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Requested by:@AstroFizz-

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Y/N's POV <3

I slipped my shoes on and walked outside of my house.

Oh how I love Liyues fresh air~
I smiled at myself. "Time to head to the book store!" I said to myself as I began to walk towards the book store. What can say I'm a HUGE book worm. I'm really interested in liyue I always read about it. I almost know everything!

I read other things too. But today I'm going to buy a book I've never read before! It's expensive but who cares.

As I was on my way there it began to get a bit cloudy and REALLY windy...
I didn't mind it. I passed wangshu inn, "I wonder if Xiao is doing anything today." I wondered as I looked towards the place. I felt a sudden drop of water on my nose. I flinched ever so slightly and felt my nose as I look up at the sky.

"It's drizzling.." I sighed "I'm almost there anyways."

I began to walk further and further ignoring the drizzling, that was until the rain got heavier. I was soaked. The book store was in my sight but it was still VERY far.

I sneezed. "Just great. I JUST WANTED TO READ ABOUT LIYUEEEE!" I complained towards the sky.

I looked behind me and saw wangshu inn still a little close.

"I'll just head over to xiaos." I ran towards wangshu inn and slipped a few times.

At wangshu inn.

I gasped for air as I made it to a dry place

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I gasped for air as I made it to a dry place. I was very very veryyyy cold. I was shivering. "Hello... is Xiao here by any chance?" I asked the boss of this place
She nodded "why of course. He will be in room ****." She replied and ended it with a smile

"Thank you so much! And sorry for making your floors wet." I apologized with a slight bow
She giggled "no worries y/n! It's nice to have you back here. It's been forever!" She shot me a closed eyed smile. "Thank you." I smiled back.

"Well it was nice talking to you! Thank you so much." She nodded "no problem. Anything for xiaos future lover." She winked at me.

I grew a bit flustered. I cleared my throat and ignored her walking to his room. I knocked on the door. I let out a sneeze
"Geez! I hate the rain. I hope he's awake."

I opened the door and surprisingly it's opened. I saw him out in the balcony. He looks so majestic. I walked over to Xiao and decided to surprise him. "Xiao!!" I smiled. But I failed. He already knew I was thereeeeee

"Hello- wow you are soaked." He looked over at me." Here let's go fix you up." He grabbed my wrist "waittt!" I frowned "I'm wondering if I can stay the night??" He nodded "yeah that's fine." He looked away from me.
I smiled

I sneezed with a few sniffles which Xiao noticed "here's some clothes to change." I nodded and walked over to the bathroom and changed into some extra clothes that wangshu inn provided.

"Comfy :)" I walked out to see him with some medicine. " come
Here." I nodded and sat next to him on the bed.
He gave me a pill and I took it. I washed it down with some water.

"Thank you Xiao this means a lot." I hugged him tightly "d-dont mention it now get your hands off of me." He blushed and looked away.
I noticed and chuckled "cute." I complimented but noticed what I said and apologized Embarrassedly. "I'll sleep on the floor." He said "n-no.. its fine sleep next to me. I'm still cold."

He hesitated but gave in and laid down next to me. I wrapped my arms around his waist.
He grew stiff.
His whole face turned red which caught my attention and earned a laugh from me.

"Just go with it silly." He hesitated but wrapped his arms around me.
'This was the best day of my life! I was warm and safe.. everything that I could ask for'
I smiled and fell asleep.

 everything that I could ask for' I smiled and fell asleep

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Hello loves!! This was requested! Sorry it was short , and sorry I haven't been active! I've been busy playing genshin. New elua come home please 🥲

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