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Make sure to vote and comment  for this chapter for more of the following posts!! I will post more if we hit mores votes and comments!! Thanks loves! <3

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Make sure to vote and comment for this chapter for more of the following posts!! I will post more if we hit mores votes and comments!! Thanks loves! <3


I walked into my work.. I work at a restaurant and I'm a maid there. I go to the girls locker room to change into my uniform.
I walked out and bumped into someone on the way. "A-Ah I'm so sorr- childe?" I questioned, I groaned in embarrassment. "My clumsy maid is being even more of a klutz today~" He teased, He had a suit on as usual since his a waiter. I ignored him and went to the back to get cleaning supplies.

"I was kidding my love!" He wrapped his arms around my waist. "Childe stop calling me my love and wrapping your arms around my waist.."

I blushed slightly . "Fineeee your no fun!" He pouted. I tried to get the supplies front the top shelf.. Childe laughed at me struggling. "Don't you got work to do!" I shouted in embarrassment. Childe laughed even more. "That's it I'm quitting." I joked "Nooooooo!!!" He grabbed the supplies and handed them to me. I stuck my tongue out and tried not to drop all the stuff. I went to the front desk to greet Barbara "Good morning Barbara." I talked to her while I cleaned the front counter. "Hi y/n! Good morning to you as well. How's childe doing for you."
She chuckled

"annoyingggg as usual." I chuckled "I ship you guys." She smiled I blushed and paused "O-Oi!" I cleaned the counter faster she laughed "fine, fine I'll stop!"

She smiled
I let out a sigh and smiled nervously.
I finished cleaning and walked over to the kitchen but slipped over the broom.
"Kyahhh!" I waited for the hard impact to come but I didn't feel anything.

"Wow this is a long fall." I joked "my love is falling for me again I see~"
Childe had caught me bridal style. All the coworkers looked at us. (Btw the restaurant isn't open yet.) "Ahhhh!! I told you guys! I ship them so much!"
Barbara smiled doing a little dance.
Kaeya just smiled with a wink at Childe. Childe held in a chuckle. Xiangling came out of the kitchen with a delicious breakfast in her hands.

I stood up from the delicious smell. "Yay breakfast!" I had my hands in the air. Childe chuckled and ruffled my hair I scoffed and blew a peice of hair that was in my face. I sat down next to Childe and kaeya was on the other side of me.
Qiqi (the manager) sat across from me and Barbara sat next to her. Noelle sat on the opposite side of qiqi.

"Where are the others?" I asked "did you forget already, they have night shifts now, i switched it up." Qiqi stated. "Ohhh okay." Xiangling set down our breakfast. We began to eat. We had a little conversation.

"Hey Childe, y/n. Are you guys dating?" Kaeya stated before putting another piece of egg in his mouth. "E-Eh!? Pleaseee can I just eat in peice for once!" I hit my head against the table. "Owww that actually hurttt. I rubbed my forehead. "Yes actually we are!" Childe smirked at me and everyone's eyes widened "s-since when?!" "Since now." he grabbed my chin between his index finger and his thumb my face was blushing like crazy. He pecked my cheek. Everyone cheered. "H-Huh?!" I blushed

"hehe we will talk about this later, for now let's get the restaurant going!" Childe smiled (hehe that rhymes) we opened the restaurants I began to clean and talk with the others. We closed the restaurant.. and I fed the cat that visits outside everyday.
I let him. I decided to name him yaro.

I smiled and fed yaro. Someone tapped my shoulder. "Hey Childe." I awkwardly said
"look I'm sorry for embarrassing you in there.." Childe stood in front of me.

I avoided eye contact "hey look up at me in the eyes.." he grabbed my chin gently and made me look into his eyes. I had a slight blush across my cheeks. "Look y/n... I've loved you since the first day I've met you..." he confessed with a blush "oh yeah I already know that part." I chuckled he smiled softly with a little giggle "I love you too, Childe." He blushed. I smiled and pressed his lips into mine.

His eyes widened but melted into the kiss. His lips were soft and warm. We kissed at a slow and steady face. The kiss felt reassuring and safe. He held my waist and My arms wrapped around his neck. We pulled away. He hugged me. "Y/n will you be my lover?" he pulled away front the hug.

I blushed with a nod. He smiled and hugged me once again. "AHHH! THEY KISSED AND I GOT IT ON VIDEO!" Barbara danced around me and Childe looked at her and then looked at eachother with flustered faces.

Time skip!

The coworkers kept on watching and watching the video. while me and Childe were embarrassedly looking away.

"ILL SEND IT TO ALL OF YOU!! MY SHIP CAME TRUE!!" Barbara happily sent it to the group chat and everyone saved. Me and Childe groaned in embarrassment.

------------------A/N And there you have it folks! A Childe x reader oneshot! Please request ideas and I'll credit you! I hope you enjoyed this one!

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And there you have it folks! A Childe x reader oneshot! Please request ideas and I'll credit you! I hope you enjoyed this one!

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