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Please vote and comments for this chapter if you want more of the following posts! I will post more if I see some
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I woke up to my alarm clock. I closed it and changed into a cute outfit. I brushed my hair and my teeth and ate my favorite breakfast. I called aether but he didn't pick up.

He usually picks up quite fast. I rubbed my chin.i walked out of my house and began walking around in monstadt looking for my best friend Aether. I walked around asking if they have seen him.

30 minutes have passed and I still couldn't find him and gave up.
I went to the forest to just walk around. I then heard some rustling noises.
I paused and kept aware of my surroundings.
I then heard the noise come closer to me and felt a tap on my shoulder "stay back!" My reflaxes kicked in and grabbed my sword and jumped back. I saw aether... except... this time he was n-naked..

but he was hiding behind a tree.
I blushed In embarrassment , I covered my eyes. "S-Sorry for scaring you.." aether apologized with an awkward chuckle. "W-Why a-are y-you n-naked.." I dropped my sword in shock.

"h-hehe long story actually just please get me clothes."
He hid his face blushing slightly. "I-I'll go to your house and get you some clothes. I'll be quick. I'll use ameno to get there faster."
He nodded and I zoomed off.

I went to monstadt and went inside is house and grabbed some clothes not looking at any under clothes or anything.
I grabbed conditioner and shampoo.
I zoomed out and went back to aether. "H-Here I got some clothes and shampoo for your hair so you can shower in that little empty pond."
He nodded I handed him his clothes along with the shampoo, looking away.
He went to the pond and began to wash his body.
I couldn't see anything so it was fine if I looked at him.

"I'll explain everything once we get home." He chuckled taking his braid out in the pond. I nodded and looked away since it was still kinda awkward. I walked away from the pond so he can have his privacy. He finished bathing and changed. He walked over to me. "Sorry about that." He chuckled rubbing the back on his neck. "W-Woah.." I looked at his hair down. "Your hair is so long." I went behind him and began feeling his hair. "Y-Yeah it is." He blushed

"Can I braid it?" I smiled he nodded and smiled back giving me the hair tie. I began to braid his hair. His hair was really soft and smelled nice.

"I wish I had hair like yours." I finished the braid. "No your beautiful just the way you are." He looked at me with a smile, heat rose to my cheeks "s-sorry that sounded a little cheeky-"
"n-no no! It's fine I liked the compliment. Thank you." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

His eyes widened and he touched his cheek where I kissed him.
I giggled and grabbed his hand "where's paimon?" I asked holding his hand walking threw out the forest. "She disappeared as usual." He chuckled

I giggled, "how's your quest going on?" He asked me "ehh you know the usual." I swinged our intertwined hands back and worth. "How did you even end up naked?" I laughed

"w-well I was hunting boars for razor and um the boar attacked me and ripped my clothes off." He nervously chuckled "wow that's one horny boar." I joked "h-hey!" I laughed "I'm kiddingg." My laugh died down. "Did you ever get the meat though?" He nodded a no. "How about we hunt meat for razor together!" He nodded with a smile "sure." We walked together and found a boar I grabbed my bow and aimed at the stomach of the boar I then let go and shot the boar "yess!" I then pick up the peices of meat and gave it to aether.

"There we got the meat now let's go find razor!" Paimon popped out of no where "Hi y/n! I know where razor is I'll lead you to him!" Paimon smiled "ok thanks Paimon!" I smiled back.

She told us the way and we eventually found razor. "Wow that's kinda creepy how'd you know that he was here?" She shrugged "I guess I have a strong sense of smell." Paimon happily exclaimed "I smell meat." Razor sniffed and began sniffing me.
I chuckled with a slight blush of embarrassment. "T-There right there." I pointed to razor. Razor opened his eyes to see me. "Im sorry y/n, I smell meat and sniff you." He apologized.

"No need razor! I understand." "Here's the meat razor. As I promised." Aether handed him the meat. "Thank you aether." Razor smiled we both smiled back. He walked off and we said our goodbyes. We walked back to monstadt and went to my house. "Here we are." I opened the door and held the door for him. "Wow it's nice in here." He complimented.

"Thanks I spent a lot of mora on it." I went to the couch and put a movie on. "Come watch." I smiled he nodded and sat beside me. "I'm gonna make popcorn." "Thank you." I walked to the kitchen and put some popcorn in the microwave. "Hey aether." He hummed in response. "You can sleep over if you want." "Really! I'd love that thank you."
He smiled and put the blanket over him.

The popcorn finished and I opened it and put it into a popcorn container. I went back to the living room and sat next to him the movie began and we both ate popcorn.

I rested my head on his shoulder and snuggled up against him. He tensed up with a blush.

After the movie

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After the movie.

I began to feel tired I yawned "y-Y/n I-I have something to tell you.." he stuttered fiddling with his fingers "yes what is it?" "I-I'm in love with you..I had to get it out of my chest." I blushed "I love you to aether." I kissed him he hesitated before he kissed back.
His lips were soft, they tasted like sunsettias.. we pulled away.

He smiled and hugged me tight "will you be my partner y/n." I nodded "I thought you'd never asked I kissed his cheek. Paimon popped out of no where. "Now give me the money! I betted that you were gonna fall in love with her so I won the bet!" Paimon smirked we both laughed.

 "Now give me the money! I betted that you were gonna fall in love with her so I won the bet!" Paimon smirked we both laughed

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this one is very long!! I liked this one! How do you guys like it? Please request ideas!

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