Struggles and Arguments

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**beware of some language people**

It was Galra heat season and it was driving everyone but the Monarchs mad. She had enough self control not to go insane. She wasn't in a good mood today though, a few guards threw themselves at her. Zarkon had enough self control as well. Sendak and many other guards chose to lock themselves in their chambers. Lotor, Bellatrix, Zanthea, and Dayak were somewhere else in the ship away from the heated. Elara simply strolled past the throne room where Zarkon was sitting with two guards in the room when one of the two guards lunged at Elara. She yelped and ended up on the ground.

"Get off me you perverted little rat!" She growled viciously, her eyes went purple and she threw the guard off of her. As she stood up, she heard screams of pain. She turned and saw Zarkon attacking that same guard brutally.

"Alright, alright... break it up please." Elara said, rolling her eyes, which returned back to gold. She attempted to pull Zarkon off of the guard but her heart stopped when she looked up and saw him intensely staring at her.

"I'm gonna go now..." Elara said before taking off. "Not today, not today, not today." She squeaked as she lock herself in her room. She sighed in relief as she sat down on her bed. She massaged her temples to calm herself until heard breathing and her eyes shot open.

"Shit!" She shouted when she saw the bad muchacho standing a few feet away from her. He then literally flung himself at her and she dodged him ran towards the door.

"Handle it yourself! There's no way I'm helping this time! NO! MORE! CHILDREN!" Elara growled and ran off again.

"You are evil!" Zarkon growled, angrily looked at her.

"You're one to talk aren't you!?" Elara snapped back.

"You're screwing me over!" Zarkon shouted.

"Good, maybe you'll learn something!" Elara said, leaning at the doorway.

"Like?" Zarkon asked, obviously confused.

"Stop destroying shit!" Elara hissed.

"Not gonna happen!" Zarkon said, pouting a bit.

"Then I'll continue to screw you over! You're not screwing me! Learn some common sense! You don't see me going insane do you!?" Elara snarled, her ears pinned down and her fangs poked out a bit.

"I can't stand you!" Zarkon roared.

"Then why the hell did you marry me!?" Elara asked, her eyes shined purple.

"You were already pregnant!" Zarkon hissed.

"Oh really? That's why you think you did it? Well I'm not anymore so don't bother wasting your time on me! The Zarkon I knew was gone the moment he took his final breath! I don't even know you anymore! So as of right now take this!" Elara threw her ring at him and stormed off in a fit of rage. She felt her heart shatter into a million pieces as she walked out. She knew she was nearing her limit, her life on this damned battleship is so uncertain, anything could happen... she doesn't know what to do with herself. She grew more and more worried about the children and the fate of the universe each day. She had to do something soon.... or countless lives would be lost because of a madman... a man she once called her husband...

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