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As I walked through the dense forests of Sumeru, my injured leg throbbed with each step

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As I walked through the dense forests of Sumeru, my injured leg throbbed with each step. I had been on an expedition, battling hilichurls, when one of them managed to land a nasty cut on my leg. Determined to find help, I ventured deeper into the forest until I stumbled upon a humble hut with a sign depicting medicine capsules. Relief washed over me as I realized that this was a place where they treated injuries.

Curiosity and desperation led me to push open the creaking door, revealing a small room with a modest setup. My gaze immediately fell upon a young man with vibrant green hair, who was holding a tray of various medicinal herbs. His eyes met mine briefly before quickly diverting to my injured leg, noticing the extent of my injury.

"Oh my, what's your name?" he asked with genuine concern, rushing to my side and guiding me to a nearby bed.

"Y/n," I weakly stated, my eyes fixated on the gash on my leg that throbbed with pain. I had managed to defeat the hilichurls, but not without a cost.

The green-haired man, whom I now knew as Tighnari, approached a nearby medicine cabinet, retrieving supplies and napkins. With gentle hands, he first cleansed the wound, causing me to wince in discomfort. I closed my eyes tightly, biting my lip to suppress the pain.

"I know it hurts, but don't worry, it will be over soon," Tighnari comforted, his voice soothing and filled with empathy.

As he continued his ministrations, he struck up a conversation, distracting me from the pain. "How did you end up all the way here?" he inquired, his eyes filled with curiosity and concern.

I recounted the events of my expedition, explaining how I had encountered enemies and sustained the injury. Tighnari listened attentively, his hands gently tapping my leg as he finished wrapping the wound and applying the necessary medicine.

"There, all done," he announced with a smile. This made my eyes widen a bit, confused and shocked at how fast he did it. I didn't feel any pain when he wrapped the wound, the question he asked me had me so distracted that I didn't feel any pain.

I looked into his eyes. My eyes locked with his for a brief moment. His gaze was soft and kind, causing my heart to skip a beat. I quickly shook myself out of my trance, realizing I had been lost in his eyes.

"Are you going to pass out?" Tighnari asked, his ears perking up in concern.
I guess I had been staring too long.

I quickly reassured him, "No, no, I'm fine. Thank you, Tighnari." I smiled sheepishly, attempting to stand up, but he gently guided me back down.

"The medicine I applied numbs your leg for at least an hour. After that, you will be able to continue on your way. In the meantime, I need you to please stay," Tighnari instructed with a warm smile. I nodded, settling back down on the bed.

As the hour passed, Tighnari and I found ourselves engrossed in conversation. We discovered shared interests and passions, laughing and exchanging stories. It was as if we had known each other for years, the connection growing stronger with each passing moment. The initial reason for my visit had been forgotten, replaced by the joy of finding a kindred spirit in the most unexpected of places.

As the effects of the medicine gradually wore off, I felt a renewed energy coursing through my veins. It was time for me to bid farewell to Tighnari, who had been a beacon of kindness and healing in my time of need. But our encounter left an indelible mark on my heart, a reminder that even in the midst of pain and adversity, there is always room for connection and understanding.

 But our encounter left an indelible mark on my heart, a reminder that even in the midst of pain and adversity, there is always room for connection and understanding

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I refused to make a Tighnari one shot because I got mad at how I pulled him instead of Scaramouche on Scaras's first banner, but now idc because I love him.

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