only a matter of time

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My best friend and my brother are most definitely fucking.

Now that's a sentence I'd never thought I'd say.

Whatever hatred they had for each other is completely gone out the window. Out of sight, out of mind. Like the whole thing was just another elaborate lie of theirs to disguise what they really did when no one was watching. The only reason I know them hating each other was real at one point was because of the way they spoke of each other. They actually did it. Now they don't utter a word about each other. A few months ago, all I'd hear from Jo was what Beau did, what he failed to do, and how much she despised my brother. As I've started paying more attention, I picked up on the fact that she doesn't utter a single word of him. As long as he isn't brought up by someone else in conversation, she acts as if they are complete and total strangers.

And believe me, they are far from being strangers.

Two days ago I came to face the very thing they've worked precariously to spin a web of lies around. They came into the cafeteria, did a very poor job of hiding the fact that they'd just came back from having sex god knows where (seriously the most horrifying thing my eyes have come to witness), they exchanged a few words and managed to lie to everyone they passed. Including me. Like the idiot I've been for the past few months, I would have believed Jo and every word that came out of her mouth. Maybe I would've made a joke about that supposed history test taking so much of a toll on her that she looked like she just ran a marathon around the entire goddamn tri state area, but that's because I wouldn't have known any better.

But since that day, I've picked up on a whole list of clues so long it made me want to ram my head into a wall. I realized they weren't hiding anything at all, they were just too fucking smart. Smarter than me apparently because it took me forever to figure it out. They didn't hide their affection, they just did it in places they thought they wouldn't get caught. Unbeknownst to them, they have, and now they have a constant pair of eyes trying to piece together what the actual fuck is going on between them.

Those two fucks are complicated as shit, I'll tell you that much. I have absolutely no clue how they deal with one another. They're polar opposites. Seemingly on opposite ends of the damn universe. They bump heads, a lot, but somehow, someway, they always end up sneaking away together and figuring shit out. When they return, it's as if nothing happened, they're back to doing whatever it is that they do when they think no one's watching.

I'm watching. It's P.I. Sophie up in this bitch.

Seriously though, connecting all the dots, gathering as much information as I could, it inclined me to consider getting a job with the FBI. I swear with my skills, they'd be all over my ass.

I could have a whole damn novel written about the shit I've seen them do. I'm talking a ton of little things I would have never noticed if I didn't already get the hint that they were more than what they'd led everyone to believe. Brief passings of their fingertips in the hallways at school, Beau playing with the necklaces around her neck at her locker, arguing in hushed tones behind the school buildings. No one goes behind the buildings if they don't have something to hide. Everyone knows this. Anyone who goes back there is doing some shady shit without a doubt. Whether it's to get high before their next class or buy off drugs from someone else who has the connections or even just a quick makeout session, you go there when you don't want anyone else knowing what you're doing. That made it almost crystal clear to me they were truly going to extreme lengths to conceal their secret.

Their arguments were never that bad. Disagreements more like. She'd be fuming one minute and throwing her arms around him the next. It was more of those 'lovers' quarrel' shits that naturally came with being in a relationship.

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