Chapter 2

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  It had been two weeks since Iskall had joined the hippies.He had been having a lot of fun hanging got with Grian and the others but something still bothered him about what had happened two weeks ago.He shook it off and continued on the redstone contraption,"Hey Iskall," He turned to see Ren looking at him,"We're gonna meet up to talk about what's next," Iskall stood up,"Okay I'll be there in one second." Ren walked off and Iskall began putting away his tools.

  Scar sat his room, although he it had been two weeks he still felt awful about what had happened with Iskall.After Iskall had pushed him away and started running Scar had to prevent Doc from chasing Iskall down,"Who's side are you on!" He had said,"Yours Doc, you know I am!" Scar defended himself,"Then start acting like it," Doc had scoffed and walked away.As Scar had thought about it for the past two weeks.Doc's plans worried him but he was right..... right?

  Iskall met up with the others and they began discussing their plans,"So do we really have any plan?" Impulse asked,"Nope" Ren and Grian said at the same time,"Well we should probably appoint a leader before we try anything," Iskall suggested,"Sounds like a good idea to me," Grian agreed.They talked it out for a while Ren suggesting Grian as the leader but Grian quickly said that Ren would be better.To Ren's surprise the others agreed,"I guess I could be the leader," Ren said trying his very best to hide how excited he was,"Then it's settled Ren is our leader," As Impulse said this he smiled at Ren who in turn smiled back.The four of them went back to what they were doing beforehand.

  As Grian went to head back into his RV he felt a tap on his shoulder.He turned around to see Ren behind him,"Hey dude, can I ask you something?" Ren asked Grian,"yea sure," Grian looked at Ren curiously,"Well, I want you do be my right hand man," Grian was taken aback for a second before he happily agreed.Ren walked back to his RV, as he turned around to close the door he once more saw a very excited Grian running off to tell Iskall.Ren sighed and wonder if it was a good idea to put that chaotic gremlin in a position of power.

  Scar had joined Doc back at area 77 although he still felt uneasy about what had happened.As the sun began to go down  he stared at the setting sun he sighed, he wish he could go apologize but he didn't know how they would react to seeing Scar since they had officially declared war.He headed back inside and after working for awhile he fell asleep.He was  woken up by Doc at about one in the morning,"Get up Scar," Doc said strictly and he woke up Scar,"It's the middle of the night Doc, what do you want?" Scar stood up and look at Doc annoyed that he woke him up,
"Heard something in the woods,"
"And your waking me up for this?"
"Yes come on,"
Scar sighed a got up Doc told him to bring his sword which he hesitantly did.They set off towards the forest Scar once again getting a uneasy feeling.

  Iskall finished up his redstone project he looked up to see that it was eleven o' clock at night.He headed over to the RV he had been staying in and went to sleep.He woke back up at one in the morning once more thinking about what happened with him and Scar.He decided to go on a walk to clear his mind.He walked along the woods line and tried his best to clear his mind.As he walked around he heard talking in the distance coming from the forest.He ran back to his RV grabbing his sword and heading off toward where he heard the voices.

  Scar and Doc walked through the woods for what seemed like hours even though Scar knew it had only been a few minutes.The uneasy feeling Scar had returned as they through the trees,"I guess it was nothing," Doc said rather disappointed.They started walking back to area 77 when Scar tripped over a tree root has Doc to chuckle,"Haha laugh it up," Scar said annoyed,"Sorry," Doc said still laughing.Scar stood up and they kept walking until he heard what sound like someone running toward them.Iskall skidded to a halt as he saw Doc and Scar standing in the clear.Doc quickly grab his sword causing Iskall to also take out his.Doc ran at him and Iskall quickly blocked his hit.Scar stood watching in horror as the two fought.Doc was trying to land hits that would have proved fatal if Iskall hadn't blocked them.Worried that if he let the battle go on Iskall would not be able to block one of Doc's blows, Scar ran at Iskall pulling him away from Doc and pinning him to a tree.He took out his sword and pointed it toward Iskall.Iskall put him hands up and worriedly looked at Scar.Scar once again felt awful as he was back it the same position he regretted so much.Doc smiled at looked at Scar he walked around to him and whispered,"kill him."

Word count-892

Sorry for the cliffhanger

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