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Make sure to vote and comment for this chapter for more of the following posts!! I will post more if I hit more votes and more comments!! <3

I'm walking in mondstadt going to the high spot. I sigh and look at all the people around.. "It sure is busy today.." I whispered and looked at my wrist. It has the name barbatos on it... once you turn sixteen a name appears on you hand and that is supposed to be you soulmate or something like that... I don't think it's the real barbatos

I think it's just someone who has parents who wanted to name him after a god.. I didn't really think much of it. But all my friends already found their soulmate.. I sigh and walk to the high place of monstadt. I then heard some soothing tunes.. I looked over to where the sound was coming from..

It was a crowd I couldn't really see who was playing though. I decided to watch.
I went threw the crowd and headed over to the front trying to pass some people.
I stood at the front and saw a boy with navyish blacking hair at the top which blends with aqua at the bottom. His hair was into two twin braids. he had a green hat and outfit and had a lyre in his hands, I assumed it was him who was playing the soothing music.
He looks quite feminine.

I smiled and closed my eyes listening to the soothing music.
And after a couple of minutes the song was already over. I slightly pouted at how fast it ended but gave him a tip. I was about to walk off until someone grabbed my wrist. I tensed up. I looked at who grabbed me and it was the boy. I had slightly a shocked face.
"D-Did i not give you enough m-mora?" I was not very good with people until I got close with them.

He chuckled. "No silly! I see the name on your wrist!" He smiled my eyes widened

"h-huh?" I tilted my head and looked at my wrist "you can see the name on my wrist?" He nodded

"I don't believe you." I was about to walk off until he grabbed my wrist again but more gentle this time.

"I wasn't so sure until I saw my name. Here let me spell it out."
He put his index finger on my wrist and slowly and gently wrote out the name barbatos in the exact same spot..

I went into shock. "You're barbatos?!" He nodded and began to drag me to windrise. To be honest he was fast.

My feet couldn't keep up with the running and dragging but I keep running. We finally stopped. I put my hands on my knees and began to pant. "H-How d-do you run so f-fast." I panted threw my sentence. (That's why you're stuttering!)

"Idk legs?" He said with a sarcastic tone. I scoffed. "I'm kiddingg!" He sat me down against the big tree and he sat beside me.

"Look at my wrist if you still don't believe me." Venti showed me his wrist which began fading but he had the name y/n on it..

"I-It's fading?" I looked at mine and it began fading as well.

"It's official, the names disappear once you meet your soulmate!" He smiled widely

"Hey since you're my soulmate want to be true with you" Venti told me holding both of my hands in his. I nodded with a hum. He sighed "I'm actually the real barbatos.." he looked up at the tree..

"I figured! Who would name their son after a god?" I laughed

He chuckled nervously rubbing the back of his neck.
"So do u believe me?" He smiled

"Hmm let me think about it. Yeah." I sarcastically answered

"I've been alive over 1,000 years already." He sighed "just call me Venti, I don't want anyone to know my true identity." He looked at me in the eyes.

I nodded with a smile. "Ok.."

I finally found you... it took me forever obviously since im 1,000 years old!" Venti chuckled and scooted in front of me. He grabbed my hands and rubbed his thumb against my hand followed by a cheeky smile
"This is my favorite spot. I love the sent of the tree." He took a deep breath threw his nose

I looked at our hands "I would really like to get to know you more, venti" I smiled and kiss his hand. He smiled followed by a cute blush brushed across his cheeks

We began to talk about all the things about ourselves

"Wow. Its really fascinating how your life is being a god." I smiled as my head was on his shoulder

"I can't believe it's already night. It feels like it's been 5 minutes." Venti exaggerated. I smiled with a slightly giggle and sighed.

"You're really great, you know that?" I smiled "I know I am~" he showed off his smirky grin.

I laughed at his expression.

            ------------------A/Nis it good?! Idk this is my first ever oneshot sooo I don't really know if it's good! Please tell me if I made mistakes!

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is it good?! Idk this is my first ever oneshot sooo I don't really know if it's good! Please tell me if I made mistakes!

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