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"What do you mean test her? Like experiment on her?!" Sendak shrieked. Zarkon was about to give him a heart attack.

"I need to know what that quintessence has done to her. She has it in her." Zarkon said, watching cameras in the command room with Sendak.

"Isn't she already a little scary? She can hear the smallest sound, she has superior scnse of smell, she's incredibly quick on her feet, and she has an ok-ish temper. We shouldn't even be testing her like this, she's pregnant remember?!" Sendak said, losing his cool with Zarkon who gave him a glare and shut him up.

"Calm yourself, the Druid I sent in to test won't actually hurt her. Now call her in now." Zarkon said, keeping an eye on the cameras while Sendak called his sister in.

"There she is, now shut your mouth." Zarkon hissed.


        Elara was walking her way to the command room, mentally cursing herself for even wasting her energy on her tyrannical husband. She then heard breathing, not her own, the hall was empty, or so she thought, she stopped her tracks. Her eyes went completely purple when she caught a glimpse of someone moving in the shadows. Out of the shadows a Druid lunged at her. She didn't need to think, she instantly grabbed the Druid by the neck and tossed it the other end of the hall like it was nothing.

        "I know this is a test, nothing is a secret on this ship anymore. That's the one thing everyone failed to acknowledge. I know exactly what those two are doing at this very moment, they're up watching the cameras, with their jaws most likely dropped to the floor. But then again, I couldn't care less." She said, her eyes back to their golden color. She kept walking to the control room to give the two a speech they'll never forget, but then she stopped again.

       "Don't ever put your hands on me again." She said, glaring at the injured Druid before entering the control room.

        "Hey there sis... I have stuff to do and Zarkon wanted to talk to you so bye." Sendak said nervously, sliding against the wall towards the doors.

        "Don't you leave me alone with her!" Zarkon said, his voice shook a bit.

        "You married her! Deal with her yourself!" Sendak said, sprinting out of the room.

         "Elara, dear, it wasn't me. I would never have somebody do that to you." Zarkon said nervously, grabbing Elara's hand. She smiled, he eased up a bit until Elara scowled and smacked his hand making him wince.

          "Do you take me for a fool? My senses are far better than everyone else's on this ship, including yours so I know exactly what you and Sendak were trying to find out. Well...mainly you. Be a dear and don't try anything like that ever again." Elara said, everyone else in the command room looked at up their wide eyed Emperor with their jaws wide open.

           "A-Alright." Zarkon stammered. Elara rolled her eyes and left the room, questioning why she even deals with Zarkon or Sendak.

Sendak's Sister (once again, shits gonna be weird)Where stories live. Discover now