Chapter 26 <Six>

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Magnus left late at night after hours of talking with Silas and Adam. I was in there with them the entire time, although at some point Adam asked if I wanted to wander around instead, because it might've been boring for me. But I quickly said no because I didn't want to be around anyone other that him. While they were talking, I might've fell asleep for a bit. Silas woke me up when Magnus was about to leave. I basically slept for the whole day which made me a little disappointed. I wanted to walk around with Ella because she said she wanted to hang out with me. But, instead, I wasted the day away. Silas gave me a small smile after Magnus left and said I could always do it tomorrow. I nodded and followed him to his desk.

"Are you hungry?" He asked, arching an eyebrow at me. I frowned, thinking about it for a moment.

"Yeah, a little." I admitted while staring at the ground. Silas hummed and picked up his telephone, pressing some numbers causing it to start a call. I watched him, leaning a little on his desk.

"Yeah, I need two meals sent up to my office. Thank you," He said bluntly before hanging up the phone. I rolled my eyes a little at his tone and stared down at my feet. "I saw that." I looked up and watched Silas smirk at me.

"Saw what?" I tilted my head a little, giving him a confused look, though I knew what he was talking about. Silas scoffed in amusement and shook his head.

"You're so-"

"So what?"

"...never mind," he sighed and leaned in his chair, patting his thigh. "C'mere."

"No, I'm good right here," I said with a shrug. Silas rolled his eyes and I smiled, seeing my opportunity. "I saw that." He grinned and got up, leaning over to kiss me. I closed my eyes slowly, ready for it when there was a knock on the door. I immediately opened my eyes and turned my head, it sounded like urgent knocking. Silas grumbled something under his breath and walked over to his door, opening it. Ella pushed past Silas quickly. Silas and I both frowned as we looked at each other.

"Silas, you really aren't going to like this..." Ella mumbled, nervously standing in the middle of the room. Silas slowly closed and locked the door, the click filling room as silence followed Ella's sentence.

"What are you talking about?" He asked calmly, walking over to her. He gently set his hands on her shoulders as she breathed a little heavily. I pushed away from the desk as Ella fumbled with her words as if she were struggling to say whatever she wanted to say.

"Okay, okay. So I was just checking up on patrol when a man approached the gates. He said he was sent by a man named, umm, named Damon." She looked over at me while my stomach began to churn. "Do you know him?" She asked quietly.

"...Yeah..." I cleared my throat and rubbed my hands against my pants because they felt damp. "Yeah, um...he trained me. He's one of my superiors-"

"He was." Silas's voice made me look at him. He jaw was clearly strained and he looked agitated, "Please tell me you restrained the man and put him in the closest interrogation room." Silas turned to Ella who nodded immediately.

"Yes, I got Nicholas on it right away and Anarchy got back yesterday so he's actually watching the guy right now." Ella smiled a little, as if trying to reassure her brother who looked still agitated. He huffed and nodded, placing both hands on his hips.

"Okay, thanks El..." he mumbled and glanced between the two of us. "I'll be right back-"

"I want to come." I said quickly, despite my stomach protesting. "He was sent by my trainer so maybe I'll be able to help."

"No. You're staying here with Ella and you're gonna eat your food. I'll handle it. This isn't something for you to worry about," Silas said sternly, pointing a finger at me. I glared at him and walked over to him.

"I want to know what's happening, Silas. Just as much as you do. I want to be able to understand what happened to me, what if this guy knows something about my family? Why can't I come? Because you think I won't be able to handle the truth?" My hands gripped the front of my shirt, wrinkling the material as I did my best not to raise my voice. "I want to know why Damon sent him!"

"Why else do you think he was sent here, Six?! To try and persuade you to come back. Or to kill me again. They're desperate and I'm sure that if that jackass down there sees you, it'll be bad for you. I don't want you near anyone from that place." Silas reached out to cup my cheek but I smacked it away, backing up. He looked at me with frustrated eyes and grunted a little. I could tell doing that pissed him off but for some reason I wasn't afraid or I didn't care. It's not like he would hurt me.

"What, so you think I'm easily persuaded? You don't trust me?"

"What? No, that's not what I meant, you know that."

"No. No I don't," I narrowed my eyes at him. "I may have been brainwashed into not being able to remember anything, but that doesn't mean that I wasn't aware that what they were doing was wrong. I didn't need to be told that in order to pick that up. Sure I doubted myself but...but I always knew in the back of my mind that hurting people...killing wasn't right. I could tell because of the way they would beg me or even sob to harshly as they tried to escape." I squeezed my eyes shut and rubbed my face with my hands, trying to smooth out my stressed features. "Silas, please..." I whispered as it got quiet. "Please, I want to go with you. I really could help..." I looked at Silas, watching his strict demeanor begin to break. "...Adam...Adam, the both of you, please? I just want to come with you. I swear if you let me, I'll just stand in the background and listen. I won't even make eye contact. I just want to figure out everything with you." I held my breath as the silence grew after I was done.

Silas looked off to the side as he thought about it. Then he nodded and let his arms drop to his sides as if he had given up trying to convince to stay back. I looked at him with hopeful eyes and smiled a little. "Alright..." He sighed. "But at least let me handle to questions. And don't talk until I tell you it's okay to. I want to hear what this guy has to say. Got it?"

I nodded and hummed softly. "Yes, got it." Silas pulled me into a hug and mumbled into my hair. "It's not that I don't trust you, it's just I really don't want you to get hurt again..." he pulled away and sighed. "If you feel like you want to back out when we go down there, you can. I won't hold it against you." His warn hands held my head gently as I nodded. Silas bit his bottom lip before he leaned down, kissing me slowly. I kissed him back as I heard loud gagging. I pulled away, realizing Ella was still with us and blushed a little.

"Okay, okay. Enough, I like that you guys are happy but I don't wanna see you two shoving faces!" Ella grumbled out, sounding a little too similar to how Silas grumbles. It made be laugh a little and Ella immediately cheered up as she looked at me. "Now let's go, we want answers right? Let's go get them!"

"Woah, woah, woah. Slow down pipsqueak. You aren't coming. Anarchy can get a little brutal and let's be honest, when we watch horror movies, you can never sit through the gory parts," Silas said with a smirk. Ella frowned and crossed her arms over her chest. "Plus you never know when to keep your mouth shut. And you take up too much time when you ask questions. So either you go with us with duct tape on your mouth or you stay up hear in case patrol needs me." Ella groaned loudly and sighed.

"Fineeee. I'm gonna sit in your chair though!" She shouted, stomping over to it and sitting down. She kicked her feet onto the desk and sighed. "This feels so right." Silas chuckled and took my hand.

"Okay. Let's go."

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