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(Highschool AU)

(Highschool AU)_____________________

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Xingqius POV

I walked up to y/n as she was at their school locker.

"Hey y/n." I smiled
They shot a pretty smile back

"Hello Xingy~" y/n replied

Y/n has liked me for a while now, it's pretty obvious, but I'm waiting for them to tell me, of course I like her back, but I want them to have the courage to say it.. they're perfect.

"Any plans today n/n?" I questioned as I opened my locker

"Hmmm~ I have nothing after school!" Y/n grinned and closed their locker.
I grabbed my stuff and closed my locker

We began walking to our class.

We made it to first period, science.

I kept averting my eyes to y/n who kept on yawning. We sit next to eachother in that class.
(Right beside eachother)

Today we weren't doing anything in class and today was a break day in science.

Y/ns POV

"Gosh I'm exhausted!~" I whined
And laid my head against Xingqiu's shoulder

"Hm, why? Did you not get enough sleep? Lack of water? Are you perhaps sick?" Xingqiu bursted out with worry as he began to question why I was exhausted quickly.

"Bingo!" I replied

"To which one?????" Xingqiu questioned, I averted my eyes to meet up with his, his eyes had an expression of intense worry.

"not enough sleep." I yawned
"I'm soooo sleepy." I rubbed my temples and Xingqiu sighed

"What have I been saying about staying up to late." Xingqiu stated

"I know I know! It's just I gotta finish my homework." I replied with a frown, i looked down at my feet.

Gosh, when he's all worried about me, it makes me feel loved...

"Hm, okay how about after school I'll help you with all of your homework! How does that sound n/n?" Xingqiu suggested

I lifted my head off of his shoulder
I pretended to be disgusted with the idea and Xingqiu frowned

I laughed and nodded
"Sounds great." I smiled

"Ok then! Let's get over with school, then after, I can drive you to my house?" Xingqiu questioned and I nodded, I texted my parents if I can go to his house and they said yes but they told me to be careful.

'Gosh parents, they think they can't trust me, I will be good... I won't do anything. I love them.' I thought to myself

Time skip to the end of school!

𝗚𝗘𝗡𝗦𝗛𝗜𝗡 𝗜𝗠𝗣𝗔𝗖𝗧 𝗢𝗡𝗘𝗦𝗛𝗢𝗧𝗦Where stories live. Discover now