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I couldn't really sleep.... I look up at my ceiling. I sigh, I grab my phone to check the time. "3:00 am" I walk out of bed and walk quietly to the kitchen. I open the fridge to get something to eat. I grab some juice because I didn't feel like eating anything I just wanted to drink something.

I close the fridge and I see someone on the side of the fridge I flinch "AHHHH!" I shouted and fell on my butt and scooted back. The person came into the light.

"Sorry for scaring you." It was just albedo. My breaths were quick. I held my chest. "You almost gave me a heart attack." I looked down at the floor with one hand on my chest and the other on the floor. He stayed silent. "Here." He gave out his hand.

I grabbed it and dusted myself off. "I'm glad it was only you." I smiled to not make him feel anymore guilty then he already is. I started to calm down.

"What are you doing out here this late?" I question putting my hand on my boyfriends shoulder. He blushed slightly "well I couldn't sleep so I thought I would get something to eat or maybe drink. Anyways what are you doing out here so late?"
Albedo asked me the same question.

"W-Well I couldn't sleep either and I came down here for the same reason as you." I looked up at him. 'Oh I forgot tomorrow is Valentine's Day.' I thought but got interrupted.

"We can sleep together in my room if you'd like." Heat rose to my cheeks "Not in that way, just a simple cuddling session." He reassured. I nodded , "yeah sure." I smiled , I finished my drink. We walked to his room. He turned on his little lamp while I laid down on the bed. "Wow your bed is so comfy." I rolled around in it. He smiled looking at me. "Yeah it is quite comfy." He laid down next to me and put the blanket over him. I turned the other way.

I closed my eyes. I felt hands snake around my waist.

Albedo put his head on my shoulder. "Can we cuddle." He whispered into my ear sending chills down my spine. "Y-Yeah sure." I blushed, thank god he couldn't see.

I curled up into a little ball and held his cold hand that was wrapped around my waist. He kissed my neck and snuggled more into me. I blushed even more and soon fell asleep in his arms.

 I blushed even more and soon fell asleep in his arms

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I woke up to the sunlight shining threw out the room. I looked around and didn't see albedo. But I then saw the door open revealing my boyfriend albedo. He was holding a tray with my favorite breakfast.

And he had some chocolate and roses, not to mention a really cute (favorite anime character) plushie.I had a questioned but suprised look on my face. "Happy Valentine's Day." He smiled and walked over to me. Heat rose to my cheeks and pouted in awe.

"T-Thank you so much albedo." I smiled he set down the stuff on the bed. I pulled him in for a tight hug which took him to surprise since he let out a cute squeal before wrapping his arms around my waist. We pulled away. "Y/n, I know I'm your boyfriend and all but will you still be my valentine?"
He asked quite nervously.

"of course I will." We hugged once again. We both then sat down on the bed. "When did you wake up to do all of this?" I asked quite worriedly. "O-Oh umm like at 8:00 am. I pouted "you should get some rest." He nodded and yawned. He rested his head on my lap.

I put the blanket over him and played with his hair. With the other hand I put the plushie on my desk and the chocolate so we can both eat it later.

I began to eat the breakfast he made me. Once I put it into my mouth I fell in love. "This is amazing." I mumbled and continued to eat while i played with his hair. He fell asleep on my lap and I left him there since he seemed pretty tired.

I moved all of the stuff beside me and I put him ontop of me. He shifted slightly but wrapped his arms around my waist and snuggled his head into the crook of my neck. We intertwined our legs and slept once again comfortably in each others arms.

 We intertwined our legs and slept once again comfortably in each others arms

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this one was wholesome to write! I hope y'all got 🦋 from this because I tried to make that happen! Tell me if I misspelled anything! And please request ideas here:

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