his rage instantly. He let go of her hand immediately, what he didn't know is that the entire family saw the whole thing.

"Elara I-I'm so sorry. Let me help you." Zarkon said, he reached out to grab her hand and she wouldn't let him touch her, he felt more than awful for hurting her both emotionally and physically.

"Stay away from me... you monster..." she sniffled and walked away to keep herself away from her.

Zanthea followed her mom to keep her company but Bellatrix was frozen out of disbelief.

"Damn it!" Zarkon growled, slamming his fist into a wall.

"Zarkon we know you didn't mean to hurt her, just let her relax." Sendak said.

"But does she know that? I don't think so." Zarkon said.

"She'll come around, give her some time alone." Cressida said.

"But she-"

"Father leave her be, don't make it worse, she'll be ok." Bellatrix said, cutting him off. Zarkon sighed heavily after a few moments of thinking.


Sendak's Sister (once again, shits gonna be weird)Where stories live. Discover now