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As the sun cast its golden hues upon the quaint streets of Fontaine, I navigated through the bustling town with a mix of determination and trepidation

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As the sun cast its golden hues upon the quaint streets of Fontaine, I navigated through the bustling town with a mix of determination and trepidation. I just got back from Sumeru, the place I live. I was born and raised in Fontaine but I had to move to Sumeru due to family problems. Once I heard about the shocking news with Lyney I immediately took action and came back to Fontaine.

The memories of Lyney and I growing up together flooded my mind, as the laughter we shared, and the countless adventures we embarked on. It seemed inconceivable that the person I knew so well could be accused of such a heinous crime.

With every step, I approached the townspeople, their gazes filled with suspicion and whispers trailing in their wake. Their guarded responses only fueled my determination to uncover the truth. I pleaded, cajoled, and even implored with tear-filled eyes, hoping to elicit any information that could lead me to Lyney's whereabouts.

After what felt like an eternity of searching, a ray of hope pierced through the cloud of uncertainty. A shopkeeper, his eyes filled with sympathy, whispered that he had seen Lyney near the courthouse. My heart leaped with a mix of relief and urgency as if time itself were slipping away.

Driven by a surge of adrenaline, I sprinted through the familiar streets, my feet pounding against the cobblestones with a sense of purpose. The courthouse loomed before me, its imposing facade a stark reminder of the gravity of the situation. I could almost hear the echoes of countless trials and the weight of justice within its walls.

As I burst through the courthouse doors, my breath ragged and my pulse thundering in my ears, the security guards sprang into action, forming an impenetrable wall before me. Panic swelled within me, threatening to consume my resolve. Desperation fueled my pleas, my voice cracking with the weight of my emotions.

But just when I thought my fervent appeals would fall on deaf ears, a familiar voice cut through the chaos like a beacon of hope. "Y/n...?" it called out, its timbre filled with a mixture of surprise and relief. I raised my head, my eyes meeting Lyney's and Lynette's, their presence like a lifeline amidst the storm.

Tears welled up in my eyes, cascading down my cheeks as I rushed towards Lyney, my heartache and worry dissolving in the warmth of his embrace. His laughter filled the air, a sound that resonated deep within my soul, reminding me of happier times. His arm enveloped me, lifting me ever so slightly from the ground, his strength a testament to the bond we shared.

Though it pained me to break our embrace, I turned towards Lynette, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. We shared a heartfelt hug, a silent acknowledgment of the trials that lay before us. The weight of the accusations hung heavy in the air, but at that moment, we found solace in our reunion, a resolute determination etched on our faces.

With a voice that trembled with conviction, I reassured Lyney, "I know you didn't murder anyone, Lyney. We are going to fight for the proof of your innocence." My eyes met his, searching for the flicker of hope that would fuel our journey.

Lyney's smile, tinged with sadness yet imbued with determination, served as a beacon of resilience. He ruffled my hair, a gesture that spoke volumes of our shared history. "I missed you, y/n," he confessed, his voice laced with longing.

A bittersweet smile graced my lips as I replied, my voice filled with unwavering loyalty, "I missed you more." The embrace of the bond we shared offered a brief respite from the storm that awaited us. He held my face, wiping my tears before placing a soft loving kiss on my forehead, making me flustered yet at ease. I gave him a warm smile as he returned the gesture, rubbing his thumb against my cheek.

We were acutely aware that the path ahead would be treacherous, fraught with challenges and uncertainties. The weight of the evidence against Lyney threatened to cast a shadow over our hopes. Yet, bolstered by our shared resolve, we embarked on a journey that would test our mettle. Together, Lyney, Lynette, and I would tirelessly gather evidence, interview witnesses, and unravel the web of deceit to expose the true culprit behind the heinous crime that had shattered our lives.

As we stood there, united in our purpose, a surge of hope coursed through our veins. We knew that the road ahead would be arduous, with obstacles aplenty. But armed with our unyielding belief in justice and the strength of our bond, we were ready to defy the odds. No matter how formidable the challenge, we vowed to navigate the darkest of times and prove Lyney's innocence, for the truth would be our guiding light, illuminating the path to redemption and justice.

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HIII! I'm so sad I didn't pull Lyney... I lost my 50/50 to c1 jean. GONNA CRY. But anyway, at least I have Scara :')

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