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Y/ns POV

Please vote and comment for more! It's really appreciated!_____________________Y/ns POV

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I'm heading to my local bar in monstadt, I'm here with a friend.. Xiao

We are both from liyue but came here to visit our lovely friends.
Xiao earlier said that he would be going to the bar since venti had invited him

Now I'm here walking to the bar!
I opened the door and was greeted by a strong scent of liquor

My eyes everted to Xiao sitting At the front counter, his cheeks all read from drinking and next to him was venti, they were sharing a laugh.

I sighed and walked to the both of them
"Oh hey my love~" Xiao cooed as he was all loopy
I ignored the saying and looked at venti who was pretty normal

"Venti, I told you not to make him drink to much." I facepalmed
This is the first time I've seen venti hold his liquor so well

"Xiao insisted! I just gave him what he wants." Venti winked
I sighed and took a hold of Xiao

"Shouldn't we get to know each other before you start holding me?~" Xiao hiccuped followed by a smirk
He's so drunk he doesn't even recognize me.
To be honest.....this side of Xiao has me feeling things.

"Well goodbye Venti. See you around." I waved, as I was about to close the door

"WAIT! YOU HAVENT PAID FOR YOUR DRINKS!!" Venti yelled but I closed the door.

I laughed to myself and I continued to walk to the house we have rented for the time being.

Xiao continued to hiccup and just talk about random things, he kept sniffing my hair and saying how pretty I was.

We have finally arrived. I brought out my keys and opened the door.
I locked the door behind me and helped Xiao to the couch.

"Locking the door? It's okay, people can walk in on us~" Xiao teased as my cheeks grew red. I playfully hit his shoulder and he pouted
I went out to the kitchen to get some water and some medicine

I went over to Xiao and sat beside him
"Here." I handed the pill to him
He side eyed me before putting it into his mouth, I helped him drink the water and he swallowed the pill successfully

"Alright just lay down." As I slid him down he pulled me on top of
him. My cheeks quickly heated up

"Stay here with me~" Xiao smiled as he held me tighter. The alcohol breath coming from his mouth was really strong.

"X-Xiao I- uh." I tried to get off of him but he pulled me back

"I said stay." Xiao demanded and I grew annoyed. I whined and tried getting out of his grip

"Did you not hear me,y/n." My eyes widened, he knows my name, even when he's drunk.

"Xiao." I looked at him and he eyes were droopy and he had a serious face. "Are you... drunk?" I questioned and he chuckled and squished my cheek

"A little, I haven't told you that I can hold my liquor well, I just wanted to see your reaction." Xiao smiled as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Why would you say dirty minded stuff like that!" I hit his shoulder and frowned in annoyance, but he only found this cute

"Although I hold my liquor well, I can't still act up."
Xiao stated with a seductive tone and I hit his shoulder once again as I whined in annoyance.

"Stop it xiaooooo~" I pouted and he ruffled my hair.
Xiao yawned and nuzzled his face into my neck, I could feel his warm breath tickle my neck.
This made my breath shudder

"U-Um are we gonna sleep here?" I questioned, I felt xiao nod against my neck
I smiled and closed my eyes.
His warmth comforted me, I hope he knows how much I love and appreciate him...
Without him, i wouldn't know what id do.

As I seized in my thoughts, my eyes felt droopy and I drifted to sleep.

As I seized in my thoughts, my eyes felt droopy and I drifted to sleep

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Howd you guys like this one?
It's similar to the venti one I made :) ❤️
Goodbye! I love you

𝗚𝗘𝗡𝗦𝗛𝗜𝗡 𝗜𝗠𝗣𝗔𝗖𝗧 𝗢𝗡𝗘𝗦𝗛𝗢𝗧𝗦Where stories live. Discover now