Chapter 25 <Six>

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Slight NSFW warning: Just a little bit of an intense make out session.

Silas and Adam were right when they said the building had changed. Every area that I thought I knew wasn't the same anymore. I began to wonder how he was able to change everything so suddenly without being so obvious about it. But then I stopped myself because I knew it wasn't worth giving any thought to it. I would probably just confuse myself considering Adam can literally hold a ball of fire in the palm of his large hand. As for the people in this place, they would often glance over at me. Some even stared for what seemed like forever. I really did hate it. But of course I didn't blame them at all. Our tour ended at Silas' office. He let me inside first and closed the door behind us. Silas lifted his hand and placed it on me cheek once he walked in front of me and kissed me slowly. I froze up a little because it was unexpected and didn't have time to kiss him back. He pulled away and smirked down at me.

"They behaved decently around you. And I'm glad you didn't pay them any attention. Soon they'll grow to respect you so don't worry about any of the people here. Kay?" I slowly nodded in response and walked to the couch, sitting down with a sigh. "I'll be having a guest come over, just to talk. Well he's more of a close friend of mine as well as someone who works for me from time to time." Silas sat down next to me and rests his arm along the couch, behind me. I looked at and tilted my head curiously.

"What's he like?" I asked slowly while turning my body to him and sitting criss cross. Silas grinned big at me, like he was happy I was talking to him. It made me blush a little.

"Well he's my height, pretty funny when he wants to be. I'd say he's a little more serious than me or Adam at times though. Don't worry about him being rude, he's nice and I've told him about you already. So he knows who you are." I looked at him, surprised.

"You told him about me?" I asked, fighting back the need to smile. Silas hummed and nodded in response. "What did you say? That I tried to kill you?" I frowned a little when Silas began to laugh. I could help but pout because it was a serious question. "I'm serious, did you? If you did how do you know if he hates me or not?" Silas breathed out after laughing for a couple of seconds and sighed.

"He really isn't worried about me, princess. He actually thought it was pretty hilarious," Silas said, looking pretty irritated at the fact. This time, I could fight back the little smile that made its way onto my lips. "That fucker is a dick through and through." Silas huffed out, crossing his arms over his chest. I stared at his muscular arms that sort of looked a little restricted against his suit.

"What's his name?" I looked away before I could get caught, playing with the sleeve of my shirt.

"Magnus." Silas stretched, groaning softly. "But we have some time," He sighed out as I nodded. Then I stopped mid nod to stare at him questionably.

"Have some time for what? I thought you've shown me everything..." I frowned. How could a building this big have more rooms to see. Silas reached over, his hand grasping the back of my neck, pulling me forward. I grunted a little in surprise as he met up with me, kissing my lips slowly. I closed my eyes, leaning a bit more into the kiss, my arms hugging his neck tightly. Silas moved his hand away from my neck, instead wrapping his arms around my waist. I pulled away slowly and stared at him. " this what you meant?" I asked slowly, biting my bottom lip as I tried my best not to blush.

"Of course it was," Silas chimed, smirking at me. "My new favorite thing to do is kiss you. Your lips are really soft..." he murmured in my ear. I shivered as goosebumps traveled down my arms and spine. Quickly, I hid my face in his shoulder, my hand reaching up to block my ear from how close his mouth was. I heard him chuckle softly and loosen his hold on me. Silas moved his head against mine to lift me from my hiding spot. I looked at him and closed my eyes slowly as he began to kiss me again. He slowly moved my body more onto the couch so he could hover over me. Silently, I sort of hoped this wouldn't escalate in here. But a part of me was curious about it. Silas's hands slid down to my hips while his kisses moved down my neck. My eyes slowly began to open as I stared up at the ceiling.

I could hear Silas breathing rigidly against my neck and I whimpered as his teeth scraped against my throat. We were cut short though because someone was knocking loudly against his office door. It was so abrupt and sudden that it made me jump and Silas growled a little in annoyance. "Mother fucker, he's early," He snarled. Silas looked back down at me and slowly got up. I sat up quickly, looking away from him because he winked at me with a sly grin. I used the collar of my shirt to wipe his spit off my neck and watched as Silas opened the door.

"Why the hell are you here?" Silas scoffed out, stepping inside to let in a tall man who was pretty pale and a red head. His eyes were sort of yellowish but all of the sudden they turned green. Was he like Silas and Adam? I didn't mean to stare openly at him, but I was curious.

"Didn't you say you wanted to meet up with me?" He asked. The mans eyes landed on me quickly, it felt as if he were studying me, his eyes focusing on my face lastly I think. What did Silas say his name was? My brain felt a little fuzzy after what happened a minute ago...

"You must be Six," The man said, smiling at me. I blinked as his deep voice magically snapped me away from my inner thoughts. "Silas and Adam keep taking about you. They seriously won't shut up."

I looked at Silas, surprised. "Really?" I asked, confusion probably written all over my face. Silas seemed to roll his eyes after he closed the door. "Why?" The man looked a little take aback by my question and he glanced over at Silas.

"Well, isn't it obvious, because he's completely soft for you," He laughed out slightly. "I mean, weren't you guys making out just a second ago?" My eyes widened and Silas shoved the mans shoulder roughly.

"Keep your mouth shut, Magnus," Silas grumbled, glaring at Magnus playfully. Oh, right, that's what his name was. I blushed a little bit and looked away, playing with my hair awkwardly. Magnus sat down across from me, resting his chin in his hand as Silas grabbed some papers from his drawer. I tried not to smile to myself, I know he told me earlier that he told Magnus about me...but Magnus made it seem like all her talks about is me. It made me feel...happy. I bit my lip, hugging one of my knees to my chest. "I just wanted to give you the information on the newbies that I'll be recruiting soon." Silas grinned at him. "You and anarchy can deal with them. I don't feel like dealing with it, I'm too busy."

"With what? Oh wait, let me guess, you're spending a lot of time "entertaining" your mate?" Magnus gave me a big smile and I stared at him a little defensively. What did he mean by "entertaining"? I frowned as Silas laughed. I blushed and watched them, a little confused. If felt like they could be teasing me and I didn't like it.

"Not just that," Silas said while plopping down next to me, his heavy arm resting on my shoulders. I looked at him and quickly shrugged it off. He glanced at me, looking a little disappointed. I huffed quietly and crossed my arms over my chest. Silas's legs sort of spread out and his knee pressed against my mine slowly. I slowly looked at him as He and Magnus spoke, sort of tuning out their conversation. My lips pressed against my knee while I sighed softly. I wonder why I was chosen to be his mate, I'm really not much to look at or all that important.

I don't think I deserve him or Adam.

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