Chapter 8 •Six•

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The nurse walked into the room and Silas quickly followed inside, closing and looking the door like last time. There were crutches in her hands and she rested them against the bed. My hands curled into fists while the lady pulled the covers back and began to remove the straps from my body. My first reaction was to sit up and stretch. When I did, the nurse backed up quickly as if she were scared. Silas stepped up to me and looked over my body before chuckling. "I guess I should've brought some clothes for you. Jess, would you get Nicholas to bring him some clothes?"

"Yes, I'll be right back." She stepped outside pretty quickly.

"She's scared of me..." I mumbled, swinging my legs back and forth a bit. Silas stared down at me and rested both hands on his lean hips.

" did cause quite a killed a friend of hers, I'm surprised she even let me assign her to you." I frowned while slowly looking up at him.

"He was her friend?"

"Well, he was her husbands friend, but still. She was the only nurse available and now she's stuck with you until your wound heals up. Or until I find some other nurse who isn't busy," Silas sighed out and grabbing the crutches, planting them in front of me. But I looked away from them and began to feel very uncomfortable. She's been taking care of her friends murderer this entire time. She's even had to help me get to the restroom at at times. Why didn't she try to hurt me or kill me when I was at my lowest? I reached up and began to rub the side of my left arm, staring at the ground. I wonder how many people I've hurt after I killed their family members or friends...or lovers.

Maybe Sebastian was right when I asked him if the devil was real. The devil is probably using me as one of his victims and when I die I'll belong to him. I've killed so many people and I haven't even questioned it so I'm definitely going to hell if the devil is real. I was even told by Damon that men who like men would end up burning in hell. Same with women. I've never felt attracted to women but I know that it would feel strange to be with one. So that means I'll definitely be with the devil. "I'm going to hell, right? I'm gonna go to hell and satan is going to punish me even more." I looked up at Silas and tears began to spill from my eyes. "I really have hurt a lot of people, haven't I? Because I was too scared to disobey Damon and Sebastian and...and Vera....and my boss, I was selfish. That's being selfish, right?" My hands reached out and I grasped his shirt, crumpling the neat fabric in my fists.

"I'm a bad person."

Silas smirked down at my and put a crutch down, raising his hand. He pressed it against one of my wet cheeks. He bent down a little so we were at the same level. "Six, that isn't being selfish. You were surviving, and there's nothing wrong with that, baby boy," Silas chimed with dimly lit, red eyes. "You're the most interesting little thing I've ever met, you know that?"

"I was...I was surviving?" I asked, leaning into his warm hand.

"Correct." He clicked his tongue. "But you do belong to the devil, just not in the way you're thinking."

"...What?" Silas pulled away from my and grabbed a couple of tissues, handing them to me.

"Here, clean up your face. Let's teach you how to use these fuckers, yeah?" Silas asked while I wiped my eyes, cheeks, and nose. My mind really wanted to dwell on what he just said but he really seemed like he wanted me to stand up. I reached out and gripped the crutches. My thigh felt kinda tender and like jelly but I could definitely stand. So I moved forward and tucked the crutches under my armpits, leaning most of my weight on the other leg that worked much better than my injured one. "Okay, these a bit awkward at first but once you get the hang of it, it isn't actually that hard. Have you used these before?"

I shook my head. "I usually only use wheel chairs...after that Damon had me walk on my own until he thought I was healed..." I trailed off slowly and rubbed my chin against my shoulder. "But I've seen how they're used." I mumbled and carefully began to walk with them, struggling at first before sort of getting the hang of it. I paused when I felt a draft and blushed, realizing that I forgot I'm naked under the gown.

"You really are pale everywhere huh? Never met anyone with Albinism before," Silas said with the smirk blatant in his voice. I looked back at him and turned to face him.

"Albinism? That's what I have?" I asked quietly. Silas stared at me before groaning.

"Holy shit they really don't tell you anything. You know what, while you're here, I'm giving you access to the internet and Ella is going to help you look up shit you don't know. That computer geek should know all the sights to go to," Silas chuckles out and I nodded slowly. I would like that and Ella isn't irritating like Vanessa is so that made me a bit excited. Maybe Ella could be my first friend if she wanted to be. "Anyways, those feel okay?"

"Yeah, I think they feel alright," I mumbled out. Nicholas entered the room suddenly with a pile of clothes and Silas moved quickly in front of me for some reason.

"Thanks, leave them here," He ordered, motioning to the bed. My body leaned to the side and I watched Nicholas place some clothing on the bed before he left quickly, not even trying to look at me which made me think he was weird. I was basically naked, what didn't he want to look? Damon and Sebastian liked to look at me naked a lot, even though I hated that. These people are a lot different than the ones I was raised by. But I liked that for some reason.

"Get changed, I won't look," Silas grumbled, keeping his back turned. I debated on whether or not I should just try and kill him while his back was turned. But I had a feeling that Silas knew I would that. So I wobbled over to the bed, put the crutches down and balanced gently on one leg while I got dressed in the clothes they had for me. It was just a long sleeve shirt, boxers, and some shorts that I'm guessing will make it easier to move in since I was stabbed. I pulled on the socks and shoes that were there as well and hummed.

"I'm ready," I said while looking at his back. He turned around and tilted his head. Then he walked over and picked up a face mask and hat from the bed that I didn't see. He put the hat on me and reached around my face, securing the mask around my mouth a nose properly.

"We have to keep your face covered considering my people aren't very fond of you right now. Don't worry though," He rested his heavy and muscular arm around my shoulder, "I'll protect you." Silas looked down at me and winked. I tilted my head in confusion.

"But I tried to kill you."

"It's not like you wanted to, right?"

...I don't think I wanted to...

I shook my head which made Silas grin at me. He helped me up and held the door open for me as I walked out using the crutches. Silas walked with me slowly through the area and I was surprised that he hadn't blind folded me to keep everything a secret. So I wouldn't try and escape or something. He stayed close to me and lead me through the large building. "We're in the living area now. Or apartment area. I'll take you to your room, it's quite close to mine, actually. So I can keep an eye on you encase you try something that'll break our little deal. I know you're thinking about it." Silas gave me a smirk.

"Now follow me, baby."

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