Chapter 29 <Six>

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It felt as though me and Cael were talking with each other for hours. I asked a lot just about what would happen to us. They revealed to me and then final form I was accessing wasn't the form I was looking at. Although it would be the one I would use the most. Our final form was complex and something not all human minds could handle, simply because it was intimidating. It wouldn't look human at all and Cael had trouble explaining it to me.

"I cannot show it to you right now, not until we awaken. But I've seen it once. I don't know how I've seen it, but I have. Maybe when I was first being created in that lab. But all I know is that it is just feather rings, 12 of them to be exact. They encase each other and seem to spin on forever. At the the center of us is...I think it might've been a fetus." Cael tilted his head a little. "I'm not completely sure though. I can only see others auras. But I know which auras match with looks so...I believe that my description is accurate." They chuckled a little and smiled. "You're a little afraid, aren't you. I can tell. You've change colors." Cael reached out as if they wanted me to take their hand. I sighed shakily and placed my hand in theirs.

"I'm scared...I'm not sure if I want to turn into something like that, ever," I admitted quietly, watched Cael sharp, white nails—or maybe they were claws—trace patterns in my palm. "But I...still want to awaken. If I do then maybe I can save my brother. Maybe I'll feel more comfortable in my own skin too..." Cael seemed happy with my response and nodded.

"Then let us merge," They said softly, taking both my hands in theirs. "Close your eyes, please. You might blind yourself, like me, if you keep them open." They said with a little bit of a smirk. I nodded and closed my eyes, breathing slowly so I wouldn't psyche myself out.

"On the count of three. Ūnus, duo, trēs."

Suddenly there was a flash of white behind my eyelids, which made me realize that Cael wasn't just joking. I probably would've really went blind. I laughed a little in disbelief before I felt warm arms wrap around me and my eyes opened quickly. "You did it, baby boy." Adam sounded...happy. I looked around the room and realized I was back.

"I did?" I asked softly.

"Yes. How did it go?"

"It went well, obviously. You said I did it," I said bluntly but smiled with Adam laughed.

"I mean, did you two get along well?"

"Yes. I enjoyed talking to them. Cael is really nice. Their actually a lot like me I think. Maybe that's because they were made for me, though..." I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "Where are they now?" I frowned. "How do I know they're there?"

"Just listen for them," Adam instructed softly, rubbing circles into my back. Carefully, I listened around the room. "No, not here, princess. I'm there." He poked my head a little and I gasped, looking over at him in realization. Again I listened carefully, only this time, I listened in my mind.



'Cael? Are you there?'

'Your view of the world is tainted the same time wonderful. It's nice to finally be able to see through someone else's eyes.'

My eyes widened in shock. They answered.

'Thank you...' I quickly replied, smiling a little to myself. Adam was watching me closely as I looked at him. "They said they like seeing through my eyes..." I mumbled and blinked as Cael made another comment. "And they said they like the color of your aura." I blushed a little as Adam smirked slyly.

"It's good to know my mate admires me not just for my looks," He said smoothly. I rolled my eyes and looked away. "You won't be able to let Cael take control like I am able to. Not for a while. That's something I can't help you with because it's different for everyone. But now we can decided if you want to start practicing today or tomorrow. Maybe tomorrow would be better, your body must be tired from today." He tentatively tucked my hair behind my ear. I nodded slowly, truthfully my body did feel a little achy or fatigued.

"I'm kinda hungry," I mumbled while rubbing my stomach, glancing at Adam. He smiled and got off the bed walking over to the phone on the wall. I watched him and hugged my knees to my chest, wondering how exactly Cael was doing now that we were merged.

'I'm doing just fine. Don't worry.'

I blushed, completely forgetting he could probably hear my every thought. I smiled a little bit, even though I felt embarrassed, and looked over at Adam as he walked back over to me. I sat up on my knees and leaned forward, hugging him once he stood at the edge of the bed. Adam groaned a little and hugged me tightly, burying his face in my neck. "You smell so good," he exhaled out, sliding his hands up and down my back in a soothing manner.

"I love you," I mumbled out, closing my eyes. He seemed to freeze out of shock but it didn't bother me. For some reason it didn't matter to me if he didn't feel the same or if he did. I just wanted to say it. "I know I've never loved someone before. Well maybe I have but...not like this. This is different, right?" I opened my eyes and smiled softly. "I just love you."

"..." He kissed my neck and I heard a weird mixture of Adam and Silas speaking. "I love you too, baby boy." My face grew a little warm so I pushed my face into his shoulder and we hugged like that for a while. The was a form knock on the door not to long after and Adam pulled away. When I saw his eyes, I realized Silas was back. He pulled a cart with food on it and closed the door behind him, rolling it over to the bed.

After we ate, we ended up just playing a game of 'go fish' because I had never played before. I convinced Silas to play a couple of games with me before night came and we went to bed together. The next morning he woke me up and told me to get ready so we could start practice. He led me to a very large area we're a lot of equipment was at. But it was surprisingly empty. I thought maybe it would have some people in it but it didn't.

"Where is everyone?" I asked curiously as he gently pushed me towards the large black spongey mat. Silas shrugged a little as I looked at him before giving me a grin.

"I had a little announcement given to them to stay out of the sparring room today. Actually for a couple of days. They can find other places to train anyways," He said dismissively. I frowned at that.

"Don't you think that'll make them all hate me more?" I asked, tilting my head to the side curiously. Silas walked over to me and nodded.

"Of course. But they'll have to live with it. You're my mate, not theirs. They can't do much or else I would make them regret it." Silas stuffed his hands into his pocket and smiled. "Now let's begin. Adam will help you for this." He closed his eyes for a moment and then opened them. Adam was back and he looked really excited. "Hello princess," He chimed and circled around me for a moment, stopping next to me. Adam pulled a knife from his pocket and flicked it open. The blade glinted under the morning sunlight shining through the windows, like it was winking at me.

"What's that for?" I asked curiously.

"For you." He said, holding it out for me to take. So I did, staring down at it in my hand. It feels like forever since I've handled a weapon. I gripped it, moving my arm around to get the feel. "Now come try and kill me."

I looked over at him quickly with wide as. "What?"

"You heard me."

"But I thought this training was so turn into my true form." I frowned. "I don't want to attack you."

"It is. But first I want to understand how you fight. After this, I promise we'll start. It'll be quick. Just for an hour and then we'll be good. I'm a fast learner," Adam said with a smirk. "I'll be fine, a knife can't kill me that easily." I sighed and looked off to the side before nodding which caused Adam to clap his hands together. "Great! Anarchy?!" I frowned and jumped when the same man we saw in the interrogation room ran past me as if he was behind me this entire time.

"Yeah yeah, I know. Here." He handed Adam some gloves that were padded on the knuckles. I frowned, looking at Adam.

"How come I don't get those too?"

"When you first attacked me, you seemed to like weapons more than your fists. So I just assumed you didn't need them." He smirked and Anarchy seemed to copy it which made me glare at the man. "Alright, go watch or something." Adam shooed Anarchy off the large mat and turned back to me.

"Okay, princess, do your worst." He smirked, getting in a steady stance. I tilted my head and smiled a little because he looked sort of cute when he challenged me.

"Fine." I fixed my stance before running at him.

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