Chapter 16 •Six•

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"Yup, that's what I said." Silas had a big grin on his face and it was almost like he wasn't himself anymore.

"...I sort of do," I said. I remember a lot about religion, at least from what the scientists use to talk about. A lot of them were obsessed with it because I guess some of it had to do with the experiments.

"What happens when you mix demon blood and angel blood, child? Let's find out~"

I gasped and covered my mouth with both my hands, keeping my eyes on the food. What was that? Why did I suddenly just remember that? Who even was that? Is that a memory or a dream? I feel sick...

"Six?" I looked up at Silas to now looked worried. I slowly lowered my hands to my lap and mumbled.

"I'm sorry, I just..." don't know what to do. "What happens when you mix demon blood and angel blood?" Why the fuck would I ask that? Silas gave me a strange look like I knew he would.

"Why are you asking me that?" I frowned and shook my head.

"I don't know...I guess that type of just popped into my head..." I pushed the food away slowly and slouched. "Forget what I said. Sorry. I don't even know what I'm saying...Demons are like those monsters that work for the devil right? I didn't really pay much attention to that subject when it was mentioned back over there. That's really all I know."

Silas sighed heavily and placed a hand on mine, rubbing the back of it with his thumb. I watched it move in a circular motion while Silas seemed to struggle with his words. Like he didn't know how to start off his sentence. "Do you think that they're real? Demons I mean...and angels." He stared me down for a while as I thought about it. I don't think I was raised with any of those beliefs, but then again, how am I supposed to know what's beyond this world? I'm just a human.

"I'm not sure. But if they are, I'm going to try not to be too surprised. I'm human, I'm below them if they are. Those types of beings are supposed to understand everything right?" I squeezed his hand slowly and looked at his face to study it. Silas pressed his lips into a thin line while his other hand reached, gently stroking my cheek.

"Would you believe me if I told you they were actually real. That all types of creatures were real?" He whispered slowly to me. I blinked and stared at him before giving him a slight smile.

"If you could prove it to me, probably." I picked up the empty container of food and walked over to the trash can. After I tossed it out, I turned back to look at him before freezing up. Silas was staring at me with a very intense look. And his eyes were doing that weird thing that they always did. They were red and almost glowing in my dim room. "Silas..." I mumbled. "Are you...are you mad at me?" Maybe I got too comfortable with talking to him. What did I say wrong?

"No..." he rumbled from his chest, standing up. "I'm just proving it to you like you said." At first I was confused, but then I quickly realized after his eyes began to glow more.

"Wait," I mumbled as he walked over to me. "Wait, wait what do you mean?" I stretched out a hand to stop him from coming any closer. But he walked into it anyway, causing my hand to rest just below his chest. He was studying me with those eyes, I could tell.

"I think you know exactly what I mean, six. You aren't an idiot," he chuckled out in a much deeper tone of voice that I really never heard him speak in. It was like he was a whole new person.

"Silas...are you really human?" I whispered.

"I'm not. Does that scare you?"

"..." My heart was pounding against my chest harshly while Silas seemed to stare into my soul almost. "I...I don't..." My throat was dry and at first I wanted to deny it and tell him to get out. But I've never seen someone's eyes turn that color or glow. And I've never seen Silas act this weird. "I don't think it does," I finally answered. "If you're not human then what are you?" Silas took a step back from me and instead grabbed my wrist, pulling me gently towards the bed. He sat down and pulled me close so stand between his long legs that easily touched the ground even tho the bed was a good distance off the ground. I frowned and looked at his left hand as he cupped it.  My eyes slowly widened and his palm began to grow, my face slowly growing closer to it. I stopped when it bursted into sparks of colorful glowing light, almost like a rainbow that began to shrink. It formed into a spiraling, hot, compressed ball that was almost as big as Silas' hand. I gasped and turned to looked at the man with a wild expression. He didn't even look at me, he just smirked and placed an arm around my waist. I turned back to what was happening and reached for it, but Silas suddenly closed his hand into a fist. The burning sphere disappeared and my face fell immediately, a strange feeling running through me, almost as if I were disappointed that I didn't get to play with it.

"Six, I could show you a lot more than this," He whispered tensely. I blinked and placed a hand on his fist in confusion.

"You could?"

"I could show you a lot of impossible things like this. You know why?" His hand reached up to grasped my face firmly. I was forced to look at him in his red eyes.

"Why?" I barely was able to ask, my hands trembling with a strange urge I couldn't even describe.

"Because I'm a demon. A very special demon. I'm one that everyone fears. Even that little bitch over there in that facility you were created in." Created? "...But you don't have to be afraid of me if you don't want to, Six. It's your choice. You get to choose if you want to be scared or not." I could feel my eyes burning up, tears forming and falling down my cheeks, getting stuck on Silas' fingers.

"I'm scared...I think I'm scared," I stuttered. "I can't control it." Silas frowned visibly and moved me closer to him.

"Why are you scared of me?"

"I'm not scared of you." My voice cracked and broke out into a sob. "I'm scared that if I don't figure out who I am exactly, I'll get caught and I'll never be found again." I don't know where that came from, well maybe I do, but I don't know why I just told him my biggest fear. But Silas hissed through his teeth like he tasted something bitter and let go of my face, holding me to his chest while I gasped for air between my broken cries.

I held onto his shirt with shaky hands and squeezed my eyes shut, hoping that whatever was making me act this way would just go away. What have I become? Am I weak now? I feel so small and insignificant. I want to go back to feeling nothing. I want to go back to feeling nothing and resentment and just nothing.

"It's okay six."

Silas has a really nice voice...

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