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If you haven't checked out my Robin Arellano x Reader book, and my 'The Black Phone' one-shots, go check it out! (Not forcing)

If you're not scared of thunder please just read the chapter and pretend like you are because I am 😭. I love the rain but HATE lightning and thunder, I get extreme anxiety over it and this is exactly how I act, not like y'all care or anything but I'm just saying 💀.


I watched the gray clouds in the sky from my window

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I watched the gray clouds in the sky from my window.

This view set a gloomy mood.
I have a fear of thunder.
I immediately went down to my house phone, calling Venti.

I waited until he picked up.
I looked around the house anxiously, as I tapped my foot against the floor impatiently.

"Come on come on," I muttered quietly, I heard a noise come from the phone. My eyes lit up hearing the noise.

"Venti?" I questioned.

"Y/n?" Venti responded from the phone, I smiled in relief.

"Hey, can you come over... I'm home alone and there's a big storm on its way. You know how I'm terrified of thunder." I stated into the phone, as I shuddered at the thought of the lightning and the big crashes hitting the earth.

"Alright, be there in five." Venti hung up immediately after he said this.

I sighed in relief as I went to go get a glass of water.
It began to drizzle.
I bit the inside of my lip, shaking a little as I rinsed the glass cup.
As I finished I took a sip from it.

Venti knew about my anxiety with thunderstorms. I always think of the worst when it happens. When it does happen I need lots of comforting and Venti fills in that spot.
Venti is my best friend, I do have some feelings for him, not sure he does for me though.

Thunder crashed outside, I winced in fright, moving away from any window just in case.
I unlocked the door so he could just get right in.
I sat on the couch, covering my ears harshly.
I closed my eyes right as I waited for Venti.

A few minutes later the door opened and revealed a slightly soaked Venti.
Venti took off his shoes outside, not caring if they got wet, and walked inside.

"Y/n." Venti at the sight of me, shaken up in fear.
He closed the door, locking it right after, before walking up to me to rub my back soothingly.

I leaned against him as I proceeded with covering my ears.

"It's okay y/n, let's head to your room, is that okay?" Venti questioned with a gentle voice, it came out as muffling for me since I was covering my ears.
Although Venti can be mean and irritable all the time, he obtained a soft spot for me.
I nodded, and we stood up and we walked to my room.

He closed the door after we walked in and sat me on the bed, he tucked me in before coming inside.
I leaned against him once again, not caring that he was a little wet from the rain.
He wrapped his arms around my figure, rocking me from side to side.

I secretly began to tear up as the thunder began to get louder and louder.
Goosebumps crawled up my skin.
Venti noticed, wrapping the blanket around me more.

My quiet sobs began to get noisier.

"It's fine, it's okay y/n." Venti rubbed up and down my back.
I closed my eyes tightly and began to sniffle, flinching every time I heard thunder echo throughout the place.

"Shh, it's okay don't cry. Everything's fine." Venti reassured with a quiet voice. continuing to comfort me.

As I rested my head against his chest, my sobs grew quieter and quieter.

"Hear my heartbeat?" Venti I questioned, I nodded with a sniffle.
"Good, just focus on that," Venti ordered.
I did as he said and focused on his heartbeat, which helped and distracted me from the thunder.

He began to stroke my hair softly, sending tingles down my spine.
It was comforting though.
I closed my eyes, trying my best to drift off to sleep. After a couple of minutes, I finally fell asleep in his arms.

_______________________HEY YOU GUYSSSMISSED ME?!? 😍ANYWAYS, I have lots more books so go check that out!Follow me because I'm cool, there's really no less explanation 😎And I'm starting to post more in this book so stay tuned yall ‼️

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ANYWAYS, I have lots more books so go check that out!
Follow me because I'm cool, there's really no less explanation 😎
And I'm starting to post more in this book so stay tuned yall ‼️

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