Early birth

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Months later-

      At the moment Elara was with Lotor and Dayak reading him some stories since that was his favorite thing to do with her. Elara started to feel some discomfort but she only thought it was her baby moving around in her, until the pain got worse. She soon realized that those pains were contractions. Her ears pinned down, in pain and her teeth clenched. She yelped in pain and held her rounded abdomen.

    "Mother? Are you alright?" Lotor asked, placing a hand on her shoulder.

    "It appears the baby wants out!" Elara said through clenched teeth.

    "What?! It's two month too early! Go tell Sendak or your father now, Lotor!" Dayak commanded, helping Elara stand up, rubbing her back and holding her left hand.

Lotor ran through the ship's halls, stopping at his father's throne where both Zarkon and Sendak were. Lotor had to catch his breath after running so much.

    "Lotor why are you running? We've already spoken about running in the halls!" Zarkon scolded him.

    "Mother is having the baby! Dayak is with her in the med bay!" Lotor shouted, he was worried for his mother, he saw her in so much pain, he didn't know much about birth so obviously this was new to him.

    "She wasn't supposed to go into labor for two months!" Sendak panicked, Bellatrix came waddling over, as she had been told to go with Lotor.

    "Sendak watch Lotor and Bellatrix!" Zarkon commanded, heading to the med bay leaving Lotor and Sendak behind.

    Once Zarkon got to his wife, she hadn't started pushing yet, though she was having very strong contractions. She was sweating, and clenching her teeth, trying not to scream, thinking that she'd scare Lotor even though he wasn't in the room with her. Zarkon really didn't know how to feel. He felt a tiny bit worried for his wife, not knowing what could happen, other than that completely emotionless.

    "Zarkon I hate you for this!" Elara screamed like many women in labor do.

    "Is this really my fault, Elara?" Zarkon questioned, looking at his wife with a face that just screamed IDGAF.

    "Yes! Yes it is!" Elara shouted at him, forcing herself not to slap him.

    "Elara, you'll need to start pushing soon." Dayak said, sitting in front of Elara. Zarkon had to leave the room.

     "Shit..." Elara said knowing this would take a while.

17 vargas later~

     The med bay echoed with the sound of crying. Elara had given birth to a healthy baby girl, after seventeen long vargas. The baby was named Zanthea by her mother. Zarkon walked in and looked at his daughter and felt something he hadn't felt in a long time... happiness. Elara smiled at her baby girl, those long vargas of pain were worth every tick. Bellatrix looked like a perfect mix of her mother and father but the reverse version of Bellatrix, what was most unique about her was that she had one gold eye and one purple eye. Just then, Lotor and Bellatrix came walking in slowly with Sendak.

     "The Empress nearly passed out twice during the birth, Sire. There is quintessence in the child. Elara will need to rest for a few months to recover, she is very weak at the moment. All of her duties must be pushed aside." Dayak said.

     "It's alright, you three, come take a look at her. Her name is Zanthea." Elara said softly noticing the baby was falling asleep.

     "She's really tiny and she has a little tail." Lotor said looking at his new sister.

     "She kinda looks like me." Bellatrix said, looking at her new sister

     "She looks like you when you were a baby, sister." Sendak said, smiling at his niece.

      "She does look more like her mother. Poor thing!" Haggar interrupted shouting, startling the newborn, and causing the newborn to cry.

     "Was that really necessary?" Elara growled, glaring at Haggar, holding her newborn closer in a protective manner.

     "Leave my sister alone!" Lotor shouted, already being a good protective big brother.

     "Go away!" Bellatrix growled, barring the fang she got from her mother.

      "Don't talk to me like that little brats!" Haggar snapped.

     "Haggar now isn't the time for your negativity. You'd be better off letting my daughter sleep in peace, as well as Elara. So please, see yourself out." Zarkon commanded while scowling, clearly less than pleased with Haggar's behavior.

    "I never liked her..." Sendak said after Haggar left the room.

    "I don't trust her around any of the children. Never have, never will." Elara stated, growling, and holding her newborn closer.

    "She won't dare hurt them. I wouldn't dream of giving her a chance to." Zarkon declared, walking out of the room.

    "Damn that quintessence. It is turning him more emotionless and sickly as the days pass." Elara said sadly, she wondered what kind of a father he would be Zanthea, or any of the children, but only time could tell...


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