Chapter 40 <Six>

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While Silas was running about, busier than ever, I spent my time watching over my brother. It had been at least three months since I had brought Yukon here. I studied his features, taking in his almost completely opposite features. His hair was almost jet black, his skin a sickly pale, and almost green looking. I wondered what color his eyes were, if they matched mine or if maybe they were possibly a regular color. He had the tiniest moles scattered randomly along his neck, jawline, and one above his eyebrow. I had the urge to gently poke my finger on each one, especially the one on the bridge of his nose. He wouldn't respond but that was to be expected. I had such a strange feeling inside of me grow as people poked and prodded his skin with needles and scalpels. I'm not sure if it was annoyance or protectiveness, maybe both, but I couldn't stand it.

Yukon had been through enough experiments and tests. His body deserved to rest, I know for a fact that once he woke up, Yukon would feel exhausted. As if the sleep he had in his coma did nothing for him. I understood that perfectly well, it's how I always felt waking up from all those experiments these past years of my life. I sighed and furrowed my eyebrows and I reached out to hold my brothers hand once more. These was a soft knock on the door of the room before it quietly opened just enough for Ella to peek her head in. "Hi," she whispered, "Sorry, can I come in?" I gave her a soft smile and nodded my head before turning my attention back to Yukon. I listened to her enter the room and carefully close the door, as if the sound would wake him. I always appreciated that, Ella coming in so quietly and asking if it was a good time. She treated Yukon as if he was already awake and aware, similar to how she treated me when I first came here.

"Any sign of movement?" Ella breathed out as she dragged a loveseat over next to my own. I brushed my thumb over the veins peering through Yukons skin, on the back of his hand, before answering. "Nope." Her shoulders slumped as she slouched and let out a very long, disappointed, sigh. "Okay then, guess he's being stubborn." I rolled my eyes and looked at her, trying not to smile, giving her my best unamused look. "What?" Ella squeaked out, her hands raised as if she were confused. "Nothing." I turned back to look at Yukon. "You're a dummy, is all," I mumbled with a small smile forming itself on my face.

"You sound like my brother. Except a lot nicer." I chuckled at her little comment. "Have you eaten today?" I nodded. "Okayyyy..." it was silent. "What color do you think his eyes are?" I asked softly, watching Ella's faced twist into a harsh thinking face. "Well...I don't know...that would depend on you're guy's parents, I guess. But he isn't exactly human anymore, like you, so maybe their like a bright purple or something." Ella smiled brightly, excitedly, and turned her body in her seat to face me. "We're siblings you think he looks a little like me? I mean, I know I have a genetic condition we have similar noses? Or eye shape?" I looked at her with hope. "I can't really tell, myself. I would've asked Silas but I don't want to bother him with stupid questions."

Ella frowned at me and shook her head. "They aren't stupid. And I doubt Silas would think they were dumb. Hmm...let me see." She stood up and looked over Yukon, staring at his face before looking over at mine. It was at least a minute of her looking between us with a very serious, concentrated look on her face. "Your guy's lips are so similar, and the shape of your face. I can't tell with the eyes, maybe when he wakes up. Or if you close your eyes?" She smiled at me and I smiled a little. "You have different noses though, for sure. His is a little more flat while yours has a high bridge. You guys still look similar though, at least to me. You guys look like siblings." She reassured me. I pressed my lips together, deciding what I should say, but then Anarchy suddenly came through the door, rather loudly, whistling some random tune.

"Oh. Didn't expect a whole party to be waiting here for me," He said with a huge grin plastered on his face. I sighed and Ella groaned, slouching back in her chair. "What could you possibly want? Huh!?" She huffed out, crossing her arms over her chest.

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