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The sun bathed the streets in a warm, golden glow as Xiao and I strolled leisurely towards our favorite café, a quaint little place tucked away from the bustling city

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The sun bathed the streets in a warm, golden glow as Xiao and I strolled leisurely towards our favorite café, a quaint little place tucked away from the bustling city. The light breeze danced through Xiao's hair.

Every step we took brought us closer to the haven where we could escape from the chaos of the world, but it also brought me closer to the torment of my unspoken feelings.

My name is Y/n, and I have been blessed with the privilege of calling Xiao my best friend. He was a complex individual, a captivating enigma that intrigued me to no end. Xiao had a reputation for being cold and distant, a solitary figure who kept others at arm's length. But when it came to me, he unveiled a side that was gentle and warm, as if I held the key to unlock his guarded heart. Our friendship was a treasure I cherished dearly, but it was also a constant reminder of the unrequited love that weighed heavily on my soul.

As we entered the café, the scent of freshly brewed coffee and the sound of soft chatter enveloped us. My heart couldn't help but flutter as I stole glances at Xiao, his presence commanding my attention. But the tranquility of the moment shattered when Ganyu, an acquaintance of ours, joined our table. Her vibrant energy and captivating smile seemed to draw Xiao's attention, and they engaged in conversation. The sight of them sharing a connection, even if it was just casual banter, ignited a flicker of jealousy within me.

I watched intently as Xiao's playful nature emerged, his lips curling into a smirk as he exchanged words with Ganyu. It was as if I was caught in the middle of their dance, an innocent bystander witnessing a game where emotions were at play. As the conversation continued, I felt a pang of insecurity clawing at my heart, a desperate longing to be the one who held Xiao's attention.

Unable to bear the weight of my emotions any longer, I summoned the courage to intervene. "Xiao, maybe we should leave," I suggested, my voice betraying a tinge of frustration. Without waiting for his response, I reached out and gently grasped his arm, my touch sending a jolt of electricity through my veins. It was a bold move, a silent plea for him to see the turmoil brewing within me.

As we stepped outside into the refreshing air, Xiao's gaze met mine, his eyes shining with a mixture of mischief and understanding. He had noticed the depth of my emotions, the intricate web of jealousy and longing that I had tried so hard to conceal. His smirk widened, a subtle hint of satisfaction playing at the corners of his lips. It was as if he reveled in the knowledge that he held a power over my heart.

"I wasn't jealous," I muttered under my breath, my heart pounding in my chest like an erratic drumbeat. But as his smirk deepened, I realized that denying the truth would only prolong the agony. With a rush of bravery, I finally admitted, "Fine, maybe I was a little jealous." The words escaped my lips in a breathless whisper, as if the admission itself was both a relief and a terrifying vulnerability.

Xiao's expression softened, his hand leaving his side to gently cup my cheek. The warmth of his touch seeped into my skin, soothing the ache that had consumed me. "Y/n, you don't have to be jealous," he murmured, his voice laced with sincerity. "You're more than just a friend to me."

Those words, simple yet profound, ignited a spark of hope within me. The realization that my feelings were not in vain, that there was a glimmer of reciprocation, washed over me like a wave of blissful relief. In that moment, it became clear that the connection between us transcended the boundaries of friendship. It was a love that defied explanation, an inexplicable bond that tethered our hearts together.

With a newfound understanding, we stood there, enveloped in the silence that spoke volumes. The world around us faded into the background, leaving only the two of us, entwined in a moment that felt suspended in time. It was a turning point, a declaration that we were ready to embrace the uncharted territory of our evolving relationship.

Hand in hand, we walked away from the café, leaving behind the shadows of doubt and uncertainty. The path ahead was uncharted, but we faced it with unwavering determination. Our friendship had blossomed into something beautiful, a love that even the coldest of hearts couldn't deny. And as Y/n and Xiao's story continued to unfold, with every passing moment, their love grew stronger, intertwining their lives in a tapestry of affection and shared dreams.

 And as Y/n and Xiao's story continued to unfold, with every passing moment, their love grew stronger, intertwining their lives in a tapestry of affection and shared dreams

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The 3.9 update is about to come todayyyy well maybe tmr cause why does it take so damn long to update...

ANYWAYS, I have like 44 wishes rn saved up but my pity is so low... crying rn.


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