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I took my first step into the cathedral.

I walk over to my room aka the nursing room..
I sat down my bag on the desk and unpack my lunch and other things.

"This is going to be an exhausting week. I have to cover for Barbra when she's out of town.." I said to myself quietly as I continued to get ready.

I wash my hands and put some gloves on. I go to the bathroom to try my nurse uniform.

I come out of the bathroom in my uniform. "Wow... it's pretty decent I guess." I was about to sit down until someone knocked on the door. I didn't expect someone to knock on the door

"The doors open!" They open the door "Hello sister Barbara - oh.. wait where sister Barbara?" The other sister asked looking around the room.

"Oh are you so happen to be the person looking out for her? I didn't expect her to leave so quickly." She smiled softly I nodded in response "Hello! My name is Y/n L/n." I smiled back

"Someone is here for you so I could patch them up l/n."

I nodded and walked out of the door with her. I saw an injured boy. My face grew into worry I quickly ran up to him. He was on the floor unable to get up.

"Oh my- are you alright?!" I helped the boy covered in wounds stand up.

"Y-Yeah.... *cough* I-I'm used to it. Wait- your not Barbara.. who are you?" He looked at me. I frowned at the state he was in

"I'm y/n I'm taking Barbara's spot for a few weeks. We need you to get to the room." I helped him walk

"r-really it's no big dea-" he said but got interrupted by me

"Yes it is." We got in the room.

I closed the door after me and sat him on the bed. "What's your name?" I asked grabbing my clipboard

"I-Im Bennett." He smiled rubbing the back of his neck.

'Oh Barbara did tell me someone usually comes to the cathedral.. their name is Bennett.' I frowned at my thought and looked over to him.

"So tell me Bennett.. how'd you get hurt?" I sat infront of him

"Well... it started when I was doing my daily commisons I got hurt while doing them as usual. At the end of the day I'm always hurt so It's fine really!" He chuckled nervously

"Hm. Well we need to heal you." I rubbed my chin.
I took a deep breath and put my hands infront of him.

I started to heal him with my abilities, once I was finished I opened my eyes to see him all better.

Bennett sighed in relief
"Thank you so much y/n!" He gave me a thumbs up.

I'm not really used to this kind of affection so I felt my cheeks heat up.

𝗚𝗘𝗡𝗦𝗛𝗜𝗡 𝗜𝗠𝗣𝗔𝗖𝗧 𝗢𝗡𝗘𝗦𝗛𝗢𝗧𝗦Where stories live. Discover now