Struggling Shiro

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Shiro and Zanthea were back on earth and Zanthea's hormones have making his life HELL. Her mood swings were awful. Right now, he was seeking guidance from Zarkon, he's been through it with Elara who's mood swings made her female satan. They were conversing through a long distance holopad video call, Shiro's face was riddled with stress. The Galra ship would be arriving on Earth in about 12 hours or less.

"My gods how bad is it?" Zarkon asked.

"It's AWFUL." Shiro sighed. Zanthea could be heard yelling in the background.


"What the hell was that?" Elara asked walking into the same room Zarkon was in. Zanthea saw her parents through the screen and her whole personality switching.

"Oh hi there!" She said happily.

Shiro mouths the words 'what the fuck,' noticing Zanthea's rapid change in behavior.

"Hi..." Zarkon and Elara said, as if there were scared of their own daughter.

"Goodbye I'm craving cookies... Again." Zanthea said, waking away.

"Dear gods I'm getting flashbacks..." Zarkon shuddered.

"I wasn't that bad." Elara scoffed.

"Really? Are you sure? When you were pregnant with Bellatrix, I could have sworn I married a banshee." Zarkon said.

"Ouch..." She mumbled.

"Goodbye handle this yourselves! I'm no therapist!" Shiro said.

"Neither am I!" Zarkon said, ending the call.

"I still don't believe I was that bad..." Elara said with a scoff.

"Ok storytime!"


Poor, poor Zarkon was eating dinner with Empress Demon and the in-laws, his own mother Athena was invited too, and his father isn't really a fan of Elara at al for some reason he thinks she's pretty bitchy, the woman is hormonal and pregnant, but he still doesn't like her because he thinks she's a gold digger, um no, but Zarkon doesn't care because he loves the space kitty.

"Are you gonna eat all that?" Zarkon asked Elara, looking at her dinner plate seeing there was A LOT of food on it.

"Did you just call me fat?" She snapped, her eyes glowed yellow in fury.

"N-No..." Zarkon said.

"Oh you're screwed." Athena snickered.

"I would never, ever call you fat... One, that's rude, and two, It's dangerous." Zarkon said.

"Never question my ability to eat! Ever! Do you know difficult this is for me? I'm going to gain at least another twenty pounds, clearly I'm with child, I mean come on it's obvious! I feel disgusting. I'm like a space whale! HUGE! And you have the balls to sit there and question my appetite? Your kid is making me eat like there's no tomorrow! This is ALL. ON. YOU. Don't ever question my ability to eat ever again! Understood?" She raged.

Everyone was dead silent, staring at her with fearful faces. Zarkon was as pale as printer paper.

"Of course angel

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"Of course angel... Never again." Zarkon said.

"That's what I thought..." She said.

"That's my daughter indeed..." Vorak said.

"I think I sharted..." Sendak squeaked.

"Zarkon I think you need to get some fresh air." Athena suggested.

"Of course mother... Of course."

End of flashback-

"You brought that upon yourself..." Elara said. Zarkon gasped for a brief moment.

"I quit..."

Sendak's Sister (once again, shits gonna be weird)Where stories live. Discover now