Chapter 4

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After the meeting had ended Iskall traveled back to his RV.After awhile he finally stoped thinking of the past few weeks and once more began acting like himself again, much to the delight of his friends.Although still avoided the woods at all costs.As the sun went down one day he returned to his RV and went to bed.He and Grian hung out with each other a lot doing many projects  together and over all just talking.
  Grian sat there intertwining the stems of flowers together tying them into a flower crown.Iskall sat behind him sketching up plans for redstone circuitry.They both sat there for awhile until Grian had finished making his flower crown, he held it in the air for a second before placing on his head and smiling.Iskall chuckled at his friend's excitement.Grian after became increasingly bored waiting for Iskall to finish his sketches,"Are you almost done?" He asked multiple times before Iskall finally answered with,"Yes give me one second," he put the final detail on the sketch and got up.Grian also quickly stood up almost causing the flower crown resting on his head to fall off,"what should we do now?" Iskall asked his short friend,"Well I'm out of flowers, we should go pick some at the flower field," Grian answered excitedly.Iskall was slightly worried at first not really wanting to go to a remote area but Grian's enthusiasm convinced him, it was decently far away from area 77 Doc and Scar wouldn't be there.He hesitantly followed Grian to the flower field, as they arrived he looked around the clearing full of flowers happy he decided to go.Iskall watched as Grian gleefully darted around the field smiling at the flowers he saw sometimes picking ones he liked.Iskall sat down against a tall oak tree, some time pasted and Iskall became increasingly tried, Grian's running around slowly turned into slow walking as he also became tried.Iskall stood up,"Hey, Grian," Grian turned around to look at Iskall,"It's getting late we should head back," even though Grian was tried he wished he could stay in the field longer but he knew Iskall was right.The two travels back to the camp together, by the time they got back the sun had set leaving Iskall with the same thought of his encounter with Doc and Scar.He shook the thought from his mind and told his friend goodbye before heading back to his RV and throwing himself onto his bed and going to sleep.
  Iskall woke up in the morning the thought from last night being completely gone leaving him feeling happy and excited from the day.He met up with Impulse and worked on a redstone project with him.The two had fun laughing at each others jokes and over all having a good time.When they finished the sun was beginning to set, but as it got dark the thought of the encounter never entered his mind.Ren had made a fire outside his RV that him and Grian were sitting and talking by.Impulse and Iskall joined them and they sat there talking and laughing for what seemed to be hours.When the fire had started to die down (and Grian fell asleep falling of the log he was sitting on) they parted ways and headed back to their RVs.Iskall once more flopped onto his bed feeling completely content, for the first time in the past two weeks Iskall haven't thought of the event that haunted his mind for an entire day.
  Grian got up in the morning tried to make himself pancakes (which he almost burned) and went outside, he met up with Ren and the two talked while waiting for Iskall and Impulse to wake up.When the two finally got up they met up chatting for a while before Impulse went of to do his own thing.Ren and Grian talked about going on a walk in the woods but Iskall had an uneasy look on his face which Grian quickly realized that Iskall was afraid to return to the forest he almost died in.Grian and Ren decided to depart on their walk after Iskall told them they shouldn't stay back because of him.Grian and Ren joked as they walked through the trees.Grian was distracted at one point by a patch of flowers that he went over to investigate, Ren notice him walking over to the flowers and waited for his friend to finish looking at the flower.Although as he walked over to the patch of yellow flower he tripped, falling into a trip wire, opening the ground under him, and causing him to fall into a hole in the ground.Twigs and stones ripped his sweater and scratched at his arms and legs.Ren ran over leaning over the pit,"Grian! Are you okay?" Ren sounds panicked,"Hold on," Ren leaned forward reaching out his hand.Grian grabbed his hand and Ren pulled him out.Grian laid on the ground for a second, his back hurt from him falling and his arms and legs hurt from the twigs and stones that scraped at him.Ren help him up and looked worried at him before they both turned around horrified at they heard a deep voice,"Well, well, well, what do we have here."

Word count-935

This chapter took me extra long to write since I'm not used to writing very lighthearted things
Although it was also very fun to write because every time I thought about Iskall almost like a tired father as Grian runs around picking flowers I felt so happy
But of course I have to get back to what I'm good at A N G S T

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