Chapter 4 •Six•

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Who was Adam?

Was he a partner of Silas'? Did I have to worry about him? The way that man spoke about them sounded like Adam was just as important as Silas. I was told that Silas was the leader but why did Adam sound just as important. I gritted my teeth and removed the worry from my head. I couldn't think about that right now. He's probably just a partner. If he's there I'll just take him down too. Then everything will go back to the way it was. I'll leave and sleep peacefully knowing I didn't fuck this up. I looked ahead as I walked past a glass door. I peered inside quickly and almost stopped dead in my tracks. There were many weapons in there, so many weapons stacked on shelves and their ammo was tucked behind the shelves. I let out a quiet breath but stressed breath and tried not to wonder how many guns my boss needed or what for.

"Silas decided to stay up in his office for the rest of the night." I blinked and listened carefully, slowing down my steps. I glanced over at a girl with colorful hair with a green dress on. "I told him not to but he just loves over working himself," She pouted out. I looked ahead against and made my way over to the elevator. I pressed the button and smiled a bit when the doors opened quickly. Usually when elevators opened that quickly, I really liked that. Especially when I was on a mission. I stepped inside and waisted no time, pressing the button for the 6th floor and leaned against the wall. I watched the number rise slowly and kept my head down since there was a camera staring right at me. The elevator finally reached the floor and I stepped out quickly, dodging a man who was just about to step inside after me. I kept walked and took a left turn down a hall, stopping at the office door. Slowly, I knocked on the door and tilted my head as a deep voice told me to enter. I opened the door and closed it slowly before turning to look at him.

Silas was already standing up from his chair, leaning against the side of the desk. He stared at me right in the eye and I stayed quiet. "...Who are you?" He asked and narrowed his eyes. I stayed quiet before running at him and pulling out a knife. I held it up to his neck as we both fell to the ground while he growled, his hands coming up to hold mine back. I glared darkly at him and pushed the knife closer to his throat before gasping as he shoved me off of him. My knife slid all the way to the door so I quickly pulled out a dagger and got up just as he did. My leg swung up and I kicked him in the jaw watching him stumble back before I moved behind him, yelping as he knocked the hat off my head and grabbed me by the throat. I dug the dagger into his arm as he slammed me on to the desk and reached to press a button. I gagged and reached for another dagger, stabbing his hand just as he pressed it.

A loud alarm went off and I cursed, wrapping my legs around his arm and pulling out a gun, holding it to his forehead. My stomach sank while I started to black out from the lack of oxygen. I vision started to get hazy while my muscles began to feel like jelly. I swore I could see his eyes glow red. Hot tears rolled down my cheeks and I managed to mouth. "Stop." He let go and I fell to the floor gasping for air.

"Why the fuck..." he whispered before looking up. "Take him to the fucking dungeon," he panted out. My eyes opened and I tried to grab the gun, screaming in frustration when I was pulled away from it. "Knock him out already!" My vision went black.

My eyes snapped opened and I gasped, looking around the room quickly. I tried to move my legs and arms but I couldn't. My breathing picked up and tears streamed down my face. "Where am I?" I panted out. I failed. I failed. That's all I could think about, was that I failed. I squeezed my eyes shut and looked around slowly. I was tied down to a chair and the room I was in was covered in plastic. Which means I'm in a torture room. This is similar to what I had to go through if I didn't do well on a mission. So maybe I'm back at my home and I had to be saved by someone. I'm back home...

"You sound like you're panicking," A man said. I looked up and frowned. It was the blonde man I bumped into earlier. He smirked down at me and walked over from the doorway, leaving it open. I stared at it for a bit until I heard him pick up a knife slowly. "What's wrong? Nothing to say? How about we introduce ourselves, hm?" I looked down at my lap and focused on my breathing. He crouched down and looked up at me, tilting my head up by my jaw using the knife.

"My name is Nicholas. Yours?"


"You know, I was told by Silas to not hurt you unless you really had no intention of saying anything. It looks like you really don't wanna talk, so I'm gonna have to rough you up a bit, m'kay?" Nicholas looked at me with a disappointed look. I pressed my lips together and mumbled.

"I don't have a name..."

"What? Speak up, I couldn't hear you," he said with a furrowed brow. I stayed quiet and decided not to repeat myself. Again, he looked disappointed. "Kid, I really don't wanna do this. Silas doesn't want to either. At least tell me who you were sent by and maybe we'll let you get out of here." I stared at him blankly. He was being surprisingly nice to me I think. Damon and Sebastian were never nice to me and they never hesitated when a punishment came.

"Are you going to punish me?" I asked. Nicholas arched an eyebrow.

"For attacking my boss, yep," he said.

"I want to see him." Nicholas scoffed at me.

"You're not seeing him."

"Is he scared? I almost killed him. He must be patching himself up since I stabbed him twice," I droned out. Nicholas narrowed his eyes at me before he raised the knife and stabbed me in the thigh. I cried out in pain and threw my head to the left, trying to stop my scream. I looked down at the knife and breathed slowly. It was lodge all the way through, I could feel it.

"Silas isn't scared. Being scared of you would be like being scared of a lost kitten," Nicholas seethed through his teeth. "He almost killed you. Feel lucky he didn't." Maybe if he did kill me I wouldn't have to be punished when I return.

"I'm not allowed to tell you anything."

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