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HighSchool AU!


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I walked into school and headed straight to my locker minding my own business, that was until- SMACK! I heard from the side of me which I slightly flinched at.. and as it was expected.. it was, Hiro, also known as Scaramouche's girlfriend. Me and scaramouche are kinda close and she gets all jealous about it, I know right pathetic! But she always tells me to back off and stuff. "What do u want." I looked over to her opening my locker.

"Y/n, I've told you a thousand times, your way out of my hubby's league, so think again if you want to "take" him away from me you moron. Your pathetic." She hissed with a slight smirk. "If you really think I want that short package of yours, think again." I replied grabbing my books and walking away from her.

"Ugh!" I heard her yell from the distance. I giggled slightly and looked back infront of me and saw someone right in front of me I bumped into them and fell to the ground. "O-Ow...." I murmured rubbing my hip. "Im sorry- oh. Hey scara." I said. "Hey you jerk." Her replied with the signature grin on his face.

He let out a hand and helped me stand up. "Sorry, I was looking at your girlfriend of yours, she's always thinking that I'm in love with you or something." I chuckled nervously "I have a girlfriend? Oh yeah. I forgot about her." He smirked, I smacked the back of his head which earned a whine from him. I laughed

"Well your being extra nice today? You would've left me on the ground and make me beg for you to help me." I stated "now that I think about it, it's kinda inappropriate scara." I disappointedly sighed and scaramouche shaking my head side to side "H-Hey!! I didn't think of it like that! I just like seeing people ask for my help. Especially if I let them suffer." He scoffed "yeah sure-"

I got interrupted my hiro coming up to scaramouche and clinging onto him squishing her boobs against his arm, Which she clearly did on purpose.

"Get off me." Scaramouche looked over at her. "Hmmm you know you don't really mean that scara~." She smiled 'I only call him that.. this bitc-"

I got interrupted by my thoughts "is something the matter y/n." Hiro smirked but quickly changed it into a fake smile. "No. You're here why would I be alright." The straight forward me replied honestly. She gasped "ugh! Are you just gonna let this.. slut insult me!"

"The only person I think is a slut here is you."scaramouche pushed her off of him and dusted his shoulder and went over to my side.

I smiled and let out my tounge at her childishly. "Oh yeah have fun kissing that other boy." I smirked

"What boy." Scaramouche questioned. "Here." I handed him my phone and he saw a picture of me. "OOPS FORGET ABOUT THAT!" I blushed furiously in embarrassment "Aw you look cute here." He smirked "STOP!" He went over to messages and went to his name and sent the picture to his phone.

𝗚𝗘𝗡𝗦𝗛𝗜𝗡 𝗜𝗠𝗣𝗔𝗖𝗧 𝗢𝗡𝗘𝗦𝗛𝗢𝗧𝗦Where stories live. Discover now