I'm sorry

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Hey guys, yesterday I posted a part asking you all to vote on if I should discontinue and rewrite or continue.

Two people answered and both asked me to continue this book. Although after speaking with some friends and doing some thinking of my own I came to the conclusion that rewriting is the best choice.

Now I feel bad about this because I asked people to vote then went and did my own thing anyway but hopefully if I explain my reasoning you guys won't be too upset with me.

Number 1. When I started What Lies Beneath the surface I was very new to writing and the style was sloppy and the storyline was messed up.

Number 2. Throughout writing I was not organized at all, the plot changed multiple times such as me deciding to kill off Scar two minutes before writing the chapter he died in.

Number 3. I lost motivation due to the bad writing multiple times, and I've been wanting to discontinue and rewrite for a while now.

I hope you all understand, in the rewrite I will be giving What Lies Beneath the Surface a new name and cover. Once again I am so so sorry because I know many of you wanted me to continue, I'll try to work as hard as I can to get back to the point we are in the story line as quickly as possible. I hope to see you in the rewrite.

Edit: The rewrite's name is Naïve Daydreams so if you want go check it out

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2021 ⏰

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