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As I stepped into the extravagant mansion, I took a deep breath, reminding myself that this was my new job as a maid for a wealthy man named Ayato

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As I stepped into the extravagant mansion, I took a deep breath, reminding myself that this was my new job as a maid for a wealthy man named Ayato. The grandeur of the place was overwhelming, but I was determined to make a good impression.

Ayato, with his charming yet mischievous demeanor, immediately caught my attention as soon as I entered his presence. He seemed intrigued by my presence, constantly finding reasons to interact with me and request my assistance. At first, I found it flattering, but as the days went on, his constant demands began to wear on my patience.

"Y/n, could you fetch me a glass of water?" he would ask, his voice dripping with a hint of amusement.

I would oblige, forcing a smile on my face, even though I knew he was perfectly capable of getting his own water. But Ayato seemed to revel in the power dynamics, taking pleasure in seeing me carry out his every request.

As the days turned into weeks, Ayato's requests became more nonsensical and trivial. "Y/n, can you fetch me a unicorn?" he would jest, a mischievous glint in his eyes. I would roll my eyes playfully, refusing to let his antics get to me.

However, it was his unrelenting desire for boba that truly tested my patience. "Y/n, I need boba. Can you make it for me?" he asked, his tone filled with faux desperation. And so, I found myself in the kitchen, repeatedly brewing batches of boba, hoping that fulfilling this ridiculous request would finally appease him.

But Ayato's appetite for boba seemed insatiable. He would drink one glass, only to request another moments later. It became a never-ending cycle, as I tirelessly prepared boba, trying to keep my irritation at bay.

One fateful day, as I brought yet another glass of boba to Ayato, I could feel my frustration bubbling beneath the surface. "Here's your boba, Ayato," I said, my voice strained with forced cheerfulness.

He smirked, taking the glass from my hands. "Thanks, Y/n. You're a lifesaver," he replied, his eyes glinting mischievously.

Unable to contain my annoyance any longer, I took a deep breath, preparing to address the issue. "Ayato, I appreciate your playful nature, but I'm here to do my job as a maid. It would be more efficient if you could handle some of these tasks yourself."

He stared at me for a moment, seemingly unbothered by my words. Then, a sly smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "Oh, Y/n, you're so cute when you're mad," he teased, a hint of amusement in his voice.

His words struck a nerve, igniting a fire within me. I narrowed my eyes, my voice stern as I retorted, "Ayato, I'm not here to be cute. I'm here to work. Please respect that."

Surprisingly, instead of anger or frustration, Ayato's smile only widened. "You're even cuter when you're mad," he remarked, seemingly unfazed by my outburst.

His dismissive response only fueled my frustration further. I huffed, my voice laced with exasperation. "Ayato, this is not a game. I am a professional maid, and I expect to be treated with respect."

To my surprise, Ayato's smile remained, his gaze fixated on me. "You're right, Y/n. I apologize if I crossed a line. I'll make sure to show you the respect you deserve," he said, his voice sincere.

His unexpected sincerity caught me off guard, causing my anger to soften slightly. I sighed, my frustration dissipating as I realized that perhaps Ayato's intentions were not as malicious as I had thought.

In that moment, Ayato's smile transformed into something warmer, genuine. "You know, Y/n, it's refreshing to see someone who can stand their ground. It makes you even more interesting," he admitted, his eyes filled with a newfound respect.

As I stared back at him, a mix of annoyance and curiosity swirled within me. Ayato was undeniably infuriating, but there was something intriguing about his persistence. And as much as I wanted to deny it, his compliment had ignited a spark of curiosity within me.

 And as much as I wanted to deny it, his compliment had ignited a spark of curiosity within me

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