Chapter 28 <Six>

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The next day, we sat in his office and I watched him pull out a sheet of paper from his desk. It was a one-sheeted contract that seemed to be already prepared and written out for me. All I seemingly needed to do what sign it. I tilted my head and took it from Adams hand as I read through it. It basically said that as long as Adam had my soul, I would be awakened. The rest of it was just a bunch of things like what were to happen if the contract was broken or what to do if I no longer wanted to be in a contract with the devil himself. I looked up at Adam and tilted my head curiously.

"What if I've never signed anything before? What do I do? How do I do it?" I frowned and stared at the line I was supposed to put my signature on.

"Well it doesn't matter, as long as you put down random scribble with your own hand. Do whatever you want, doesn't have to look fancy," he said with a shrug, staring at me with an odd look in his eyes. I sighed and pouted a little as I picked up the pen. I frowned and stared at the paper. I have a name, a real name, should I put that down instead of number 006? I chewed on my bottom lip as I began to sign the contract.

𝚂𝚒𝚐𝚗 𝙷𝚎𝚛𝚎:

𝑅𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑛 𝑃𝑒𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑣

I slid the contract back over to Adam who picked it up and stared at my signature. He smiled and little and put it in a manila folder before putting in to a cabinet behind him before closing it. He looked at me and held out his hand. "Shake it. That's how we seal our deal officially." I frowned and looked at his hand then him.

"Then why'd I have to sign that contract?" Adam grinned at me and shrugged.

"Part of it." Was his only answer. I couldn't help but smile a little and I stood up, taking his hand in mine. Then I shook it and suddenly felt a little bit of a dull pain in my head. My knees buckled and Adam caught me before I could fall, carrying me over to the couch and laying me down. "I feel light headed," I slurred a little as Adam stroked my hair slowly. He hummed and nodded.

"Yeah, that happens. Don't worry, take a nap and you'll wake up feeling better. Trust me," Adam said quietly. I sighed and mumbled a small 'okay' before closing my eyes, focusing on the strange tingling feeling in my body as Adam kept his hands on me.

"Rowen?" Huh?

"Rowen, it's time to wake up. You need to help your brother." I groaned and shook my head, trying to open my eyes. "Rowen, let's go. Come on, it's time to help."
I can't move.

"Six." I gasped softly and opened my eyes. Adams face was right in front of mine. "You're awake," he mumbled, slowly standing up. I watched him sit on the edge of the couch and I slowly began to sit up, rubbing my eyes.

" long was I asleep for?" I asked groggily. The pain I felt earlier was gone now. Adam kissed my cheek and hummed softly before he spoke.

"About an hour and a half. Almost two," He said, staring at me as if examining me. "How are you feeling?"

"...pretty....normal," I mumbled as I sat there. I didn't really feel any different.

"That's one privilege you get from being my mate. You feel fine. Most of the time people you sell me their soul find they feel empty." Adam chuckled a little and stood up. "So now that this is done, we can awaken you. It'll be easy from here on," Adam said, fixing his tie in the mirror on the wall behind me. I watched him and stood up.

"How do we do that?" I asked.

"Well theirs two ways. One of them is personally my favorite. One is, I snap my fingers and you go into a deep sleep. You follow my instructions and reach out for your other being in your kind. Two is kinda boring and takes a while because I have to set of a little ritual. It also tends to hurt." He said sheepishly while looking at me with a pearly white smile. I gulped a little and mumbled, "I'm guessing the first one is your favorite?" I said hopefully.

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