playing with jealousy

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After a brutal hour and a half of filling out the answers to 100 different questions, I throw my final into the basket and let all the information I just soaked up last night wash its way out of my memory. After my hardcore study sessions as of late, my brain is at capacity. But it's all about the grades, not about the actual learning apparently.

I flop down on my chair and pull my phone out my bag. At least now I'm free to do whatever I want with my time as long as the sound is kept to a minimum.

Beau's been done with his final for a long while now, I'm surprised he hasn't attempted to try to get on my nerves yet. I'm sure he's been holding it in this whole time because as soon as I make myself comfortable in my seat, he turns to me with a typical frown on his face.

"Took you long enough," he grumbles.

I turn to him, eyebrows raised. "Oh sorry I like to take my time when I take important tests. For all I know you cheated."

"It may come as a shock to you that I have a brain." He cocks his head to the side as if to challenge me.

I shift so that my upper body is facing him, letting him know he couldn't intimidate me no matter how hard he tried. "No it comes as a shock to me that you actually use it," I fire back with a smirk.

"Haha," he faux-laughs in a monotone.

My eyes shift past him to the next table over where Jake and Serenity are. He's leaned forward, his eyes still on the exam. She's sitting further back on her phone, but I catch her sneaking a glimpse at us. When she realizes I've caught her, we lock eyes. I'd like to believe she isn't a complete bitch that hates me just because I'm "dating" her ex, but she's making it hard for me to convince myself otherwise when she's literally glaring at me like she's planning at least 50 ways to potentially kill me.

Beau shoots me a confused look before turning around himself, prompting her to look away. I let out a sigh and turned my attention back to Beau. "I really wish making someone jealous didn't also come with making them hate me," I groan.

"Why do you give a shit?" he asks like I thought he would. Beau doesn't give a shit about anyone or what they have to say about him. That trait pisses me off more than anything about him, but now that I think about it, it would be a convenient one to possess at times like this.

I fidget with my hands between us while looking down at the ground. "I don't know, I guess it's just better to not fall under someone's radar at all than to just have them hate you. Had it not been for the deal, she would've never known who I was."

"And? You can't please everyone babe," he says pessimistically.

I exhale in defeat because as much as I hate that statement, it's the truth. The cold-blooded truth that can't be sugar coated or served to you on a beautiful silver platter. No beating around the bush on this one. "I know that, but it'd be nice to at least have Serenity hate me for a logical reason."

"Logical reason? Where have you been the last month and a half? You're making her jealous, did you expect her to invite you to her house for a fucking spa day?" he retorts, clearly not getting my point. Then again, I never really expected him to. He's an asshole who never concerns himself with other people's feelings.

We're polar opposites. I care too much. He cares too little.

I roll my eyes and reply softly, "No obviously. I just don't understand why girls allow themselves to be pitted against each other at the hands of other boys. No offense but you kind of set it up for us to despise each other."

"Yeah thanks, put it on me," he sarcastically remarks.

"It's true. She doesn't hate me because I said bad things about her. She hates me because I'm with you."

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