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I examined the substance a little more until I felt a tap on my back.
"Hm?" I hummed and looked over "Y/n! Y/n! Come help me bury my treasure!" Klee jumped up and down holding her "treasure" I frowned

"I can't right now Klee, I'm helping your brother do some research." I bent down to her level. "Aww okay! Oh wait." She looked around the cave, I tilted my head "huh what's wrong?"
I asked

"Oh..where is my brother?" She asked with her hands behind her back.

"Hm, oh albedo is gathering some materials for our experiment, don't worry he will be back soon." I smiled and added two substances together creating a little fizz and change of color.
She smiled

"I promise I'll help you bury your treasure once I'm done, okay." I smiled and patted her head

She nodded with a giggle excitedly and trotted her way to the corner of the cave sitting and playing with her bomb plushies that I made her.

I shook the crucible in my hand slightly. I examined it and went over to the shelf and grabbed another ingredient and added it so my mixture. I mixed the ingredients together and poured it into a another bowl with a different type of substance. It puffed and smoke went threw the air (non toxic)

I drained the bowl and what was left was a small crystal that was meant for healing. I smiled and sighed "Wow so pretty!" Klee admired the crystal looking over the board with her tippie toes.
I smiled "thank you."
"Can I go to Monstadt real quick? I want to go say hi to diona!" I nodded "here's some materials to keep u warm and ready."

I gave her some food and some warming packets that your hold in your hand to keep u warm. "Thank you! I'll be careful! I'll tell Jean to let you know when I get there."
She smiled and made her way out of the cave.

"Okay! Be careful." She nodded and walked away into the distance.

I put the crystal on the shelf. I took my gloves off and put them in the bin. I ran my fingers threw my hair, I sighed ...

I felt arms wrap around my waist "took you long enough." I chuckled "Sorry." Albedo left a few pecks around my face and neck, which earned a few giggles from me.
"Klee went out it monstadt" I stated. He nodded and rested his head on my shoulder. "Wow your cold." I turned to him making him let go. I felt his skinny cold hands. I looked up at him.

"Let's get you warm." I took the materials he brought and put them on the shelf quickly and went over to the pot. I made a fire and began to cook some of his favorite food.
While I waited for that to cook I grabbed a blanket and went over to him. I motioned him to sit on the floor and he obeyed. I wrapped the warm blanket around him and hugged him. I kissed his cold cheek and his shivers went away.

𝗚𝗘𝗡𝗦𝗛𝗜𝗡 𝗜𝗠𝗣𝗔𝗖𝗧 𝗢𝗡𝗘𝗦𝗛𝗢𝗧𝗦Where stories live. Discover now