Chatper 5

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  Iskall watched at his friends walked into the forest they waved goodbye and Iskall watched them until they disappeared behind the trees.He sighed and stood up, he headed back to RV but as he reached the door a voice came from behind him,"Hey Iskall, everything alright?" Iskall turned around to see Mumbo a worried look on his face,"Oh yeah, I'm just a little worried about Ren and Grian." Mumbo looked at him confused,"What happened?" Mumbo asked looking slightly more worried,"They just went on a walk it the forest," Mumbo was confused why this worried Iskall so much before he remembered what Grian had told him.Mumbo tried to think of a way the make his friend feel better,"Well, do you want me to stay he til they come back?" Iskall looked up at Mumbo and nodded. The two talked for a while before a scream for the forest caught their attention,"Grain!" Iskall yelled as he jumped up darted towards the sound Mumbo following close after him.

  Grian stepped back and Ren pulled his sword.Grian also went to grab his sword only to realize he had left it back at the camp.Doc chuckled stepping forward his sword in hand, Ren stared at Doc preparing for him to attack.With another laugh he sprang towards him, their swords clashed with a metallic clank.Grian watched in horror as the tow fought unable to do anything to help his friend.Ren blocked Docs hits, rarely getting a chance to strike between Doc's attacks.One of the times Ren got a chance to attack instead of blocking the attack Doc took the opportunity to strike at Ren, dragging his sword across Ren's shoulder.Grian yelled in horror as Ren staggered back in pain and shock, Doc grabbed Ren by his shirt throwing him into a tree behind them.Ren fell to the ground unconscious leaving Grian without a weapon alone with Doc.He tried to run but he was quickly stopped by Doc as he grabbed his arm shoving him back into the pit he had fallen in before.Grian tried to climb up but he couldn't, the sound of footsteps slowly disappeared leaving Grian alone and stuck.He fell to his knees crying, he felt so helpless.

  Iskall ran through the forest Mumbo trailing after him. Eventually he came a crossed a small clearing, there was blood  covering a small portion of the grass letting Iskall know that he was in the right place.He looked around to see a hole is the ground and ran over to it.He looked down to see Grian his knees pulled up to his chest and his head buried in his arms,"Grian!" Iskall yelled, Grian looked up tears raced down his face.He stood up and looked at the two.Suddenly it hit Iskall like a ton of bricks Where was Ren? Mumbo help Grian out as Iskall walked back over to the spot where blood stained the grass.Grian looked at them panicked as he frantically tried to explain speaking so fast neither Mumbo or Iskall could understand him.Mumbo calmed him down enough so when he explained this time they could understand him.Iskall pulled his sword and began following the trail of blood,"Iskall! Where do you think you're doing?" Mumbo left Grian's side and grabbed Iskall's arm.Iskall turned around tears running down his face,"I'm going to find Ren!" He pulled his arm out off Mumbo's grip,"Iskall, if you go in there you will die!" Iskall looked at him,"You're going to be no help to Ren if your dead.We should get Grian back and get help." Iskall lowered his head,"You're right." Iskall looked at Mumbo who smiled at him.

Scar sat in his room petting his cat Jellie.He decided he should head over to area 77, he put Jellie down at set off.He got there and much to his surprise Doc wasn't there.He worked on small things around the place before he heard the mechanical door opening,"Scar!" He heard Doc call.He walked down to where he heard Doc,"Hey dude, what do y-" Scar stopped in his tracks at the sight of Doc standing the blood on him and his sword Ren laying unconscious beside him,"What did you do!" Scar yelled,"Calm down he isn't dead."

Word count-718

Sorry about this chapter being short

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