Chapter 33 <Six>

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I bursted through the doors, dodging past the guards who had stepped away from the large doors in shock. I ran down the hall as fast as I could before they could pull out their guns, shoving past some white coats on my way to the elevator. Two doctors were entering it as I got there but as soon as they noticed me, they moved out of my way and I slipped into the elevator. One of them realized who I was and tried to grab at me but I closed the doors and pushed the last floor button. That's where my brother was, in the experimentation room. There's no other area in this building that it could be other than that area. I was quick to exit the elevator before any security could reach me. I knew that my superiors knew where I was heading and there was no way they wouldn't meet me there. This was going to be annoying but I couldn't avoid it.

I ran past plenty of doctors who were too stunned or afraid to pursue me. There were many rooms in this facility. If not, thousands. But I've always been taken to the same room, so maybe, if I look in enough rooms I'll find him. No...that would be a waste of time. I frowned and looked around, walking towards the experimentation room I was basically raised in. But before I could reach the door, I was grabbed roughly and pushed into a cart of supplies. I fell and looked up immediately, staring at Vanessa who was heaving. She was angry, enraged more like, and she had a gun in her hand. I quickly stood up and stared at her weapon, noticing it was just a tranquilizer.

"I haven't seen you in a while," She laughed out, shaking her head before looking at me. "Want a rematch? Hm?"

"No. I don't have time for you," I said impatiently. Vanessa glared at me and growled out a frustrated sound. I tended as she quickly raised the gun and pulled the trigger. Quickly, I ducked underneath her arm, grabbing the gun as I shoved her into the wall. She raised her legs and kicked me away, my body almost flew away. I landed harshly and gripped her gun in my hand tightly as she crawled on top of me, wrestling me for the gun.

"You know, I'm just stalling, right? Buying time for those bastards to come down here and grab you," She snickered out through our struggle. I pushed my hand against her face and shot her in the thigh. She gasped and pushing off me quickly, looking at her leg with panicked eyes. "Wha...what?"

"You got a key card, right?" I panted out. Vanessa stared at me, too shocked to speak, it seemed. "If you give it to me right now, I won't kill you." It was an obvious lie, but she didn't know that. Vanessa really did go out of her way to make my life here a lot harder and I can't wait to never see her again.

Vanessa seethed at me through her teeth as she spoke. "There's no use in even trying, you know they'll catch you easily with that kind of dead weight." Vanessa smirked as her eyes drooped slowly, as if the tranquilizer was doing its job. I scoffed and shook my head, walking over to her. She tried to push me away as I searched her body, finding the key card on her belt. "Don't take it!" Vanessa shrieked, reaching to snatch it from me. I stepped away quickly and opened the door to my old experimentation room. I quickly shut the door, listening to the soft beeping as it automatically locked itself. I looked around the large area, feeling a bit creeped out by being in a place I would have nightmares about. If there was any useful information in this room about myself, there had to be something about my brother.

I spotted the large collection of computers and monitors across the room instantly once I was finally able to think. I quickly pulled out my ear piece and placed it in my ear. "Adam? Ella?" I quickly asked is a soft voice, sitting in front of the computers and turning on the closest one. I looked around the computer, finding a place to insert the flash drive which was luckily still attached to my stomach. It was a little shocking considering I was sweating a lot.

"Six?!" Adams voice reached my ear, he sounded almost out of breath, like he was running or something. "Six, are you okay?" This time Silas spoke. I really didn't want to talk to either of them right now. Maybe I was just being silly, but I didn't like that I had been traded. I guess I should've expected those two to take advantage of the situation to favor them a little more. Besides, I would bother him about it later. Right now wasn't the best time to randomly start asking questions about what was in the duffel bag.

"I'm fine, but I'm not sure how long I have before I get cornered. I'm in a room with a computer down where the experimentation area is. I just turned on the monitor and put the flash drive in. Is there anything Ella can help me with? I don't even know the password." I frowned, my heart beginning to beat rapidly as the adrenaline from the fight I just had, left me.

"I'm here, you said experimentation room right? Let's see, what room number are you in?" Ella asked quickly.

"I'm in..." I glanced at the door, becoming a bit paranoid. "I'm in the first room, room 001."

"K." Was all she said and suddenly the computer logged itself in. I sighed in relief. "Luckily the panicked you caused in there just made it easier to hack," Ella joked in my ear as I searched through the files, frowning with worry.

"The files, they're all labeled as numbers..." I spoke quickly. "I...I don't know what to do. How do I find him, can I even find anything on this computer?" I stuttered out, glancing at the door a couple of times.

"Let me help you..." Ella mumbled under her breath. I waited at the edge of the chair ready to abandon the computer and defend myself if someone came through that door. "Got it! Man these people are idiots, they have cameras everywhere. I mean normally that's a good idea but it's like come on, I'm so skilled for this-"

"Ella, please!" I begged slightly.

"Oh, right, sorry. Here." I sighed in relief as camera footage popped up on the monitor. I stared at it, completely frozen as I took it my brothers appearance from the corner of the room. He was...attacked to a lot of tubing, laying on the floor. Some vines, it looked like, were hugging his limbs and the tubing.

"Six?" I blinked as Adams voice brought me back to reality. "We've got more live camera footage from the hallways surrounding you. They aren't empty. If you walk out that door, there's several people waiting for you." I stared at the screen while thinking, searching my brothers room for any information. Then I saw it, the room number. It was small, but not small enough. Room 024.

"Then I guess I'll have to transform, won't I?" I whispered. I could tell Adam not Silas liked the sound of that.

"That's dangerous." He sounded worried which made me smile to myself.

"Yeah, I know, but do you have a better plan? Besides you trained me. Satan himself, right? I'll be fine." I stood up, pulling the flash drive out and tucking it into my pocket.

"Six, you better be careful," Silas seethed out. "I swear, you won't like what happens to you when you get back." I rolled my eyes at him.

"I'm so scared," I said sarcastically.

Silas and Adam growled at me at the same time. "Six-" I pulled the ear piece out and tucked it safely away before walking over to the door and carefully sitting down. I sighed and closed my eyes, smiling softly at Cael.

"They'll be mad at us." He said with an amused tone. I shrugged softly. "You're becoming more confident, I'm happy for you." I flinched a little as the pain in my back spread like fire, followed by the rest of my body. It was much more tame than the first time my transformation happened, like I was getting use to this. I groaned softly and sighed in relief as the pain diminished and I stood tall, staring at the outline of the door. The people behind the door, their auras made me feel off. Their glow was distasteful and made me uncomfortable.

"Damon and Sebastian didn't show up. Perhaps they're scared." That made me feel happy. I reached out, ripping the door off its hinges and launched my body forward through the doorway.

"What the fuck!"

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