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(It's not a smut, I don't do smuts, they just say some stuff that's all, they don't do anything, I wouldn't write a smut about chongyun)

THIS IS WHEN THEYRE NOT INNOCENT AND NOT MINORS SO DONT KILL ME(It's not a smut, I don't do smuts, they just say some stuff that's all, they don't do anything, I wouldn't write a smut about chongyun)

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I sniffled and sneezed. "Achooo!" I sneezed in the tissue. "When is he gonna get homeeee." I frowned. I layed down on the couch and put the cold water towel on my forehead. I heard the front door open. "I'm back." I heard chongyuns voice

"I need medicine." I groaned "okay, hold on. Here you can have this while I go get the medicine." He handed me a popsicle. "What is this gonna do?" I asked "popsicles are known to be good if you have a fever, I don't know about the runny nose though, I'll use google again." I smiled "you searched hacks for sickness." I chuckled. His face flushed with embarrassment. I sniffled "here let me open the popsicle." He opened it and handed it to me. He walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge to grab some medicine.

Chongyuns POV

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Chongyuns POV

I grabbed the liquid medicine from the fridge along with a cold water and closed the fridge door with my foot. I walked over to y/n and sat infront of them. They ate their popsicle. 'They"re so adorable.' I smiled and let them have their time eating the popsicle. As I waited we began to talk.

"Chongyun.. where xingqiu?" They asked me curiously. "Oh he's at the library right now. He said he will visit after." I assured them. (Btw your xingqius sibling)

They nodded And finished their popsicle. They hugged my waist and rested their head against me. "Come on, it's time to drink some medicine." They lifted their head up. I put the medicine in the sirange.

They opened her mouth and I fed them the medicine. Their original look changed into a disgusted look. They swallowed "blahhhh grossss." They complained and hid their face in my chest. My face flushed. I chuckled and played with their hair. "I know n/n, but I don't want you to be sick." I pouted.

They nodded. We both heard the front door open, and saw xingqiu. We both parted away quickly with flushed faces.

 We both parted away quickly with flushed faces

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Xingqius POV

I finally came back from the library and now I am headed to my siblings place because their sick. I walked in front of their door and noticed it was unlocked I opened the door and saw Chongyun and my sibling, y/n cuddling up against eachother. I sweatdropped and they parted away from eachother quickly.
"E-Erm." Chongyun cleared his throat while y/n Looked away with a cute sneeze. I chuckled. "I know you guys are dating." I stated they both looked at me in suprise. "When and where did you find out!?" Y/n shouted out questions to me. I smirked "I actually didn't know but now I know." They both had their jaws open. I whistled and went in between them.

Y/ns POV

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Y/ns POV

My brother sat in the middle of us. "You're so smart and I hate it." I put my knees to my chest with a slight sniffle. "Hehe i know you love me n/n." He smirked slightly "anyway since your dating my sibling I'm going to tell you some rules." I blushed in embarrassment and hid my face with my hands already knowing what he was going to say.

"Xingqiu!!" I groaned in annoyance. He chuckled while Chongyun gulped and nodded. "Rule 1, dont take their virginity until you guys are married." Xingqiu stated with a teasing smirk holding up a 1 with his finger to represent the number of rules.

"E-EH!?" I covered my face with a pillow. "What do you want me to change it to until I leave?" Xingqiu teased once again."

"STOPPPPP!" I hid my face in the pillow turning left and right embarrassedly on the couch. Xingqiu looked back at Chongyun and he was covering his face, he looked like a whole tamato by now.

"Hehe- anywayyyy! Rule 2! Don't break their heart, or I will skin you alive." Xingqiu smiled innocently. Chongyun nodded furiously still having a flushed face. "Andddd rule number 3! If you're both fighting in combat, make sure y/n doesn't get hurt. That's all!" Xingqiu smiled. "O-Okay I think it's time for you to leave!"

I pushed him off of the couched with my face still flushed.

"Oh I understand you just want me to leave so you can have sex-"

I interrupted a little to late
"S-SHUT IT XINGQIU!" I pushed him out the door. "Have fun you too~" he teased before I closed the door. I fell to my knees in embarrassment.

I covered my flustered face. Chongyun was really flustered as well but he went down to my level since I was on the floor.

"I-I'm s-sorry about what my brother s-said.." I had my hands still covering my face. "N-No don't worry about it.." he put his hand on my back. "Now let's get up." He smiled. I look at him. He had a pink dark tint on his cheeks but he held his hand out. I sniffled

I was still flustered but I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up. "It's getting pretty late you should get to bed, here." He carried me bridal style and walked to my room. He placed me on my bed and wrapped me in the fluffy blanket. He grabbed a belt of water and a small towel.

He dipped the towel in the bucket of water and drenched it so it wouldn't be as soaked. He placed it on my head and kissed my cheek. He was about to leave. "N-No don't leave please." I looked over to him.

He hesitated but nodded with a slight blush and laid down next to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and laid his head on my chest.

We both fell asleep and I woke up the next day to be all better again, thanks to Chongyun.

We both fell asleep and I woke up the next day to be all better again, thanks to Chongyun

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I hope this made you flustered BAKSHKSHD. But anyways umm this one wasn't so innocent LMAOO but umm hope you liked it 😃

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