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Ventis POV!

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I looked down at my lover. 'Their beautiful.' I thought with a smile.

They peacefully slept in my arms. Their soft snores were soothing me down.

I played with their hair and closed my eyes forming a soft smile. I hummed a soft tune while I continued to play with y/ns hair. They shifted slightly. I looked down at her worried I woke them up.

They cuddled against me more still sleeping. I smiled with a sigh of relief. I held them closer in my arms. I kissed the top of their forehead..

They groaned in their sleep and began to flutter their cute eyes open. "H-Huh.. oh venti." They smiled looking up at me. "Good morning y/n." I grinned. "Good morning Venti." They replied hugging me tighter

"thank you for letting me rest on you, I was comfortable." They thanked me. I blushed slightly and chuckled

"yeah no problem y/n." I rubbed the back of my neck flusteredly 'I love their smile.' I thought with a smile. Y/n yawned and I stretched a little and hopped out of my arms and stood up on the floor. "I'm gonna go to my room to change, meet me downstairs in a bit."
They stated as they walked to my door.

"Of course." I nodded they smiled and walked out closing the door behind them. I changed and brushed my hair and etc... and went downstairs.

 and went downstairs

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Y/ns POV

I walk out of ventis room and walked inside of my room. I went to the bathroom and took my clothes off so I could shower. I took a nice shower and got out. I wrapped a towel around my body and grabbed a brush from my bathroom drawer.

I brushed my hair and walked out of my bathroom. I changed into some comfy new pjs and walked downstairs.
I saw venti standing infront of the open wine cabinet trying to choose which one he should drink. "Eh might as well drink them all." I grabbed the bottles of wine while I sweatdropped.

I opened the fridge and thought about what I should eat for breakfast.

I felt arms slither around my waist. Venti rested his chin on my shoulder.

"What do u want for breakfast love?" His warm minty breath tickled my neck.

"Um how about some apple pie?" I suggested. "Okay I'll try my best to make some." I chuckled and turned to face him.
His arms still around my waist.
I kissed his cheek leaving his cheeks a little tinted "I love you." I smiled "I-I love you to." I smiled once again and helped him grab the ingredients.

I taught him how to make some apple pie and he got the hang of it. I smiled as I looked at the fresh delicious apple pie laying in front of us.

"It looks delicious~" he hummed almost drooling at the sight.

"Okay, Okay calm down." I giggled and grabbed a plate and placed a slice of apple pie onto it. "Didn't know gods like apple pie." I teased and placed it infront of him.

"I'm not sure about the others but I know I sure do." I smiled. I grabbed a fork and stuck it into the apple pie and scooped up a peice of it.
I put it infront of ventis mouth. "I'm feeding you because I wanna." I smiled he blushed slightly "h-heh okay ahhhhhhhh."

I placed it into his mouth and his eyes softened in delight. "Mmmmm." He had sparkles in his eyes.

I scooped another peice and ate some. "You did a great job!" I smiled at him swallowing the peice.

"But your still way better than me." He pouted

"calm down, this is only your first time! You'll get better trust me. You've done a great job for your first time!" I smiled at my lover. "Hehe I love when you make me feel confident."
He hugged my waist tightly.

I blushed and smiled ruffling you his hair.


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this one is a little short but hey I'll make a longer one alright! Thanks for 1k reads!! Love you all! 💗

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