Chapter 17 <Six>

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I think I was slowly growing more use to being around Silas. We weren't at each others throats anymore and now that I knew that Silas wasn't human at all, I felt more curious. I stare at him a lot, hoping to catch something abnormal about him. I think he knows because when I do watch his every move, he has a smile plastered on his face. Like he's enjoying the attention.

"Why do your eyes glow?"

"It's a part of not being human, baby boy." Silas sighed while looking through his computer. "Sometimes it happens when he tries to take over my body."

"...who's he?" I asked slowly, hugging my knees to my chest chest.

"Did I forget to tell you?" Silas asked with a smug smirk on his lips. Like he was taunting me.

"...I guess so..."

Silas hummed slightly and leaned back in his chair, his chair moving backward away from his desk. He wasn't wearing a shirt. I don't know why, maybe it was because we were in his bedroom. I wonder if he slept with no shirt on. What kind of person has a desk in their room and in their office?

"Adam." I blinked and looked around quickly, confused at him suddenly saying a name. No one was here.

"Adam?" I questioned but pressing my lips together I thought. "I've heard that name before..."

"I know you have. I'm sure Ella or Nicholas have mentioned it to you." I nodded slowly.

"I asked who he was but they never said anything about it. They just leave or change the subject..." I frowned because the memory's made me feel confused and sad for some reason. They had their reasons not to trust me, but I guess I saw them as friends? Maybe they didn't see me that way. It's my fault, I've never had friends, I don't know how to act like one.

"Well that's because Adam is me," Silas chuckled out deeply. I paused and looked at him in confusion.

"You have two names?"

"No, baby boy. I don't have two names, Adam is his own being." Silas tried to explain before signing and slumping in his seat. "Remember when I said I wasn't human? Do you know what I am?"

"...I don't think so..." I whispered slightly. What could Silas be other than a human? I frowned and thought for a moment because Silas seemed to want me to guess. He had a smirk on his face that was cocky and filled with amusement. His eyes were red again and for some reason I really wanted to smack him right now. It felt like he was taunting me in a playful manner. I frowned at him and stared into his eyes before my memory decided to bring up something from the past.

"Why are your eyes all red today, huh? What are those, demon eyes? Freak." Sebastian scoffed at me.

"You're a demon." I stated confidently. Instantly, Silas has these big eyes and a big grin plastered on his face.

"You're so fucking smart," he snickered out, grasped my face with his hands, gently. "And I'm serious when I say that. Don't worry, I'm not making fun of you." I huffed and pulled my face away, grasping his wrists.

"Just tell me, why are you treating this like a game now?"

"Because I love games. Especially with you, baby-"

"Why are you calling me a baby? I thought you weren't making fun of me?" I asked with a snappish tone. Silas' eyes seemed to widen a bit in shock but then he laughed a little.

"I'm not," he said.

"Then why are you calling me that?" I muttered looking away. I felt annoyed now, despite finding out this man wasn't actually human.

"...No reason..." Silas sighed after a couple of seconds. "Anyways, Adam is a very special type of demon. In fact he rules over all of demon king actually. Are you impressed?" He sounded like he was smiling.

"Why would that matter to me?" I began to ask before pausing abruptly. "Wait, like...he's like satan?" Like the devil in movies? Wasn't that a bad thing?

"Yeah, that's correct. And we share the same body. It's a bit complicated to explain but a long time ago after my parents passed away, I didn't know how to take care of my sister and fix what my father left us with. Then Adam came along and at first a was a little apprehensive in trusting the douche bag but it all worked out in the end. I got my revenge on some shitty people. I got to take care and raise Ella in a safe environment too. And I now had power to do what I want with out any worries," Silas chimed with a carefree smile on his face. "Turns out Adam and I were meant to be bonded together by blood. Lots of demons and gods have humans they blood bond with. It's an odd living but if your a part of it, it just makes sense. Try not to think to hard on it, sweetheart." I stared at him and chewed on my lower lip slowly, taking in everything he said.

"So...Adam is satan, you and him were meant to share a body and be one person..." I mumbled in thought, "I think I get it..."

"I'm glad you do, baby boy." My ears got all hot and so did my cheeks.

"Stop calling me that..." I said, " there anything else I should know?"

"...Well yes. But I think I've told you enough so far. You can learn everything as you go. There no rushing for you. I'd just feel horrible if I rushed all this information into your brain."

"You didn't feel very bad when you beat me up," I said whiled gnawing on my index finger, staring at Silas. He grinned at me and rolled his chair closer to me. My lips tugged into a deep frown and my arm hugged my knees closer to my chest.

"You tried to kill me though, was I not supposed to? And you killed one of my employees." Silas sighed and shook his head before reaching up to tousle my hair. I wanted to duck and avoid it, but couldn't because of the way my body was positioned. My hair was all messed up now because of him.

"I guess that is fair," I mumbled.  "Can I ask you something?"

"That's all you've been doing today," Silas said in a monotoned voice, smiling a bit. I rolled my eyes and rested my chin on my knees.

"My people-" Silas glared at me. "The people in charge of me, sent me to kill you. Did they know you were the devil?" I asked softly.

"...I think they did," Silas mumbled, resting his chin in the palm of his hand. His fingers tapped against his chin in thought. "I'm assuming they did because their boss knows."

"So they sent me to my death?"

Silas snorted and leaned back in his chair, speaking in an amused voice, "It does sound like that."

"But they always told me I was the strongest and most important warrior they've had. Why would they send me to my death if they needed me?"

"I'm not sure, but we'll figure it out soon. I promise." He winked at me and turned back to his work. I sighed and looked around his room for a couple of minutes after that. Silas was pretty fast at doing paper work. His eyes would simply scan over the page before he jotted down something or typed out another thing. But my eyes decided they were bored of watching his do his work. So instead I examined his body since he was basically half naked anyways. I really was so use to seeing him in suits or dressy clothes. I guess I knew he was muscular but it wasn't as noticeable as it was now. His arms were packed with muscle and they flexed as he reached out for things. And his stomach had abs that seemed like they would be fun to touch for some reason. I didn't know what his legs looked like though so I couldn't say anything about that.

"Hey...Silas?" He hummed at me in acknowledgment.

"Have I met Adam already?"

"...Do you want to?"

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