get ready to party bitches

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Curling my hair is a complete bitch. My arms hurt. My legs hurt. My bathroom feels like a fucking sauna and I've only been at it for all of an hour. I made the right call in deciding not to do my makeup just yet, instead hold it off until after my hair was done the way I wanted it to be. Turns out, I probably would have sweat through my foundation.

I keep the door to the bathroom closed so that the heat and the humid smell of burnt hair doesn't trail into my bedroom. It feels like I'm just chilling out in the devil's asshole right now, but when I finally step out into the cool air conditioned room instant relief washes over me.

Instantly as I go to sit down in front of my vanity, my phone starts buzzing on my bed. I make the lazy move to try to reach for it while my ass is still on the chair, like an idiot expecting a different result. Just as expected, my short arms can't reach and I have to physically walk towards the damn thing. I tap on the screen once to activate the call screen.

"Hey, Soph," I say into the phone. I sit back down in my chair and actually take my phone with me this time, along with the remote to my TV so I can have control over my music.

"Hey," she chirps, as cheerful as ever, "Did you get the pictures that I sent you? Which one should I wear?"

Her typical dilemma whenever we go out: what she should wear. I think her whole closet is a dream come true, there's not one article of clothing on those racks that doesn't tie into a glamorous outfit. Even her pajamas are delicate silk and could pass as elegant slips. "The first one. The one with the black top that laces up in the back," I answer. Realistically, I forgot to text her back on my final decision. I was too busy clipping my hair out of my face to type a few measly words, but Sophie doesn't seem to mind as long as her question gets answered sometime within the hour.

"Great choice," she compliments. In the background, I hear some distant giggling. Veronica is catching a ride with us today. She's the only person out of our friend group that lives at a walking distance from Sophie. So we'll be Ubering ourselves to Adelaide's house because I can't drive and both girls plan on drinking tonight. That could be me but I make a promise it'd take some real convincing not to go back on. They don't know about that promise though, so there's not a doubt in my mind that my best friend will be the one trying to get me to 'let loose'. "Whatcha wearing?" she asks.

I look at my clothes laid out on the bed. A white off-the-shoulder top that shows a small hint of cleavage and a pair of black jeans I've worn enough times to know they hug my curves perfectly and feel comfortable too. Adelaide's 'party' is mostly going to be filled with other girls, it was strictly a girls' night. Or at least what the birthday girl herself made it seem like.

I'm hoping it's a girls' night. If it's not, that's definitely going to give me a reason to avoid alcohol at all costs. I swear to god I've just about had it with boys, all of them.

Except Beau, of course. But even with him there's times where I can't stand him.

Tucking my phone between my ear and my shoulder, I free both hands to be able to be ready by the time that the Uber gets here. Any more stalling and I won't be able to do much with my makeup.

Not that I'm capable of doing much to begin with.

Makeup is undoubtedly an art form. One I cannot excel in. I can do a decent cut crease and a sharp eyeliner wing with the help of tape, but that's pretty much about it. I admire those who can go all out though, that takes some damn talent.

"It's a surprise," I smile, "The boyfriend will approve I'm sure." Correction: the boyfriend doesn't 'approve' anything. I wear what I want and he doesn't mind it one bit, but  Beau is anything but silent about how some guys' eyes wander over places they shouldn't be. He likes to say his eyes are the only ones that get to stare at my boobs and I whole-heartedly agree with that, despite how it may sound to other people. A stranger's eyes on me with unwarranted desire makes a queasy feeling settle at the pit of my stomach. It's become such a problem that I'm bringing a jacket with me just in case.

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