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I walked into the Halloween party, dressed up as an Angel

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I walked into the Halloween party, dressed up as an Angel... I know I know, basic right. But I don't care.

As soon as I stepped foot into the house I saw many people making out, dressed up very slutty and guys making their moves on girls.

An overwhelmed sigh escaped my lips as I looked around, looking for my friend.

"Hey, Angel." Scaramouche leaned over me against the door frame.

"Don't call me that," I scoffed, still looking for my friend.

"Not very angelic of you y/n," Scaramouche smirked slightly as he looked me up a down.

I eyed him, obviously annoyed.
I examined his costume. He was dressed as the Devil.

"Like what you see?" Scaramouche teased as he shined his cocky grin.

"No, your costume can use a little work." I looked away from the boy. I could sense his signature smirk radiating off of him.

"It was last minute, I was gonna be something else until a little birdie told me someone was gonna be dressed up as an Angel tonight," Scara stated, I looked at him in disbelief at his sudden boldness.

"Someone's obsessed." I chuckled slightly.

"Only for you." Scaramouche smiled with passion. My eyes widened not expecting the sudden flirtatious comeback, yet this was Scara we are talking about.

My cheeks heated up a bit as I turned the other way, embarrassed.

Scaramouche's hand held my chin, making me look at him.
"Look at me-"
He said before getting interrupted by someone shouting my name.

"Y/n!" My friend exclaimed.

Scara parted from me as my friend pulled me into a tight hug.

"Hi Yoimiya." I smiled as I hugged her back

"I'll see you later, Angel," Scaramouche smirked with a wink before walking away.

"Was THE Scaramouche just flirting with you?!?" Yoimiya exclaimed. I covered her mouth as a few people began to look at us, even though the music was piercing through our ears.

I gave her an embarrassed look. She sent me an apologetic look before removing my hand from her mouth to whisper a low 'sorry'

I sighed as I grabbed her hand to go get punch.
I poured her a cup and poured me a cup.

I chugged it down as she continued to rant about how Scara likes me blah blah blah.

I slammed the cup down on the counter, shutting my friend up.
"He doesn't like me, he acts like that with every girl," I spoke, a hint of jealousy in my voice.

"Have you witnessed it?" My friend crossed her arms and rosee a brow.

I paused a bit before letting out a soft "no..."

My friend smiled, obviously amused.
"Go get him, girl." She punched my shoulder slightly.

"I don't know." I looked at Scaramouche who was surrounded by girls.
My heart shattered a bit as I began to grow insecure about all the beautiful women around him.

Yoimiya noticed before grabbing my face to make me look her in the eyes.

"Girl... you got this. Don't worry about those girls. Walk right in the middle of them and grab his hand and walk away. Ask him to dance, and do it with confidence!" Yoimiya beamed proudly with a look of determination as she shoved me toward him slightly.

"Now go." She said. I sighed before stepping toward him.

I looked at Scaramouche to see an annoyed expression on his face as the girls were all up on him.
That was until Scaramouche saw me and smiled.
I walked in between the girls and grabbed his hand.

"Let's dance," I demanded as I pulled him away from the girls.
I stopped as we got farther from the now furious and jealous girls.

"You want me all to yourself huh." Scaramouche flirted with a grin.

"Yes." I directly said with confidence.

"I like this side of you y/n."
He let out.
I chuckled slightly before intertwining my hand with his and going to the middle of the place people were dancing.

Hip-hop music faded out and faded into a slow dance song.

"May I?" Scaramouche smiled, holding out a hand.

I saw Yoimiya cheering for me in the corner of my eye.

"You may." I grabbed his hand.
His hands wrapped around my waist as mine wrapped around his shoulders.
We drifted into the music as I rested my head on his shoulder.
I could hear him chuckle a bit before resting his head on mine.

I felt so safe in his presence. At school he would constantly tease me and always find a way to talk to me, I've secretly started to develop feelings but was in denial.
He's actually really sweet behind that bad boy act and is respectful towards me.

I got snapped out of my thoughts as Scara's head rose from mine.
I raised my head to look up at him.
His gaze softened as a soft smile rose onto his face.

"I like you y/n," Scaramouche stated in a delicate voice.

"I like you too." I smiled, my cheeks warming a bit.

He softly grabbed my chin, leaning in until your faces were inches apart.
His lips connected with mine.
I kissed back, closing my eyes as my hands traveled to his face.

We parted with big smiles and continued to slow dance.

Hope you liked this one! I can't wait until he comes out next update

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Hope you liked this one! I can't wait until he comes out next update. I REALLY WANT HIM 😢
Manifesting for all the people that want him. Please manifest for me to 😭

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