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Xiaos POV

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Vote and comments if you want more chapters like these!!

I looked at the beautiful site infront of me. Ive climbed a mountain and decided to take a seat and just think... I heard some grass ruffling behind me. "Y/n you can get out now.." I heard an annoyed groan. The figure climbed out of the tall grass. "How'd you knowwww!" They complained and sit next to me. "Your just like your brother trust me he always sneaks up on me me." I stated "heyyyy don't talk about me or venti like that meanie." They stuck their tounge out which earned a slight chuckle from me.

They turned silent... I looked over at them and they were red? Is she okay? "Do you have a fever my love? Your quite red." I touched her cheeks feeling how warm they are.

Her face grew even more red.
"Y-Your laugh is very cute xiao."
I noticed that I laughed a few seconds ago, well not really laugh but eh. "Ah- yes" I clear my throat changing the subject. "Come here." I opened my arms. Their eyes gave off a questioned look.

"Your really lovey dovey today." They smirked slightly. "Well I just thought that I might not give you that much attention so I decided this is going to be our day." I let out a soft smile. They smiled and climbed into my arms. I wrapped my arms around their waist and pulled them close to me. I set my chin onto their shoulder and kissed the corner of their eye. "I love you." They giggled "I love you to xiao." I sniffed their beautiful attracting scent.

I hugged her tighter as if I would never let go that was until...

I felt something roll down my cheek. My eyes widened and began to water.... I was... crying.

Y/ns POV

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Y/ns POV

I felt some wet liquid drop of my shoulder. I looked over to xiao and he was... crying.
"H-Hey xiao don't cry." I turned to him and held his face wiping his tears with my thumbs. He sniffled. "I-I don't know why I'm crying.." he looked me in the eyes. "It's fine just let it out." I stated with a soft reassuring voice. I hugged him and he rested his head against my chest. I drew circles on his back as he began to cry even more letting it all out.

I frowned 'he's been in so much pain... poor baby.' I rested my head against his he hugged me tighter closing his eyes tighter. He sniffled once again. "Are you okay hun?" I asked pulling away and wiping his tears. He nodded slowly. "Do you want to go home and eat some almond tofu?" I asked with a smile. He nodded wiping the extract of his tears.

I helped him up and we went to liyue.

After walking and stuff

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After walking and stuff

We finally made it to liyue. We went inside our house. I lead him to our room and he laid down on the bed. I tucked him in and kissed his forehead. "I'll be back in a sec." I smiled and walked out of the room to the kitchen to make some of his favorite dish, Almond Tofu.

" I smiled and walked out of the room to the kitchen to make some of his favorite dish, Almond Tofu

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After making the tofu.

I finally finished and went back to my room and handed him the almond tofu and grabbed the tv remote. I closed the lights and out the lamp on. I turned the tv on and put on a movie. We both ate almond tofu as we watched the movie together.

 We both ate almond tofu as we watched the movie together

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this was short but I'll make the next one longer! I got xiao on my first one wish pull so that was very amazing! I love him with all my heart! I have all the 4 stars except Ningguang,Chongyun, and Razor!
I'm gonna get them soon though! I'm working on getting hu two as well so wish me luck! ❤️ love you all!

𝗚𝗘𝗡𝗦𝗛𝗜𝗡 𝗜𝗠𝗣𝗔𝗖𝗧 𝗢𝗡𝗘𝗦𝗛𝗢𝗧𝗦Where stories live. Discover now