Reactions to the child

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It was early in the next day and oh boy Elara was DRAINED. She couldn't and didn't get out of bed, this birth was a hundred times harder than the others, and she was still in pain hours and hours after the baby popped out. Zarkon hated to leave her alone with newborn Koltor but he needed to do his job so that's what he was doing right now until Lotor, Bellatrix, and Zanthea strolled into the Command room wondering where their mother was. Zanthea was the one to ask about her.

"Where's mom? She's usually up by now." She questioned.

"She's still asleep, she's very tired." Zarkon said.

"How come?" Bellatrix asked.

"She's not sick is she?" Lotor asked.

"No she's not, yesterday in the afternoon she went into labor. She had given birth at eleven at night. She and your brother are perfectly fine. She should be starting to wake up now, if you wish to see her than I'll check on her and see what she says." Zarkon said. The teenagers nodded rapidly, even though they were shocked that she already gave birth without anyone knowing.

"Very well." Zarkon said as he walked out in the direction of his quarters. The teenagers shared a look of surprise and followed him. Soon enough, the entire family was in the room quietly marveling over the small newborn baby in the bassinet while the very exhausted mother had her space to rest herself. Koltor was still asleep and his eyes weren't going to open for at least a week. Elara's maternal instincts were definitely there, they'd show when she sensed a threat nearby, just because she's asleep doesn't she isn't alert either.

"He's an exact copy of you." Sendak said to Zarkon.

"He's so tiny." Zanthea squealed.

"He looks just like you." Bellatrix said to her father.

"He's lucky to have us as his older siblings." Lotor said,

"All that is true. I feel that It's best you all let them have their space, Koltor is probably going to wake up in an hour or so, and the last thing we need is for her to wake up angry." Zarkon said, glancing over at Elara. The rest of the family soon left and Elara and Koltor were alone and asleep. Elara heard faint breathing, not from herself or her newborn, being alert, her ears perked up and her eyes opened in an instant and looked around the room, she didn't see anyone but ended up picking up her son out of his bassinet and laying down in bed but with Koltor asleep in her arms, just to make herself calm.

She wanted to know exactly who had an eye on her baby and she already had an idea...

Sendak's Sister (once again, shits gonna be weird)Where stories live. Discover now