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(High school AU)

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I walk threw the big crowds in my very own schools hallways.

'It's always so crowded..' I thought with a sigh.
I went threw all the commotion and soon found my classroom. It was hard to get threw the doors since everyone was around my classroom door..

I was confused on why all these people suddenly took an interest in this classroom, usually no one ever looks over here, overall it's art.. everyone in my school think that art is for geeks and nerds... how cruel. I pushed my way into my classroom earning a few shouts from the crowd.

I ignored them. "What's all this commotion about?..." I whispered to myself, looking around the classroom for all the popular girls to be compacted around a certain desk... usually no one sits there, Is there a new student perhaps? I've heard there was gonna be a new student but I never knew they took interest in art...

the teacher soon walked in from her little restroom break. "Everyone get out now!" The teacher pointed to the door and shooed the kids out.

I un capped my water bottle and began to take a sip of it, I took a look at the desk that everyone was crowding and saw a very attractive person that I've never seen before. The water shot out my mouth and I spit everywhere

'woa- WTF?! OMG Y/N WHY DID U SPIT YOUR GOD DAMN WATER.' I thought to myself embarrassedly. Everyone in the class looked at me in disgust but the new kid seemed to mind his own business in sketching something.

"Y/n! Detention after school!" The teacher stated. I blushed in embarrassment as I heard a few laughs. I grabbed a few paper towels and cleaned my mess as the teacher continued to teach.

'How can I be so stupid... can I blame myself though? He's really attractive I'm not even joking..' I thought ad I continued to wipe my desk.

Class ended and I went there the rest of the day.

After school!

The bell rang, I walked out of my last class walking towards the exit. I felt a tap on my shoulder after I left the exit doors. I flinched at the sudden affection. I looked over to see the cute new kid. I blush furiously. "Ah- h-hi umm.." I rubbed the back of my neck in embarrassment. 'Why did I stutter like a complete idiot!!' I thought to myself
"Oh hello, you left your sketch book at detention and the teacher found me in the hallways since i stayed after school for some drawing lessons, the detention teacher told me to give you your sketch book you left." He handed me my sketch book.

"Oh Uhh t-thanks um..". "My apologies my name is Albedo.." he let out a soft smile earning a soft blush form on my face. "Oh and you have some very nice sketches indeed, very handsome." He smiled I blushed and opened my sketch book to see that I drew him during the day. My blush grew more. "I-im so sorry!!" I covered my face with my sketch book. "Oh what's your name? I haven't gotten it yet?"

I lifted the book of my face "im y/n, y/n l/n. But you can just call me y/n if you'd like." I smile "What a beautiful name, very ethereal indeed. I'd like to get to know you more, if that's fine with you of course." Albedo said

"O-Oh of course that fine! You seem pretty interesting yourself." I smiled softly.

"We began walking together in silence, I heard a few whispers from the kids who got detention, which were the popular group

'Wow hanging with the new kid their so unattractive."

'They're dating already, what an attention seeker they are"

'Honestly what does he see in them.'

'Gosh they're so attractive. He's so lucky.'

'Why would you say something nice Taylor! We don't like them.'

'S-Sorry brianna..'

I frowned at all the sudden comments. "Hey." I heard albedo suddenly speak. "Don't listen to them.. there just jealous." He lifted my chin and looked at me in the eyes. I heard a few gasps. My cheeks and ears boiled up, which he noticed making him smile.

He let go and saw that all the people who were whispering turned silent. "T-Thank you albedo.." I mumbled "anytime.. I don't want them to make you uncomfortable, especially at our first meet." He replied casually.

I smiled and looked up at the clouds.

'What a gentleman..'
I thought


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Wow I just love albedo so much! Anyways I just want to say... THANKS FOR 10K READS OMFG!! I LOVE YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH!!

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