Chapter 9 •Six•

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My room was literally right across from Silas's room and I didn't know if this man was an idiot or just genuinely smart. I could sneak in and kill him if I wanted to tonight. Then I would have to find my ear piece and tell Damon if he was still waiting for me on the other line. I stared at his door while we arrived and Silas just pinched my cheek before opening the door up. Inside was really nice. There was a large bathroom with a big tub that I only saw in fancy hotels and the shower has glass doors. There were two sinks and one large mirror. The toilet was inside a little room next to the shower. When you moved away from the bathroom, which had its own door, the bedroom was right there. The bed was big and looks really soft to lay in. I felt really excited about that for some reason and butterflies form in my stomach. There was a tv planted on the wall and near the tv was a little kitchen with a fridge and everything.

"Do you like it?" Silas asked in my ear as he leaned down from behind me. My head ducked a bit in surprise and I looked over at him slowly.

"Am I allowed to have all this?" I asked quietly. Silas shut the door behind us and walked further into the room. I followed him and stopped to stand near the bed. When I looked behind my, I realized the hallway from the door had blocked the view of the walk in closet. I've never had a closet before and now I did. But I didn't have any clothes to put in there at all.

"Yeah, you are. Why wouldn't you be allowed to?" Silas questioned.

"Because I'm a bad person..." It went silent and I looked back at the bed, sitting down on it slowly.

" old are you?"

I shrugged. "I think I'm 19...20 almost?"

"You think? What, you don't keep track?" Silas asked like he was genuinely curious. My hand reached down to pick at the duvet.

"It's hard to keep track of the days sometimes when I'm at home. They don't let me have a calendar and if I ask they get irritated or pissed off," I said quietly. Silas let out a heavy sigh and he looked at me.

"Then I'll just have to see if they have any files on you at the stupid home of yours," He grumbled out and sat next to me. "Congrats, baby boy. You get your very own bed," Silas chimed, completely changing the subject. I studied his face and tilted my head curiously.

"You're not what I expected you to be," I admit. "I thought the minute I didn't say anything you would've for sure continued to torture me," I muttered. "And you're more...nice...I thought that mafia leaders were supposed to be cruel and ruthless. I've run into a lot worse than you..."

"Yet I was the one who captured you," Silas said with a sly look in his eyes. "I'm much more cruel than you think I am. You got lucky." He reached out and carded his fingers through my hair and my hand quickly grabbed his wrist.

"Why are you doing that?" I asked, "Do you want to use me?"


"Why are you touching me? Do you want to fuck me?" I asked with a confused frown. Silas looked angry at me all of the sudden. "Did...did you not mean that?"

"No. I didn't." He got up and grabbed my face, staring at me closely. "You're never going back there, got it?"


He walked out and slammed the door behind him which made me flinched involuntarily. I immediately grabbed a crutch and used it to help me walk over to the door. I tugged on the door knob, shocked to find it locked. When I tried to unlock it, it was as if something was preventing the lock from moving. I banged on the door and frowned once I realized he probably wasn't coming back for a while. I limped over to the curtains and tried to open the window but they weren't the kind that could be opened. I sighed and sat back down on the bed, laying flat on my back. I threw my arm over my eyes and closed them slowly. "Why did I make him angry?" I asked quietly to myself. He got mad because I couldn't keep my mouth shut.

Why do I care if he's mad at me? I opened my eyes and looked at the ceiling.

"So I'm not allowed outside yet?" I asked Nicholas who had come into my room just now. It was dark out and I had been locked in the room for a while now.

"Yeah...sorry...I guess," He muttered. "People really don't like you right now because you tried to kill their boss and you actually did kill someone so, wait here until Silas and Adam talk with him." Nicholas looked away for a moment before pausing and cursing. "Shit..."

I immediately asked, "Who is Adam?"

Nicholas looked at me and shrugged. "No one important." He tried to leave but I grabbed the back of his shirt quickly.

"I want to know. He isn't just no one if he makes decisions with Silas," I said quickly. "I need to know so I can—"

"Kill him too?" There was a pause. "There's food in your fridge, make something for yourself."

My lips pressed into a thin line and I slowly let go of his shirt. Nicholas didn't like me at all because the look in his eyes as he said that was filled with pure hatred. I decided to stop speaking to him and then I let him leave with my question unanswered. I stared down at my lap which a really bad feeling in my stomach. I thought at first it was a stomach ache since I hadn't eaten at all today. I got up and didn't bother using the crutches. They annoyed me so I carefully limped over to the fridge. I frowned and stared at everything in the fridge before sighing and looking over at the counter. There was some fruit there so I just grabbed a red apple and sat back down on the bed. I stared at the fruit in my hand and laid down, pressing it to my lips. I really wanted to know who Adam was. But the way Nicholas reacted made me almost afraid to ask Silas.

Silas would probably get mad at me again and storm off to wherever. Probably his bedroom or office. I guess I could only wait till he finally came back...

My eyes snapped open quickly and I sat up in bed. I had another weird nightmare about Damon and Sebastian. They found me here suddenly I was back in my cell, getting ready for another operation. A shaken sob left my lips and I covered my face. I reached out and turned the lamp on in the dark room, lighting it up. When I turned away from it and gasped and stared at Silas who looked as if he just came in. But it was so weird because I didn't hear or see the door open and close. Silas kept his eyes on me while I wiped my eyes quickly. "What...what are you doing? It's late..." I mumbled. "...Are you done being mad?"

Silas kept his mouth closed and he huffed out through his nose. Something was off about him right now, he seemed less like himself. His eyes were red but they weren't glowing like what happened twice before. "Your eyes..." I whispered just barely before tensing as he walked over to the bed.

"...I'm not angry at you." He mumbled, staring down at me. His voice was a lot deeper than before which made me think he just woke up. It was raspy and rough.


"I never was." He slid on to the bed slowly and hovered over me. "You asked me if I wanted to fuck you...and you keep saying use. Can I ask you something about that?" I nodded slowly. He visibly swallowed and watched me closely.

"Did you want them to use you?" My voice caught in my throat.

"...N...No..." Silas squeezed his eyes shut. He was angry with me again. "I'm sorry. I told them no once before but it's better to stay quiet about it."

"Tell me the truth, Six. Do you actually want to go back to that fucking place?"

I didn't know how to answer that. I thought about it for a bit and realized that all my nightmares have always been about that place.

"I don't."

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