Chapter 10

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The tears dripping down Grian's face hitting the ground in sync with every time he stepped.Iskall was in front of him, he couldn't see the taller man's face only the back his blood stained hoodie.Ren walked in front of both of them despite him limping.Ren parted the bushes and stepped through, Impulse ran happily over to greet him.Impulse stopped in his tracks as he saw tears and blood on Ren's face, he watched in horror as Iskall stepped out of the bushes carrying False.
   Minutes passed like hours as Ren and Grian sat there, Grian was now sobbing uncontrollably as Ren tried his best to tell him it was going to be okay although still not being able to hold back tears of his own.Iskall refused to leave False's side as Impulse tried to help her.Grian had lost sense of how long he had been sitting there, he knew it could have been no more then a few hours but it felt like days. Eventually Impulse opened the door to the RV, Grian jumped up,"Is she okay!" Impulse looked up, tears ran down his face giving Grian his answer,"I-I'm so, so sorry," He looked at Grian.Grian staggered back and collapsed to the ground covering his face with his hands as he crying she was gone, she was really gone.

Scar watched as Ren, False, Grian, and Iskall ran down the corridor, come with us, Grian's words echoed through his head.He would have loved nothing more then to have taken Grian's hand, but there was one last thing he needed to know.Scar walked down the hall towards the small room, as he walked into the room he sat on the bed which Jellie was already asleep on.He cupped his head in his hands, he needed to know who it was, he needed-, Scar's thoughts were interrupted by a loud knock on the door.Scar took a deep breath and opened the door,"Yes?" almost as soon as the word escaped Scar's mouth Doc shoved the door open,"I know you helped them," Scar knew he needed Doc to trust him,
"What are you talking about?"
"Don't play dumb! You helped them!"
"Are you insane, I've been here since you told me to leave!"
Doc growled before turning around and leaving the room.Scar sighed and fell back down to his bed, he needed to know, he needed to know.

1 month later

  Grian walked around the camp, a month had passed yet nothing got better.He and Ren were alone in the camp, Iskall and Impulse didn't stop by very often returning to their bases temporarily.Grian didn't want to be alone thought so he stayed at the camp with Ren.It was early morning, he was waiting for Ren to wake up.The fog was thick making it hard to see anything a foot away from your face.Ren's voice came from behind him,"Hey Grian, how are you," Ren walked into sight,"Good," Grian replied.Ren walked over to Grian who looked at the ground,"I-I just wish it could go back to normal, I wish Xisuma was here he could fix all of this," Grian said.Ren hugged Grian for a short moment before being interrupted,"Don't be so sure."

  A month had passed and yet Scar was no closer to figuring it out.He walked around the corridors, he came across Doc who grabbed Scar's arm as he passed,"Get your sword, we're going," Scar didn't think to question it, he just nodded and when to get his sword.The two set off they wondered through the forest, this brought back terrible memories.They came across the camp, due to the fog Scar hadn't realized where they were going.Scar froze for a second as Doc proceeded forward.As Scar stood there he heard Grian talk,"I-I just wish it could go back to normal, I wish Xisuma was here he could fix all of this," Scar felt great sympathy for Grian as he spoke.Doc chucked slightly and said,"Don't be so sure."

  Grian staggered back grabbing his sword that he now always carried with him.The fog had began to clear enough that he could see Doc standing there, a smile on his face.He looked back to see Ren who stepped back, looking forward back to Doc he saw Scar standing horror struck behind Doc.Grian prepared to fight, Doc quickly disappeared into the fog reappearing beside Ren startling him.Doc grabbed Ren by the neck of his shirt, throwing him into the side of his RV.Ren fell to the ground unconscious,"Ren!" Grian called but he quickly regained his posture, facing Doc once more.Grian charged at him, but Doc quickly blocked his hit.Their blades clashed as the blocked each other's hits, Grian struggled to keep up.Doc aimed for the handle of Grian's sword knocking it out of his hand leaving him defenseless.Doc swung at Grian's shoulder, Grian staggered back and fell.Doc pointed his sword at Grian's chest before drawing it back, Grian closed his eyes tears running down his face,Was this the end?

Word count- 900

Sorry for the relatively short chapter I wrote this pretty late at night with not much of a plan
I wanted to clear something up
Scar doesn't actually know that False is dead and that's why he doesn't leave immediately
Also when Doc said "Don't be so sure," he was talking about Grian saying Xisuma could fix all of this

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