Chapter 15 •Silas•

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The minute he fell asleep was the minute I sighed out in relief. I held his body close to me and studied his face as he slept soundly. I didn't realize how fucking hard it would be for me to do this. It's like anything I do or say comes off as threatening to him and it's unbearable. Only because I've realized slowly that he wasn't treated well at all. He's like a dog waiting for my approval to bark or sit. At first I kind of liked the idea of him listening to only me but now, the sensible part of me that's gaining control doesn't like it. Adam didn't like it either much to my surprise. When we first became one it was hard to live with him because he was sort of heartless and made decisions based on what benefits himself.

Being in my body sort of showed him how just caring in general made a difference than just being selfish. And now that Six is in the picture, his mate. Our mate. It's completely different now. He's not just working with me now, he's working with his destined soul mate who was sent to kill us. Adam didn't even realize that it was him until Six out his hands on us. We were both ready to just shoot him in the head and move on with our lives, living closed off and giving people the cold shoulder. But now we can't. Both of us have been experience new feelings in our mind and bodies. Like now as I held Six's body close to mine. I can feel his heart beating steadily and his breathing has slowed down. He looked so peaceful asleep, less stressed and emotionless. I liked that.

"I do too," Adam whispered in my head.

"It's shocking to hear you say things like that nowadays..." I mumbled, shifting a bit to stare down at six's sleeping face.

"Why? Is it because I'm satan?" Adam scoffed out, faking an offended voice. I smirked and pinched my eyes shut in annoyance.

"You're a pain in the ass," I grumbled. "At least now that he's around you a little less arrogant sounding."

"Well that's because I've been thinking about him more. He's so fucking hard to read, ya know that? Like every little thing he does makes me question what the hell is going on in that mind of his." Adam huffed and I could picture the pout forming across his face with his arms crossed. I held back a laugh so I wouldn't wake up the sleeping beauty. "Anyways, you should've asked why he was crying and shit. I don't like hearing that. It makes me feel strange as shit..."

"...Mother fucker I did ask him!" I seethed quietly while Adam seemed to freeze up.

"Wait you did?"

"Where the fuck were you?"

"Well I decided to take a visit to the grocery store and- I was distracted with hell idiot, you're not the only one who's busy," Adam hissed back.

"Whatever," I grumbled and sighed heavily. "...when exactly should we tell him?"

"When we figure out what the hell is going on with his body...what exactly that place did to him..." Adam fell silent and let out a long sigh. "I'm getting impatient though. I want to tell him already so we can just move on and start getting to know each other like mates do."

" too..." I closed my eyes.

"Do you think if we ask him, he'll remember all of it?" Ella looked at me curiously and sat crisscross in her seat. "Or do you think he'd be too scared to tell us? You said that six was being used right?"

"That's what he told me...the way he implied it had me thinking they were using his body sexually. But that didn't seem like part of however they trained him," I murmured, staring at the pencil laying near my hands.

"It probably was, to make him submit and listen to them. He wouldn't make a mistake if he knew that being used was one of the punishments...?" Ella frowned quietly and picked at the nail polish on her fingers.

"I just...really want to know every detail that he can tell me...maybe that's a bit too intrusive but fuck..." I pinched my eyes closed in irritation. "He wasn't supposed to be someone even more fucked up in the head than me. That isn't fair, it isn't fair that we were paired with someone like that. It pisses me off."

"Why?" Ella asked. "I don't know why you're so pissed, you need like therapy or something. Reading all those therapy books isn't going to help, you need to actually talk to a professional."

"I talk to Adam all the time-"

"He's not exactly the talk to."

Adam scoffed from the back of my mind very subtly but I could tell he would've been rolling his eyes at her. I chuckled slightly and opened my eyes to look at my little sister. "It pisses me off because he didn't deserve that. I swear at first I thought maybe he would be just a blood driven murderer when we first captured him. But he's not...he just has trauma...and he's scared. I guess I was hoping my mate wouldn't be so tormented." Ella shrugged slightly and stared back down at her lap.

"You should tell him soon. He's confused," She mumbled.

"I know...I'm just scared it'll be too much."

"What about Greta? What're you gonna do with her? Should I just throw her out?"

"No, she can stay. If she attacks him again then I'll kick her out. I already made it clear to her so many times that what we did together wasn't serious," I muttered in annoyance, standing up and walking around my desk. "I'll bring him some food. He's probably hungry and I want to talk to him more. You think you can convince Nicholas to handle some work for me?" I asked with a smirk. Ella rolled her eyes but nodded.

"Sure thing, you're lucky that dummy has a big crush on me," She teased, jumping from her seat and skipping over to the door. I rolled my eyes and scoffed at the thought. My baby sister is way out of that douches league. He's gonna have to work extra hard if he thinks Ella would even spare him a second glance...even if they were mates.

"Oh, by the way, Magnus called you and wanted to ask you about some boring business shit. I told him you were too busy fixing your pathetic love life to give a fuck," Ella said, holding the door open for me as I walked through. "He laughed at me though and said that I was funny even though I meant every word I said." I snickered softly at the disappointed expressing crossing her face.

"You're a dumb ass, go do what I told you to do you brat," I grumbled, shoving her away. Ella smiled and flipped me off with both hand before she walked away. I smiled and made my way to the kitchen to grab Six something to eat. He actually mentioned the other day that he had no idea how to cook. I'm not surprised by what this guy tells me anymore to be honest. A frown tugged on my lips while I moved past a couple of people to grab whatever I think that Six would like to eat. I know he has food in his room but it's mostly canned food. This was fresh food, I guess you could say I was kissing up to him.

I was quick to walk to his room after getting what I needed. When I got to his door, and raised my fist to knock, waiting for him to answer. The door opened after a couple of seconds of waiting and Six stood in the doorway, squinting like he hadn't seen light in a while. His hair was a little messy and he had pajamas on which made me wonder if he had been sleeping for long. "Silas," He mumbled, blinking a couple of times to clear his vision better.

"I brought you something to eat. Can I come in?" I asked slowly. He stared at me before humming softly and taking a step back so I could slip inside. I closed and locked the door behind me while Six took his food from me, placing it on the table. I watched him sit down and made my way over to him.

"Why'd you bring me food?" He asked, opening the container to study it.

"Are you not hungry?" I asked.

"I am." I smirked and sat down after pulling up a chair next to him.

"Then just eat, I think you'll like it, I have chefs here that are pretty skilled," I chimed lowly. Six's cheeks suddenly tinted pink and excitement sparked inside of me. "I also wanted to speak with you."

"About what?" He mumbled while stuffing a piece of chicken in his mouth. His eyes seemed to light up the minute he began to eat which made me grin happily.

"Do you know what demons are?"

Maybe I've finally made my decision.

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