Chapter 19 <Six>

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I didn't pry any further about Silas or Adam after that day. In a way I was sort of avoiding him because after what he claimed that I was...his...soulmate...I felt apprehensive. What was I supposed to do now that I knew all these things? Were there other people around here like Silas? From what he made it sound like, there were. Which meant that anyone could kill me at anytime they wanted. That's why I was coupes up in my room all the time, secretively. Adam and Silas wanted to protect me. I'm sure though, if I wasn't in the position I'm in right now, he would've killed me a long time ago. But for some reason I was fine with that. Maybe it was because I still believed I deserved death.

Now I was with Ella. She brought over her computer to my room and we were sitting together on the bed. Ella kept looking stuff up and showing it to me, showing me how social media worked too. "Do you think you want a phone?" She asked curiously. I stared at the computer screen in thought.

"I don't know. Maybe not right now...but I do want one, one day..." I mumbled, resting my chin in my hand. "I'm fine with books though right now. I'm still filling up the bookshelf Silas got me." I looked over at the white book shelf near my bed and sighed. It was half filled now with books I've finished reading it books I've already read. After I finish a book, I sort of ask Nicholas to get me a new one. And I always say to choose one he thinks I'll like. So far, he hasn't really disappointed me.

"Okay. Well when you want one I'll get you one," Ella chimed happily before returning to typing something else up. I sighed and stared down at my hands which slowly curled into fists. "Here, watch these videos. It's just a bunch of cute animals. You like animals right?" She asked. I looked at the computer screen and smiled a little.

"Yeah. I don't think I've ever seen an animal...or like a pet up close before but I like them. They look like fun," I mumbled, chewing on the skin around my finger nail. Ella hummed and smiled.

"You should ask Silas to get you a dog. Or a cat. I bet he'd get you one," she said excitedly. "I've always asked him for when when I was younger but he never gave in..." her lips formed into a dramatic pout. My face scrunched up in confusion.

"If he never got you one, what makes you think he'll get me one?" I asked. Ella looked up in thought before shrugging.

"Because you guys are supposed to do the dirty and like live together and get married." She said bluntly. I blinked in shock and glared at her, pinching her arm. "Ow!" She whined, rubbing her arm. "What was that for?"

"Saying a stupid thing." I mumbled, looking back at the screen. Ella smiled and me and gently poked my cheek with one of her acrylic nails.

"You're red." She whispered at me, going back to whatever she was doing with the key board. I flinched and covered my cheeks with my hands unsure of how to hide since it seemed to be obvious. I decided to distract myself to help my face calm down.



"Can you do stuff like Adam or like Silas can?" I asked. "Do you have another person or like...I guess entity?"

Ella smiled and shook her head. "No. I'm not exactly like him. Actually when Adam came along I think he sort of started viewing me as his little sister too. And he made turned me into a demon I guess. Some people are a little different and are born like that. Others I guess at chosen or turned into one. Kinda like what happened with my brother." I frowned.

"Isn't that sort of cruel? To turn someone into something they originally weren't? On both ends?" I asked softly. Ella nodded softly.

"Yeah. I've met some people here that have escaped facilities like that. Some people have blocked out the memories from how painful it was to be experimented on while others remember," She said while glancing at me with a strange look in her eyes. I felt my stomach beginning to do flips.

"Experiments?" I've been experimented on a lot. And I have always wondered why. But I quickly shook the thought from my mind as a sick feeling crept up on me. I didn't want to think about it if it was going to make me throw up.

"Hey, Six," Ella said in a quiet voice. I slowly turned to her and the sick feeling in my stomach grew worse.

"Ya...Yeah?" I mumbled, grasping at the hem of my shirt.

"I'm actually not supposed to tell you this but, you deserve to know. Even if it upsets you..." She paused and licked her lips slowly. Then she closed her laptop and slid it into her bag, resting it on her lap as she turned to me. Just then the air conditioning powered off and it was completely silent in the room. I could hear slight ringing in my ears and my own heart beat as well. "Silas and I...we've found your file finally after trying for some time since you've got her. And it should be brought to us soon. Silas and Adam didn't want to say anything until we actually got it and read through it. He said he didn't want to overwhelm you. We might be able to find out a lot about you now. Maybe even find out if you had parents...siblings...a family," she whispered softly, reaching over to place her hand over my hand in a comforting manner.

I took a deep breath and answered after a couple of seconds. "Ella, could you bring the file to me somehow instead of Silas or Adam first?" I asked softly. "I want to know what....who exactly I am. I've wanted to know for so long." I really didn't feel okay after saying that and I think Ella could tell because she stood up and nodded immediately.

"Yeah, I'll try to figure out a way to do that. But I think I should go now. I'll leave you alone, m'kay?" I looked at her, a little surprised she agreed to my request. I only nodded wordlessly and watched her leave my room quietly. I sighed out slowly and looked around the room, relieved that the air conditioning turned back on. It was no longer completely silent. I stood up and watched over to the counter, grabbing an apple.

"I'm okay..." I whispered, taking a slow bite. "This is okay."

A couple of days after that, Silas didn't seem mad or strange. So I assumed Ella kept her word and hasn't told him about my favor I asked if her. He was laying on my bed once again, feet kicked out and all. I sat criss cross with some space between us. To avoid eye contact with him, I was reading a book. I could feel his stare burning the front of my face so I sat up straighter with the book blocking me from his gaze.

"That book good?" Silas asked.

"Yes." I answered shortly and turned a page.

"What's it about?"

I sighed and looked at him from over the book, tucking my nose in the crease between the pages. "It's about women who makes hats and a sorcerer who likes her. He's a jerk though," I answered.

"Sounds fun. Wanna read it to me?" He smiled at me slowly and I noticed his eyes were red.

"No thanks, Adam."

He pouted at me. "That's rude. I gave you this room."

"I never asked for a room."

"Then maybe I should kick you out of here."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "That's fine. As long as I get to take some books..."

He sat up and leaned towards me, his hand sliding forward and stopping besides my folded legs. The bed creaked too as he shifted his weight. "And you'll have to come sleep in my bed, of course." There was a smirk on his face and his eyes were smoky. I could feel myself getting hot around my neck and ears and face so I began to lean back. I was still hiding most of my face with my book.

"Why would I do that?" I asked. "I can't stand you, you don't let me read in peace. If we shared a room we wouldn't get along-"

"I have a feeling we would."


He was super close now. I could tell Silas and Adam were both sort of switching between each other while our faces grew closer.

"Remember that other night? When we kissed?" Oh no. I couldn't speak. So I just nodded quickly. He reached up and pulled the book away from my face. I can't speak, I should really say something to stop this. But I kind of like it...

"That's how I know we'd get along," He whispered into my ear. Then he kissed my cheek, my forehead...then my lips. I was frozen in place at first but something clicked in me. And I began to kiss him back despite not exactly knowing how to. Like last time.

And it felt so right.

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